
The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

author:Daejeon Storytelling

In June 1979, Liu Xiaoqing, who was only 21 years old, appeared on the screen with her debut film "Wedding", and she played the role of Sheng Minyi in the film, which left a gentle and intellectual impression.

Soon, she made her first appearance on the cover of Popular Cinema magazine in the form of this character. Although it is only a black and white side face photo, that delicate little face is enough to attract the attention of countless movie fans.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

As a result, Liu Xiaoqing and "Popular Movie" have formed an indissoluble bond.

A film actor, if he wants to stand out from an unknown small role and enter the public eye, he first needs to have a strong media force. For Liu Xiaoqing, "Popular Film" magazine is undoubtedly the most important help on her way to fame.

Almost from her first film, the magazine gave it a high level of attention and recommendation, and her photos frequently appeared on the front and back covers. It was "Popular Movie" that made Liu Xiaoqing gradually grow from an ordinary girl to a well-known star and popular flower in the 80s.

Time flies, years change. Today, Liu Xiaoqing is no longer the young and ignorant film newcomer she was back then, she has successfully transformed into a strong woman with a strong heart in her bones.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

When she stood in front of the camera again, she was no longer a girl's shyness, but instead a skillful and calm aura. This transformation of mature charm is exactly what Popular Cinema has witnessed over the years.

An excellent film actor, in addition to external conditions, needs to continue to accumulate rich internal literacy, which requires time precipitation. Liu Xiaoqing is a typical example.

Under the witness of "Popular Movie", she gradually grew from a small role, and finally won the reputation of "actress". This shows that she not only has outstanding external conditions, but also has solid internal strength.

This strength not only comes from her acting skills, but also from her understanding of life, emotions and characters. This also made her acting skills accumulate and sublimate day by day, and finally achieved the transformation from a girl to a strong woman.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

Life is like a movie plot, you need to accumulate experience to better interpret the character. Liu Xiaoqing used his own growth process to interpret this truth. Under the joint witness of "Popular Film" and the audience, she gradually integrated her life experience into the characters, making each role vivid and three-dimensional.

She uses her story to tell people that growth is an inevitability, and maturity is a choice. She chooses to face the transformation of life with grace and calmness, and exudes this temperament in every role.

This is perhaps the hallmark of a good actor and a place where every woman can emulate.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

In 1980, Siqin Gaowa vividly interpreted the kindness of an ordinary rural woman with her outstanding performance in the movie "Returning to the Heart Like an Arrow". Her delicate and restrained acting skills left a deep impression on the audience, and she also showed a natural beauty without makeup.

Soon, she made her first appearance on the cover of Popular Cinema magazine.

If an actor wants to stand out from countless competitors, he needs to have a strong PR communication force. Popular Film magazine provided such a stage for Siqin Gaowa.

Under the exposure of many magazine covers, Siqin Gaowa gradually transformed from a niche actor to a well-known star and powerful actor. "Popular Movie" witnessed the whole process of her growth step by step, and also made the audience gradually know and fall in love with this natural actor.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

Time flies, years change. Siqin Gaowa is no longer the unknown little actor she was back then, she has successfully transformed into a first-line actress, and won the honor of "Double Actress" of the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award.

When she appeared in front of the camera again, her silver hair had appeared, her face was full of wrinkles, but her clear eyes were still gentle, and many viewers saw her, as if they had returned to the years when they were reading "Popular Movies".

An outstanding actor not only needs external conditions, but also needs to continue to enrich his inner world. Siqin Gaowa used her own story to interpret this truth. Under the support of "Popular Movie", she not only succeeded externally, but continued to practice internal skills and enrich her acting skills.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

It is precisely because of both internal and external cultivation that each of her roles exudes the warmth of humanity. This also allows her to continue to shine in the film industry for decades and become a model of a powerful actor.

Siqin Gaowa uses a natural and generous attitude to interpret that elegance does not have to be built on the basis of youth and beauty, the key is to have an unsophisticated heart. Time can change the face, but it can't take away the brilliance of the heart.

An excellent actress should not only stay in the external conditions, but use her acting skills to infect the audience and move people's hearts with the beauty of her soul. Siqin Gaowa gave a model for this, and she proved it with her unique charm.

In 1981, Shen Danping, a junior student in the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy, appeared on the cover of "Popular Film" magazine with her role in several movies.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

She was still a hairy boy at the time, but the combination of her delicate face and youthful atmosphere was enough to touch the hearts of countless readers. The high attention and strong recommendation of "Popular Movie" made Shen Danping, who was still in school, famous overnight and well-known and loved by the audience.

For an actor, being on the cover of a famous magazine is an important way to increase his popularity. Shen Danping was lucky to be favored by "Popular Movie". Fueled by the magazine, the originally unknown student suddenly became a household name for the new generation of actors.

