
A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

author:The storyteller rabbit of the flower grower
A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

The TV series "Flowers" swept the screen, exploded on social media, and the topic continued.

In this masterpiece that has been in preparation for six years, big stars and famous directors work together to create,

The movie-level texture and top-notch original work present a visual feast for the audience.

However, what is really surprising is the 90-year-old actor You Benchang, whose performance has become the biggest highlight of the whole play.

A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

The actor of this "quality master" Jigong has superb acting skills, which makes people fall in love with it.

In the play, he formed a magical tacit understanding with the male protagonist Hu Ge, almost making the audience forget the existence of the leading actor.

You Benchang's acting career is even more legendary, reaching its peak at the age of 90, and his experience is like a magnificent movie.

You Benchang used to be an unknown actor until Shanghai TV's "Jigong" came to him.

A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

At that time, there was no suitable protagonist for "Jigong" until the director saw his performance in "Kong Yiji".

As a result, Jigong, who is "living Buddha", has changed from an ordinary actor to a heirloom character, and the inspirational story behind this is very emotional.

However, at the peak of his career, You Benchang encountered three tests in his life.

His wife was suffering from advanced stomach cancer, and You Benchang resolutely gave up his career and chose to accompany his wife.

A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

This decision not only helped his wife recover, but also cost him the golden period of his acting career.

The directors' "banning" is suffocating, but You Benchang chose silence and creation.

's love for pantomime made the old artist desperate to use his family property and directed and acted in a pantomime "Mr. You Smiled Dumbly".

He used his actions to interpret his persistence in art, and also showed his versatile side.

A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

This move allows the audience to see a more comprehensive You Benchang.

90-year-old You Benchang is like a bright flower in the TV series "Flowers", blooming with charming light.

His life experience is not only a legend, but also a profound revelation to the audience.

We all need to make difficult choices when it comes to success, family, and health.

You Benchang's perseverance and composure have become a unique scenery on his life road.

A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

The success of "Flowers" lies not only in the luxurious cast and production team, but also in this 90-year-old artist.

His ups and downs in his acting career, as well as his deep love for art, have become examples for us to Xi.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of these twists and turns that he can bloom so brightly in our field of vision.

Life is like a play, and each of us is the protagonist of our own life.

On the road to pursue your dreams, you must make choices bravely and live your true self, so that you can shine a unique light on the stage of life like You Benchang.

A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

The story there seems to contain endless mysteries, and the gods compete for supremacy,

The three realms of immortals, demons, and netherworld in the lower three realms surged one after another, setting off a huge whirlpool that shook the three realms.

This legend is the story of the TV series "Shen Yin".

In this mysterious ancient god realm, the lord of the Three Realms, the Demon Venerable, the Heavenly Emperor, the Demon Emperor, and the Ghost King,

A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

There was a fierce battle for the honor of the Three Realms.

The story focuses on ten strong men, among whom the Demon Venerable Xuanyi, who was originally the main god of chaos and was imprisoned in the Nine Shades Purgatory.

He indifferently watched the strife in the world, but at the most critical moment, he personally resurrected Yuan Qi, who sacrificed the origin of chaos, showing the strongest strength among his true gods.

And the ghost king Ao Ge was originally a god in the divine realm, and prayed for help from the ancients because of the death of his younger brother.

A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

The intervention of the ancients brought Ao Ge's younger brother back to life in him and became the lord of the netherworld.

Ao Ge and Xiu Yan worked together to create a shocking opening ballad that injected a unique rhythm into the plot.

These two powerhouses play a key role in the play, and their fates are intertwined in the intricate relationship between the ancient god realm and the lower three realms.

The battle for hegemony in the mysterious demon realm and the fairy realm, and the nine abyss hell in the demon realm, every plot is like a battlefield in the battle of the Three Realms, full of tension and fierceness.

A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

In the process of this supreme dispute, the three heavenly emperors, the two demon emperors, the three demon emperors, and the two ghost kings appeared one after another, each showing their magical powers and competing for supremacy.

Their battle is not only a contest of strength, but also a game of minds, which makes the whole story even more exciting.

When the story of "Shen Yin" comes to an end, we are left with more than just a TV series full of thrills.

A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

It is also a deep reflection on power schemes, hegemony and final reconciliation.

Perhaps in this fictional and mythical world, we can find some revelations about real life.

The cycle of life and the cycle of power are all propositions that we cannot escape.

Perhaps, in the process of chasing the Supreme, we need to pay more attention to each other's understanding and tolerance.

A "Flowers" unveiled the status of "Uncle" You Benchang in the circle, no wonder it was banned twice

"Shen Yin" teaches us that even if the strong compete for supremacy, we cannot ignore inner reconciliation and balance.

In this magnificent mythological stage, we see not only the collision of forces, but also the entanglement in the depths of each character's heart.

Perhaps, in the process of chasing our dreams, learning to respect others and understand each other may be the key to achieving true supremeness.

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