
90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

author:Poetic Literature Society
90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

On the set of "Flowers", an old man with gray sideburns is concentrating on the scene with the young actor Hu Ge. His eyes are blazing, and his gestures show the demeanor of Shanghai's "old man".

This old man is the 90-year-old You Benchang, and he has almost exhausted all his energy for this role.

Even if it is difficult to breathe, You Benchang still insists on passing once, just to present the best effect. Whenever the camera ended, he needed to sit quietly and breathe, a scene that made the actors present both admired and distressed.

Hu Ge once shared movingly that he was deeply touched by Mr. You's professionalism.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

You Benchang explained with practical actions: age is not the limit, and the love of art is the eternal driving force. His performance in "Flowers" is not only a tribute to his acting career, but also an inspiration to everyone - as long as there is love in his heart, it is never too late.

You Benchang's life is like a legendary novel with ups and downs. In 1933, he was born in an ordinary family in Taizhou, Jiangsu. A twist of fate happened quietly when he was 6 years old, and his family sent him to Shanghai Fazang Monastery as a novice.

This experience laid a unique foundation for him to create a Buddhist character in the future, as if he had arranged it in the dark.

The teenager Yu Benchang was not confined to temple life. In 1952, with his passion for acting, he stepped into the door of the Shanghai Theater Academy at the age of 19. Here, he received rigorous acting training, which laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

You Benchang's talent and diligence were recognized, and he stood out in the graduation exam and graduated with the first grade.

In 1956, by chance, You Benchang, who was rehearsing the graduation play "All the Way Safe", was photographed by the director of the Central Experimental Drama Theater (the predecessor of the National Theater of China).

In this way, he became one of the first outstanding young actors in New China, and started his life journey with drama.

However, life is not always smooth sailing. From his twenties to his forties, You Benchang experienced all kinds of hardships in that special era. In the face of difficulties, he chose to remain silent and persistent, never forgetting that he was an actor.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

He often said: "This is the trend of the times, and it is difficult for individual power to resist." But we have to deal with it positively, as a life experience.

This optimistic and tenacious attitude has allowed You Benchang to continue to move forward on the road of art. He told the young actors, "Even if it's just a small role, you have to play it as the main character."

Only in this way can you lift your weight when you meet a really important role in the future. This is not only the secret of his acting skills, but also a portrayal of his life.

You Benchang's growth experience, from a small novice to a national-level actor, shows the persistence and pursuit of an artist. He used his life to explain what is the dedication to art and what is the tenacity in the face of difficulties.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

Even in his 80s, he was still invited by director Wong Kar-wai to play an important role in "Flowers", which is undoubtedly the best reward for his years of perseverance.

You Benchang's story tells us that as long as the love for art remains unquenchable, age will never be an obstacle. The trajectory of his life is not only a personal history of artistic growth, but also a microcosm of the development of Chinese performing arts.

When it comes to You Benchang, the first thing that comes to many people's minds is the image of Jigong played by him. This role is not only a turning point in You Benchang's acting career, but also a lifelong artistic pursuit, extending from the screen to real life.

When filming "Jigong", You Benchang was not confused. With his rich life experience and deep understanding of the role, he has shaped Jigong into a vivid and intelligent image.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

This is the 80th role in his career, but Yau Benchang's attitude towards it is as serious as his debut on stage. He is not satisfied with simply acting according to the script, but delves into the role in depth, and strives to make Jigong's image more plump and three-dimensional.

Once, the script depicts Jigong grabbing steamed buns with his hands, which caused the steamed buns to be dirty, and the shopkeeper had no choice but to give the steamed buns to Jigong to eat. You Benchang questioned this, and he believed that Jigong would not commit such behavior.

So, he suggested that the director add a shot: Jigong threw three copper coins to the store after eating the steamed buns. This small detail not only enriches the image of the character, but also reflects You Benchang's in-depth thinking about the role.

After the broadcast of "Jigong", You Benchang became famous overnight. But he did not indulge in the joy of success, but devoted more energy to the continued creation of the Jigong series.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

In 1994, he founded the "Benchang Art Communication Center", and his only wish was to continue filming the sequel to "Jigong". For this dream, You Benchang paid a huge amount of effort, and even paid out of his own pocket.

On the road of pursuing his dreams, You Benchang has experienced countless hardships and hardships. Not only does he have to serve as an actor, but he also needs to actively assist team members such as directors, prop masters, and makeup artists, and his personal salary is only 120 yuan per episode.

But You Benchang was never moved by money, he always adhered to his beliefs and devoted more energy to the cause of drama aesthetic education.

You Benchang's dedication to the role of Jigong extends to real life. In 2017, he founded the "Jigong School" to open a special training camp for young people.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

What's even more touching is that on the first day of the camp, he announced that he would fully refund the 9,800 yuan tuition paid by the students, hoping to create a public welfare drama training institution in this way.

You Benchang said: "Why did I choose not to charge tuition fees or even subsidize money to hold this drama experimental class? The reason is that we can feel a sense of freedom, a reward of gratitude, and the power of a cycle of cause and effect.