This also made her soar in the film and television industry in the future, and her achievements were remarkable. "Popular Cinema" witnesses and documents the crucial process of her transformation from an ordinary student to a star.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

Time has passed, and Shen Danping is no longer the flower of the Beijing Film School of the year. Today, she has successfully transformed into an experienced actress. And those photos of her youth have become a beautiful memory in her life.

Every time I look at it, I will sigh that time is fleeting, and my youth is no more. But it is also gratifying that excellent media can discover and cultivate outstanding new talents. If it were not for the praise of "Popular Movie", Shen Danping's life trajectory might be completely different.

Shen Danping's example inspires us that opportunities are crucial to the growth of young people, but they also need to be grasped by people with strength. The reason why Shen Danping can become the darling of "Popular Movie" is because she not only has outstanding external conditions, but also has solid acting skills.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

This has enabled her to continue to improve and become the success she is today. We should all actively strive for opportunities, but we must also be fully prepared to grasp the opportunities and firmly control our destiny.

With her charming temperament and outstanding acting skills, Zhao Jing gained widespread attention and love in the 80s. The charm of her unique personality also fascinated Popular Cinema magazine.

As early as 1980, she appeared on the back cover of the magazine with the male lead for her outstanding performance in the movie "Love in the Sea". This opened the door for Zhao Jing to move from the screen to the public eye.

Since then, "Popular Film" magazine has published Zhao Jing's photos many times, and recommended her in the column of "Yinyuan New Flowers". With the blessing of the magazine, Zhao Jing gradually transformed from a niche actor to a popular star.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

Her photos also became star posters hung on the walls of many fans of that era. It can be said that without the impetus of "Popular Movie", there would be no Zhao Jing's achievements today.

Time has passed, and Zhao Jing has successfully transformed into a first-line drama actor. When we saw her again, we could still vaguely recognize the shadow of the past, although the face had changed, but the unique gentleness was still the same as it was back then.

This proves that an outstanding actor should not only rely on external conditions, but also impress the audience with a rich inner world. Zhao Jing's transformation process has become an example for us - as long as we don't forget our original intention, we can still find our former selves.

Life is like a big drama that requires constant character changes. Zhao Jing successfully interpreted the role change from a film and television newcomer to a powerful drama faction. The key is to keep yourself and reconcile with life.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

We all choose different roles at different stages of life, but never forget that person who is most authentic. This is also the way of life that Zhao Jing tells us through her story.

In the mid-80s, Zhang Xiaomin frequently appeared on the cover of Popular Film magazine. At that time, she exuded youthful vitality, and her healthy and natural temperament showed by the audience, who loved sports.

"Popular Movie" gradually transformed Zhang Xiaomin from an unknown small role to a new generation of stars by launching her photo. Many young men and women of that era hung her posters and sought after them as idols.

Time flies, years change. When Zhang Xiaomin stood in front of the camera again, he was already unrecognizable. With large golden waves, a well-made face, and plump lips, it is difficult to associate with the athletic short hair she remembers.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

The change was so great that many viewers felt uncomfortable. However, we should not judge an actor's life solely by external changes.

An excellent actor should not only rely on appearance, but more importantly, he must continue to enrich his inner qualities. The external change may just be implanted with new role needs, and Zhang Xiaomin may still love life in her heart.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhang Xiaomin, who was young and beautiful back then, also played many different roles. We should appreciate the possibility of her playing a woman at different stages of life, rather than just nostalgia for the image of the past.

Zhang Xiaomin's transformation reminds us not to judge a person by generalizations. Everyone is constantly learning, Xi and growing, and there will be unexpected changes. Instead of clinging to established impressions, we should treat the changes of others with tolerance and understanding.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

Perhaps behind these changes is a soul growth.

In 1983, Zhao Na's photo first appeared on the back cover of Popular Film magazine. Her pure and sweet appearance coupled with her outstanding acting skills made her famous overnight and was admired by countless fans as a goddess.

"Popular Movie" vigorously promoted Zhao Na, making her from an inconspicuous young actor to a popular idol. Zhao Na also became one of the representatives of the "Goddess of the Flower Season" in the 80s.

Time has passed, and when Zhao Na appeared under the camera again, many viewers couldn't help but sigh that she had changed too much. The beautiful girl she used to be is gone, replaced by a slightly rickety figure and a thin face.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

However, through the light in her eyes, we can still recognize her unique temperament. This shows that external decay cannot erase the inner qualities of an excellent actor.

An outstanding actor should not rely only on external conditions. What is more important is to continue to enrich the inner cultivation and maintain the passion for art. Although Zhao Na is no longer young, the smile in her eyes tells us that success does not mean smooth sailing, and she has also experienced ups and downs in life, but she can still remain calm.

This kind of calmness is not the temperament that ordinary people can have.

Zhao Na uses her story to tell us that even if a woman has experienced aging, she can still deduce endless charm. The key is to face all the possibilities in life and maintain inner serenity and grace.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

We all face difficulties, but we can face them with patience and calmness. This is also Zhao Na's life inspiration to us as a successful actress.

