
The silver bracelet is black, remember not to wash it with toothpaste! Teach you a trick, wash it as bright as new and don't drop the grams

author:Tricks to make life more interesting

The silver bracelet is black and dirty, remember not to wash it with toothpaste! Teach you a simple trick, wash it as bright as new and not lose grams.

The silver bracelet is black, remember not to wash it with toothpaste! Teach you a trick, wash it as bright as new and don't drop the grams

When it comes to silver bracelets, everyone must be familiar with them. Many children like to wear silver bracelets, whether they are elderly or children, they are very fond of wearing silver bracelets. Silver bracelets are not only elegant, but also very good-looking and can add to the wearer's temperament. However, silver bracelets are easy to lose luster and even blacken after being worn for a long time, which not only affects the appearance, but also greatly reduces the value of silver bracelets. And, there are some things to keep in mind when wearing a silver bracelet. So, if a silver bracelet gets dirty, how do you clean it properly?

The silver bracelet is black, remember not to wash it with toothpaste! Teach you a trick, wash it as bright as new and don't drop the grams

First of all, we need to understand why silver bracelets turn black. In fact, the main reason for the blackening of silver bracelets is the oxidation of the air. This is because when the oxygen in the air comes into contact with the silver bracelet, it will produce an oxidation reaction, which will cause the surface of the silver bracelet to lose its luster and gradually turn black. Silver is a very reactive metal, so when it comes into contact with oxygen in the air, it slowly oxidizes and turns black. In addition, substances such as sweat, perfume, etc., may also accelerate the oxidation process of silver bracelets. Therefore, when wearing silver bracelets, we need to take care to avoid contact with these substances.

The silver bracelet is black, remember not to wash it with toothpaste! Teach you a trick, wash it as bright as new and don't drop the grams

Some people may use whitening toothpaste to clean silver bracelets, but this is not the right way to do it, and it is actually a misconception. Although whitening toothpaste has a certain cleaning effect, the abrasives in it may scratch the surface of the silver bracelet, causing it to oxidize more easily. So, how do you clean a silver bracelet properly? Next, I will introduce you to two ways to clean a silver bracelet.

The silver bracelet is black, remember not to wash it with toothpaste! Teach you a trick, wash it as bright as new and don't drop the grams

The first way is to use soapy water. Put the silver bracelet in warm water, add the appropriate amount of soapy water, then gently brush it with a toothbrush, and then rinse it off with clean water, so that you can easily clean the silver bracelet and make the silver bracelet look new.

The silver bracelet is black, remember not to wash it with toothpaste! Teach you a trick, wash it as bright as new and don't drop the grams

The second method requires a piece of tin foil. Place the dirty silver bracelet in the bowl and wrap the tin foil around the bowl. Next, add some salt, add boiling water, and let it sit for about eight minutes. Using the high-temperature environment of salt and tin foil, the silver bracelet is replaced by a replacement reaction, and the silver oxide is reduced to elemental silver, so that the luster of the silver bracelet can be restored. Finally, we can scrub the surface with a waste toothbrush to brush the dirt off it, the effect is very noticeable, and the gloss is restored.

The silver bracelet is black, remember not to wash it with toothpaste! Teach you a trick, wash it as bright as new and don't drop the grams

Finally, I would like to share with you some dos and don'ts when wearing a silver bracelet. First of all, it is best not to wear a silver bracelet while exercising. Because the shaking amplitude of the hand is large during exercise, it is easy to throw off or damage the silver bracelet. Moreover, the sweat that comes out during exercise is acidic and can corrode the surface of the silver bracelet causing it to turn black.

The silver bracelet is black, remember not to wash it with toothpaste! Teach you a trick, wash it as bright as new and don't drop the grams

Secondly, don't wear silver bracelets when bathing either. This is because the chemicals contained in the toiletries used in the bath may react with silver bracelets, causing their surface to turn black or cause chemical corrosion. At the same time, silver bracelets can also cause damage if they accidentally slip into the toilet or sewer.

The silver bracelet is black, remember not to wash it with toothpaste! Teach you a trick, wash it as bright as new and don't drop the grams

Finally, don't wear silver bracelets when applying makeup. Because chemical ingredients such as lead and mercury contained in cosmetics may react with silver bracelets, causing their surface to turn black or tarnish. Also, rubbing makeup on a silver bracelet while applying makeup can also cause damage or contamination.

The silver bracelet is black, remember not to wash it with toothpaste! Teach you a trick, wash it as bright as new and don't drop the grams

It is very important to properly clean and maintain silver bracelets. Only with the right cleaning and precautions can silver bracelets maintain their shiny shine as new, show their unique beauty and value, and also extend their lifespan. At the same time, when wearing silver bracelets, you also need to pay attention to avoid contact with some substances to prolong its service life and maintain its aesthetics. Hopefully, these tips and precautions will help you take better care of your silver bracelet and make it one of your elegant and beautiful accessories.

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