
Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

author:Have fun watching entertainment

Yesterday, the 29th Magnolia Awards in Shanghai was awarded, and the news quickly appeared on the hot search, among which the most controversial is, of course, the question of who will fall into the "Emperor and Queen".

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

This year's Magnolia's Best Actor is Hu Ge, who has been praised for the drama "Flowers", and the crew of "Flowers" also lived up to expectations and directly won five awards for Magnolia.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

At the awards ceremony that night, when it was announced that Hu Ge had won the "Best Actor", Hu Ge first lowered his head with some excitement to adjust his emotions. Tang Yan on the side covered her mouth excitedly for the first time, her eyes were full of happiness and relief.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

After Hu Ge won the award, he first stood up and saluted everyone politely, and he could see the award scene, except for Tang Yan and Fan Xiangyan of the Fanhua crew, who were smiling happily, the other people at the scene were very dignified, and there was not much smile.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words
Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

In a group of "dignified" audiences, only Zhou Xun smiled politely and applauded Hu Ge, looking at Hu Ge with satisfaction in his eyes.

A Best Actor, a Best Actress, must be emotional.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

But no matter what other people's expressions are, in short, whoever receives the award is happy, and when Hu Ge received the award and was interviewed, he also mentioned his daughter with a happy face.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

He said that before leaving, he once asked his daughter: Do you think Dad will win the award? Unexpectedly, my daughter didn't give face and said "no".

Tong Yan Wuji said that Hu Ge was very disappointed, and now that he has won the award, he can finally go home proudly and tell his daughter: Dad did it.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

In fact, Hu Ge has won the Best Actor for the second time Magnolia, after he won the "Best Actor" at the 22nd Magnolia in 2016 with the role of Mei Changsu in "Langya Bang".

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

Now that he has won the award again after 7 years, it can be said that "the second emperor is very happy in his heart", and the joy is beyond words. I don't know if I thought that after I went home, I could show off to my daughter, and when I took the award photos, I was even happier when my big white teeth were exposed.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

However, when "Hu Ge celebrated with fans", many netizens suddenly jumped out to complain for Fan Wei:

Obviously, Fan Wei's acting skills are the first, why was Magnolia defeated by Hu Ge this time? Is it because Fan Wei is not as handsome as Hu Ge? ?

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words
Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words
Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

It turned out that among the nominations for the best actor in this Magnolia, in addition to the popular Hu Ge, there is also the powerful actor Fan Wei, who also entered the Magnolia Award, and the nominated masterpiece is "The Long Season".

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

Fan Wei said in an interview before that he was the most tired when filming the drama "The Long Season", because the character of "Wang Xiang" played by him was very complicated, and he had to keep figuring out the behavior and psychology of this character at all stages.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

Fan Wei also said that the character of Wang Xiang can be said to have experienced the ups and downs of life:

When he was middle-aged, he had a strong sense of superiority, because he was a famous family of state-owned enterprises, and his father was a veteran, and later cruelly accepted the laid-off turmoil, but he had to continue to hold on, although he was a little let go in his heart when he was old, but across 18 years of chasing the murderer, it was a different mentality.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

Fan Wei said that the way of acting should not be too externalized, because Wang Xiang has a lot of things to do and has a lot of levels. From the high-spirited spirit of middle age to the vicissitudes of old age after great ups and downs, we must grasp it well.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

Because of his good performance, Fan Wei also won the Best Actor award at the Seoul TV Drama Awards held in South Korea in September last year.

And the drama "The Long Season" has been rated by many people as the best TV series in 2023, and the score on a certain platform is as high as 9.4.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words
Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

It is not easy to be recognized by audiences at home and abroad, it can be seen that Mr. Fan Wei really has eaten the script thoroughly, so he is also praised by netizens as "the strongest acting school".

But even with such strong acting skills and reputation, Fan Wei still failed to win the Best Actor in Magnolia.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

As expected, because Mr. Fan Wei did not win the award, this Magnolia Award caused a large-scale ridicule among netizens.

Many netizens who support Fan Wei think: It's just that Fan Wei's traffic can't compare to Hu Ge, and he doesn't look handsome, so he can't fight, right?

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words
Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

But is that really the case? Hu Ge won the "Emperor of Vision", did he really just win in "handsome"?

If you want to say it's true! It's just that this "handsome" has to be measured by the words of Mr. You Benchang to be accurate.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

At the Beijing International Film Festival in April this year, when Hu Ge asked Mr. You Benchang "what is handsome", the old man once said something like this:

"An actor is handsome, not just on the outside, but on the inside. The inner handsomeness is formed by an actor's life accumulation, life experience, cultivation and temperament, how much effort an actor has put into the role, and the resonance that it arouses in the hearts of the audience. ”
Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

In fact, Mr. You Benchang's words, Hu Ge is completely suitable. Because he is not only handsome in appearance, he can be recognized by passers-by for winning awards, and Hu Ge has indeed put a lot of effort into other aspects.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

Some people say that Hu Ge's character in "Flowers" is still the kind of Li Xiaoyao who used to be the low-level character in society? Is it hard to act?

In fact, it's really right, it's really not easy to perform ruffians without being greasy, and to be a low-level character who grows up in the later stage of the play.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

According to Hu Ge's works in recent years, it can be seen that Hu Ge, who started from ancient puppet dramas, has begun to try to transform as early as seven or eight years ago.

And compared with at least two or three dramas a year by artists in the same period, Hu Ge almost only has one leading role a year, and there are no new dramas even released from 2017 to 2022.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

During that period, Hu Ge did not stop his progress, he knew the problem of his acting skills: he was young and ungrounded.

So he stopped all his film and television drama work and turned to challenge drama to improve himself.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

Hu Ge also considered studying abroad, and said in front of the public that he would study abroad to improve himself if he had the opportunity.

But in the end, because of my mother's breast cancer attack, and because many fans abroad recognized it, the study abroad journey was very difficult, so I had to go home.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

Ten years of sharpening a sword, from the original ruffian "Brother Yao" to Hu Ge, who is now weathered and able to act in dramas, he has put a lot of hard work into improving himself, and he would rather take fewer of his dramas and improve the quality.

And now he has indeed done it, just standing there quietly, with a look in his eyes, full of a strong sense of story.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

Hu Ge has always known that he can't stand still, even if "Flowers" has achieved such achievements, he will still say "The light boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains, and it hasn't passed yet", he will continue to put pressure on himself and steadily improve himself.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

In addition to being strict with himself professionally, in normal times, Hu Ge will also share good books and movies with everyone on the platform, often enriching his spiritual world and improving his experience.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words
Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

And Hu Ge will also be humble and polite, and he will also be grateful to the group performers, cleaners and other low-level staff. Influenced by him, many fan groups are also polite, which is the meaning of the positive energy of celebrities.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

Just because Hu Ge is handsome, you can't deny his personal charm and all the efforts he has made for it. Now it seems that Hu Ge won the Magnolia Best Actor, which is indeed not a false name.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words

Although it may not be possible to compare with the old drama bones at present, there is no end to learning, and Hu Ge also said that he will continue to improve, so let's look forward to Hu Ge's next transformation together.

Magnolia Hu Ge won the award, Fan Wei was defeated, and some people said that he was not handsome, and some people believed You Benchang's words


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