
Does eating salt affect the length of life?3 major hazards correspond to 3 major organs, especially the elderly should eat less

author:Lao Zhang's medical science
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  • On a busy street in Beijing, there is a quaint TCM clinic owned by a TCM practitioner named Zhao Dakang, who is loved by his patients for his superb medical skills and kind personality. One morning, a retired teacher named Auntie Chen, who had been feeling dizzy and weak lately, came to the clinic.

    "Aunt Chen, you have eaten too much salt and are unwell. Zhao Dakang said with a smile while checking Aunt Chen's pulse.

    Does eating salt affect the length of life?3 major hazards correspond to 3 major organs, especially the elderly should eat less

    Aunt Chen asked in surprise, "Will it be like this if you eat too much salt?"

    Zhao Dakang nodded: "Of course, eating too much salt will bring three major harms to the body, especially to the heart, blood vessels and kidneys. Too much salt will increase blood pressure, increase the burden on the heart, and also pose a great challenge to the blood vessels. Moreover, a long-term high-salt diet can also affect the function of the kidneys. ”

    Does eating salt affect the length of life?3 major hazards correspond to 3 major organs, especially the elderly should eat less

    Aunt Chen listened attentively, she had never realized this before.

    "Did you know?" Zhao continued, "according to research, excessive salt intake is one of the important causes of high blood pressure. Moreover, patients with hypertension can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease if they can effectively control their salt intake. ”

    Aunt Chen nodded her head in understanding, and she decided to reduce her salt intake in the future.

    Does eating salt affect the length of life?3 major hazards correspond to 3 major organs, especially the elderly should eat less

    Zhao Dakang gave another example: "In the past, there was a patient who liked to eat salted fish, pickled vegetables and other high-salt foods every day. He was later diagnosed with high blood pressure, and after adjusting his dietary Xi and reducing salt intake, his blood pressure gradually returned to normal. ”

    After hearing this, Aunt Chen was deeply inspired, thanked Zhao Dakang for his advice, and decided to completely change her diet and Xi habits when she returned home.

    At the door of the clinic, Zhao Dakang suddenly asked a question that seemed unrelated: "Aunt Chen, do you know why many elderly people like to eat sweets?"

    Does eating salt affect the length of life?3 major hazards correspond to 3 major organs, especially the elderly should eat less

    Aunt Chen turned around and looked at Zhao Dakang curiously.

    Zhao Dakang smiled and explained: "This question seems to have nothing to do with the salt intake we discussed, but it is actually the same reason. As we age, our sense of taste gradually decreases, and older people tend to have a more susceptible taste to sweetness, so they prefer sweets.

    However, too much sugar intake can also have negative effects on the body, such as an increased risk of diabetes. Therefore, whether it is salt or sugar, moderate intake is very important for the elderly. ”

    Does eating salt affect the length of life?3 major hazards correspond to 3 major organs, especially the elderly should eat less

    These words made Aunt Chen suddenly realize, and she realized that not only salt, but also sugar intake also needs to be careful. After thanking Zhao Dakang for his advice, Aunt Chen walked out of the clinic with a new understanding and determination.

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    Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!