Wang Fuli is a high-profile powerful actor in the 80s, she does not rely on dazzling appearance, but attracts the audience with her unpretentious temperament. In Popular Cinema magazine, her photographs appeared on the front and back covers several times.

By reporting on her performance in many films, the magazine gradually brought her into the public eye and accumulated popularity.

Time goes by, time passes. Now, when 73-year-old Wang Fuli appears under the camera again, we can still vaguely see her former shadow. Although the face has left traces of time, the gentle and lovely temperament is still unforgettable.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

This proves that an outstanding actor must not only rely on external conditions, but also impress the audience with internal charm.

Wang Fuli does not need to rely on gorgeous packaging and elaborate styling, her success comes from her dedication to acting skills and love of life. This also inspires us that in order to be excellent, we do not need to deliberately pursue external changes or dazzling dresses, the key is to maintain the sincerity and kindness of our hearts.

As long as we don't forget our original intention, we can stand the test of time like Wang Fuli.

Time cannot be turned back, and we cannot stay in the beauty of youth. But we can remain elegant and calm under the engraving of the years. This is also the philosophy of life that Wang Fuli tells us through her growth process.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

Excellence does not need to be built on an external basis, but on an inner strength.

Although Tao Yuling is not an actress in the 80s, as an actor of the older generation, she still expressed her congratulations and gratitude to the "Popular Film" magazine. In our memory, she was a sexy and charming actress who frequently played seductive roles.

However, Tao Yuling, who is under the camera this time, has completely transformed into a kind elder.

With gray hair, she has a kind smile on her face, like an amiable grandmother. This change in image may make many viewers feel abrupt. However, this is only the possibility that she is playing a woman at different stages of her life.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

We should not freeze her with the impression of her youth, maturity is also an important life form for women.

Tao Yuling's transformation tells us that an excellent actor can create a variety of different roles. Even if the external image changes, the key is to maintain a passion for life and art.

We all grow old one day, but the soul can still be young. Tao Yuling uses her story to tell us that maturity can also be beautiful, and age cannot define a woman's charm.

Popular Cinema magazine has witnessed and documented the growth of many actresses in the 80s. Most of these actresses came from unknown small roles, and it was "Popular Film" that pushed them into the public eye little by little by reporting on their film works and trends, helping them accumulate popularity and eventually become household names.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

It can be said that without the help of Popular Film magazine, they may not have been able to enter public life so quickly and be recognized.

And they did not live up to the high expectations that "Popular Film" had for them. With their outstanding external conditions and solid internal cultivation, these actresses successfully shaped themselves into the brightest new stars of the year.

The film works they starred in became classics of that era, and their smiles became the dreams of countless audiences. It was their talent and charisma that also added luster to Popular Cinema magazine, which made it an unprecedented success in the 80s.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

Time has passed, and when these actresses gather again at the 1000th issue of "Popular Film" Thanksgiving Ceremony, they can't help but feel a lot of emotion. Those green years have become memories, but the bond between them and this magazine has become stronger and stronger in the long river of time.

It is the bits and pieces recorded by "Popular Film" that retain the fragments of those bright years. And the actresses have not forgotten their original intentions, and they have also achieved the friendship between them and "Popular Movie" and the audience across time.

The story of these actresses and "Popular Film" tells us that excellent works need outstanding interpreters, and great actors also need to have a strong communication platform.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

When the media and artists cooperate sincerely and complement each other's advantages, the most moving sparks can be created. We all need to have a good partnership to realize the infinite possibilities of life.

These actresses are the best proof of this. Together with Popular Film, they have achieved the glory days of the Chinese film industry, which is enough to become an example for us to learn from Xi.

Time flies, years change. When these 80s actresses return in front of the camera again, few of them still retain their former looks. But they use their own transformation process to interpret the true meaning of life.

Some people's appearance has changed dramatically, while others can vaguely see the shadow of the past. But no matter how they change their appearance on the outside, their confident and elegant demeanor tells us that a woman's charm is not limited to her face.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

Just as the wine grows older and more fragrant, they take a long time to precipitate a familiar taste.

They use their own stories to tell us that life will inevitably encounter storms and tribulations, and external conditions will pass with time. However, as long as you maintain an optimistic and resolute heart, you can still find inner qualities.

They learn to accept life's possibilities and remain at ease, which has become the secret of their success.

When we look back at those green years, we can't help but sigh at the passage of time. However, we should also cherish the present moment and live actively. Those good times in my memory will always be fixed in my heart.

The current situation of actresses in the 80s: Liu Xiaoqing is domineering, Zhao Jing is gentle, Zhao Na is elegant, they have changed a lot

And the new chapter of life is also worth exploring with great expectations.

These actresses use their stories to tell us that growth is inevitable, but maturity is their own choice. They choose to face the changes of life with elegance and wisdom, and they also glow with a new fragrance under the baptism of time.

This is something we can all emulate, and it will be an unavoidable issue for each of us.

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