These words express his understanding of art and his sense of responsibility to society.

From Jigong on the screen to the "Jigong School" in reality, You Benchang interprets the social responsibility of artists with practical actions. He not only created the image of Jigong on the screen, but also brought the spirit of Jigong into real life, influencing generations of young people.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

You Benchang's story tells us that true art should not be limited to the stage or screen, but should be integrated into life, transmit positive energy, and influence more people.

You Benchang's artistic career and attitude towards life are like two sides of the same coin, complementing each other and constituting his unique philosophy of life. In his view, art is not only a profession, but also the whole meaning of life.

Since 2009, You Benchang has devoted a whole decade of hard work to the creation and performance of the drama "Master Hongyi - The Final Victory".

For him, this work is not only an artistic challenge, but also a spiritual baptism. For the sake of this play, he made a shocking decision: to sell his villa in the center of Beijing and invest all the proceeds in the creation of the play.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

The price of this villa per square meter is as high as hundreds of thousands of yuan, which shows the great price You Benchang has paid for art.

However, You Benchang does not see this as a sacrifice. In his opinion, it is a necessary investment in art, a necessary way to realize his dreams. He often said, "Spiritual freedom, freedom in life, or physical freedom is the greatest happiness in life."

This pursuit of freedom has allowed him to continue to move forward on the road of art, and it has also allowed him to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude in life.

In You Benchang's view, the actor's body should serve the performance. He has no deliberate sense of health care, but in order to be able to better control various roles, he resolutely insists on exercising.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

It is this belief and persistence that allows the audience to see the spirited "old man" in "Flowers".

You Benchang's life philosophy can be summed up by "gratitude, feedback and perseverance". He is grateful for the opportunities given by life, uses art to give back to the society, and perseveres on the road of art.

This spirit is not only reflected in his performances, but also in his daily life.

Behind You Benchang's splendid artistic life, it is the silent support and companionship of his family, which constitutes an indispensable warm background in his life journey.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

The love story of You Benchang and his wife Yang Huihua is a good story. Yang Huihua is an outstanding chief physician of TCM gynecology, who has been with You Benchang for many years.

On February 15 and 16, 2014, after two consecutive days of wonderful performances by You Benchang, the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary backstage. This love, which spans half a century, has witnessed the ups and downs of You Benchang's artistic career, and it is also his most solid backing.

Yang Huihua is not only You Benchang's partner in life, but also his greatest hero in overcoming the disease. When Yau Benchang faced health challenges, it was his wife's careful care and medical expertise that helped him tide over the difficulties.

This relationship, which will usher in their diamond wedding anniversary in 2024 - the 60th anniversary of their marriage, witnesses a sincere and lasting love.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

You Benchang's family happiness is also reflected in the harmonious relationship with his daughter. His only daughter You Sihan has also made achievements in the entertainment industry, working as a screenwriter and creating popular works such as "Come on Lao Wan", "Descending from the Sky", "Breaking Up Men and Women" and so on.

The father and daughter support each other in their careers, forming a warm family picture.

The support of his family made You Benchang more determined on the road of art. Whether he devoted himself to the drama career or founded the "Jigong School", his family gave him the greatest understanding and support.

This perfect balance between family and career has made You Benchang a happy and fulfilling life.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

You Benchang's story tells us that a successful career needs the support of a family, and a happy family can also become the driving force of a career. While pursuing art, he did not lose sight of the importance of family, which may be the secret of his ability to maintain his creative enthusiasm at the age of 90.

You Benchang's life is not only an artistic success, but also a model of family happiness.

You Benchang's life story, from the 6-year-old Xiao Shami to the 90-year-old "Uncle" of "Flowers", spans nearly a century. His experience illustrates a profound truth: as long as there is love in the heart, age is never a limit.

At the filming site of "Flowers", the 90-year-old You Benchang still maintains an amazing enthusiasm for work. The intensity of nearly 10 hours a day is a challenge for young people, let alone an elderly person.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

Even though his body was tired and he had difficulty breathing, he still insisted on passing it once in order to present the best results. This kind of dedication and love for art not only touched the same group of actors, but also inspired countless audiences.

You Benchang's philosophy of life can be summarized as: gratitude, feedback and perseverance. He is grateful for every opportunity given by life, uses art to give back to the society, and perseveres on the road of art.

From "Jigong" to "Master Hongyi", and then to "Flowers", every character has poured his whole heart and soul into it.

His story teaches us that there is no age limit in life, and only love is the eternal driving force. No matter how old you are, as long as you maintain your passion for life and work, you can create amazing achievements.

90-year-old "uncle" You Benchang, starring in "Flowers" almost lost half of his life, and even Hu Ge was distressed

You Benchang proves with his own actions that art has nothing to do with age, but lies in the persistence and love in the heart. This kind of spirit is exactly what contemporary society needs, and it is also the attitude of life that everyone should learn.

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