
It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity

author:Rehabilitation physician An Hengyuan

Do you realize that breakfast is not only the beginning of the day, but also the first step in caring for your body? As you get older, have you ever wondered how to make your immune system stronger?

Is there a breakfast that can be like a key to open the door to the body's immunity? Next, I will take you to find this key!

It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity

1. If middle-aged and elderly people want to improve their immunity, they should eat more of these 3 breakfasts!

The body's line of defense is the immune system, which is responsible for fighting pathogens and keeping the body's environment stable. Protein is the building block for building and maintaining this immune system, just as important as the masonry of a building.

This is because proteins are the building blocks for the body to synthesize antibodies. Antibodies are special proteins that play a key role in the immune response. They are able to identify and neutralize invading viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens, protecting the body from damage.

Proteins are also involved in regulating cell signaling in the immune system. Communication between immune cells is fundamental to the proper functioning of the immune system. Proteins, as part of signaling molecules and receptors, are able to regulate the activity of immune cells, ensuring a rapid and accurate response of the immune system to external threats.

Therefore, by consuming a variety of proteins through the diet, you can ensure that the body has enough resources to cope with various pathogens. This way our immune system can function better and protect our health.

It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity

1. Oatmeal and nut yogurt cups

Oatmeal and nut yogurt breakfast is a powerful assistant for the immunity of middle-aged and elderly people, they are like an efficient team, through the synergy of various nutrients, escort the health of middle-aged and elderly people.

Oatmeal is the "striker" of immunity. It is rich in β-glucan, like a keen scout, able to stimulate the immune system and improve the ability to recognize and attack pathogens. On the battlefield of immunity, β-glucan is like a banner, leading immune forces such as macrophages to launch a fierce attack on pathogens.

Nuts are the "midfield" of immunity. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are able to balance the immune system's response, reduce inflammation, and improve the body's ability to fight infections. Trace elements such as zinc, magnesium, vitamin E and antioxidants in nuts are like a nourishment for the immune system, providing essential nutrients and energy for the immune system.

It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity

Yogurt acts as the "defender" of immunity. It is rich in probiotics that maintain the balance of intestinal flora and protect the gut, which is the regulatory center of the immune system. Probiotics work together to keep your gut healthy, which affects the overall performance of your immune system.

Finally, the high fiber content of breakfast acts like a steady goalkeeper. It guards the normal peristalsis of the intestines, promotes excretion, reduces the retention of toxins in the body, and reduces the burden on the immune system.

This "team" composed of oatmeal, nut yogurt and breakfast together improves the immunity of middle-aged and elderly people and builds a healthy line of defense for them by performing their duties and working together.

It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity

2. Vegetable omelet with whole wheat toast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and this breakfast is a strong support for immunity. With eggs as the protagonist, this protein-rich ingredient acts as a leader, leading the rest of the nutrients to protect the immune system.

Protein is an important nutrient necessary for the body to synthesize antibodies, enzymes, and hormones, and plays a vital role in the production and function of immune cells. Imagine that antibodies are like the backbone of the immune system, able to quickly recognize and neutralize pathogens. Enzymes and hormones act as messengers, ensuring that information is transmitted smoothly within the immune system.

The addition of vegetables adds a rich color and texture to the breakfast. Not only do they provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which act as cheerleaders to fuel the immune system. They work synergistically to help boost the immune system's resistance and make the body stronger in the face of pathogens.

It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity

Whole wheat toast is a source of energy. The complex carbohydrates it contains provide a constant source of energy support for the immune system. With sufficient energy, the immune system can continue to perform at its best, ready to fight off foreign pathogens.

3. Sandwiches with lean meat and cheese

Not only is this option delicious, but it's packed with all the nutrients your immune system needs. Lean meat is a high-quality source of protein, rich in trace elements such as zinc and iron, which are essential for the normal function of immune cells. Cheese is rich in calcium and vitamin D, which are beneficial for the regulation and maintenance of the immune system. The vegetable level in the sandwich further increases the intake of vitamins and minerals, supporting the body's immune function in all aspects.

These three breakfasts are not only delicious, but also provide comprehensive and balanced nutritional support for middle-aged and elderly people, helping to strengthen the immune system and improve the body's resistance. So how can you tell if your immunity is weak or strong?

It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity

2. The 3 major manifestations of poor immunity in middle-aged and elderly people, see if there are you?

Middle-aged and elderly people have relatively poor immunity and often show a range of symptoms, such as being prone to colds, infections and long recovery time from trauma.

1. It is easy to catch a cold

The immune system, the guardian of our body, makes antibodies, special proteins, which are used to recognize and destroy pathogens that try to invade, such as cold viruses. However, as we age, the immune system may gradually lose its ability to produce enough antibodies, resulting in a decrease in the body's resistance to cold viruses.

A key factor in this is immune aging. Immune aging, simply put, is a state in which the function of the immune system is weakened and its regulatory ability is unbalanced. In this state, the immune system may not be able to respond flexibly to external threats, giving cold viruses a chance to bypass the immune system's defenses and cause colds to occur.

It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity

So, for middle-aged and elderly people, how to maintain the health of the immune system? The answer is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, a reasonable diet and proper exercise. These Xi can help boost the function of the immune system and improve the body's resistance to cold viruses. At the same time, regular flu vaccination is also an effective preventive measure that can help middle-aged and elderly people reduce the risk of colds.

2. Easy to get infected

At a young age, the immune system builds memories of various pathogens through constant contact and Xi so that it can respond more quickly and forcefully if it encounters the same pathogens again. However, as we age, this memory function may weaken, causing the immune system to respond relatively slowly to new pathogens, increasing the risk of infection.

The inflammatory response in the immune system is also an important factor affecting the risk of infection in middle-aged and older adults. While inflammation is a normal response of the immune system, aging of the immune system can lead to an over- or dysregulated inflammatory response. This allows the immune system to produce too much or too little inflammation in the face of infection, which affects its effectiveness against pathogens, which in turn increases the probability of infection.

It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity

3. Long recovery time for minor trauma

Inflammation is an important process in wound healing, helping to remove pathogens and cellular debris from the injured area, facilitating repair. However, a decrease in the function of the immune system may lead to an excessive or inadequate inflammatory response, affecting the normal progress of wound healing.

Middle-aged and older adults may also face a chronic inflammatory state, which is also known as "inflammatory aging". Chronic inflammation keeps the immune system in a state of high activation, but it is not flexible enough to respond. In this case, even minor trauma, the immune system may be overactivated or unable to regulate effectively, affecting the speed of wound healing.

These phenomena remind middle-aged and elderly people to pay more attention to health preservation in their daily lives, and improve their immunity and reduce potential health risks through reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and regular daily rest. If you find yourself or your family members have these conditions, you should prevent the occurrence of these 2 diseases as early as possible!

It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity

3. Middle-aged and elderly people have poor immunity, so we must prevent two diseases as early as possible!

The decline of immunity in middle-aged and elderly people is a natural physiological process, but in order to maintain good health, it is particularly important to prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic pain in advance.

1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

The immune system of middle-aged and elderly people is gradually aging, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has become a common respiratory disease. Due to weakened immunity, middle-aged and elderly people are more susceptible to respiratory infections, while chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is often closely related to environmental factors such as long-term smoking and air pollution.

It is crucial to take early steps to prevent COPD. This not only reduces the excessive burden on the immune system of the patient, but also helps to slow down the aging process of the respiratory system. A sensible lifestyle and regular respiratory exercises are effective ways to keep your respiratory system healthy. These measures can help improve the resistance of middle-aged and elderly people to respiratory infections and reduce the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

For middle-aged and older adults who already have COPD, aggressive treatment and management are also very important. By working with your doctor to develop a suitable treatment plan and improve your lifestyle and dietary Xi, you can reduce symptoms, delay the progression of the disease, and improve your quality of life.

It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity

2. Chronic pain

As they age, middle-aged and elderly people often face chronic pain, such as arthritis and neuropathy. These pain problems not only affect quality of life, but can also place an additional burden on the immune system. Due to a decrease in immunity, the inflammatory response may become uncontrolled, further exacerbating pain sensations.

It is very important to take steps in advance to prevent chronic pain. By reducing the burden on the immune system, the body is more focused on fighting real pathogens. Exercising properly, maintaining an appropriate weight, and getting regular medical checkups are all effective preventive measures. These measures help reduce the risk of chronic pain and maintain the overall balance of the body.

There is often a strong link between COPD and chronic pain. Chronic pain can cause tension in the respiratory muscles and increase the burden on the respiratory system. In turn, discomfort in the respiratory system can exacerbate pain sensations, creating a vicious cycle. Therefore, it is important for middle-aged and older adults to pay attention to the prevention and management of chronic pain. By taking appropriate measures, you can reduce the burden on your immune system, improve your quality of life, and maintain your body's health and balance.

It is very important to supplement protein in breakfast, doctor: middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 more breakfasts to improve the body's immunity


In the hustle and bustle of life, we sometimes neglect to take care of our bodies. However, by focusing on protein intake for breakfast, we can contribute to the body's immunity in middle-aged and older adults. These three breakfasts, oatmeal and nut yogurt cups, vegetable omelet with whole-wheat toast, and sandwiches with lean meats and cheese, are not only delightful for the taste buds, but also a medical wisdom.