
Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

author:Sister Yan said classic

Shen Danping is a fledgling and blooms with youthful vitality on the stage

Shen Danping, born in 1960, is a typical Nanjing girl, and cheerful and generous is her label. In 1976, Shen Danping, who had just graduated from high school, stepped into the first stage of her life - Yangzhou Dance Troupe.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

Seeing that her classmates had entered the university, Shen Danping chose the dance path she loved.

At first, she was still an unknown member of the group, looking at the clear water and green mountains, Shen Danping was full of enthusiasm. She has a passion for dancing and trains late into the night every day.

This dedication to art soon made the young Shen Danping stand out in the team.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

In 1978, by chance, Shen Danping's life opened a new door. She successfully passed the interview and was admitted to the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy. classmates also have the actor who later soared into the sky - Zhang Tielin.

As soon as she entered Beiying, Shen Danping was like a fish in water. She is no longer the little transparent in the Yangzhou Dance Troupe, she has taken off her immaturity and replaced it with intellectuality and maturity. Here, she met friends who also had dreams of acting, and everyone chased after me and began their youthful years.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

Since her sophomore year, Shen Danping has tried her voice for the first time in many campus film and television works. She may play the cute and lively village girl, or play the role of a graceful dancer. In the crew, everyone praised her as a good seedling with high acting talent.

In front of the camera, Shen Danping swayed the vigor and vitality of youth. She is like a budding flower, blooming with a bright smile on the stage. This is the first spring of her life and the starting point of her acting career.

Shen Danping's career is smooth, and her acting skills are becoming more and more mature

The few years of studying at Beijing Film Academy were a critical period for Shen Danping's acting career to rise steadily. Since her junior year, she has been promoted from a supporting role in the crew to a heroine, and has shown excellent acting skills in many film and television works.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

In 1984, in the movie "The Forgotten Corner of Love", Shen Danping played a simple rural girl digging coal. In order to fit the character, she tanned her skin and wore rough overalls, and her whole person exuded the simple temperament unique to working women.

In front of the camera, Shen Danping delicately portrayed the image of this conflicted village girl - she is full of fantasies about love, but also full of fear of real life. This inner struggle was vividly demonstrated in Shen Danping's performance.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

This is also the first time she has successfully transformed from a supporting role to a heroine.

In her senior graduation work "Night Shanghai", Shen Danping challenged a new role - the singer of the nightclub. In order to meet the needs of the role, she did not hesitate to cut off her long hair and turned into a charming singer with short hair.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

In front of the camera, Shen Danping exudes the charm of a mature woman, and successfully interprets the role of this room girl with her soft singing voice and smart dancing. It was also her first attempt to transform herself and fully integrate into the role.

After graduating, Shen Danping did not appear on the screen as often as her classmates, but chose to engage in drama performance in Beijing Film Studio for 5 years. During this time, she was constantly in contact with various characters, interpreting joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

This laid a solid foundation for her to establish richer and three-dimensional acting skills in the future. In 1994, Shen Danping finally made a splash in the movie "Staying in the Village for Observation" and successfully won the Hundred Flowers Award.

At this point, her acting career has reached a new peak.

Shen Danping's relationship has experienced ups and downs

If Shen Danping is smooth sailing in her career, then she has experienced more unsatisfactory in her love life.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

During her studies at the Film Academy, Shen Danping fell in love with her classmate Zhang Tielin. Both of them are classmates, and they often go to class and learn Xi together, and gradually develop feelings. For a time, they became the "golden boys and girls" in the academy.

However, the good times did not last long, and the two ended up without a problem, and the youthful love stopped. After the breakup, Zhang Tielin soon got married to a new love, and Shen Danping did not dwell too much and chose to focus on career development.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

It wasn't until 1983 that Shen Danping met the man who changed her life - French-Chinese Wu Wei. It was a party, and Wu Wei's tall and handsome appearance immediately attracted Shen Danping's attention.

The two looked at each other frequently and fell in love at first sight. After the party, they began to date frequently, and the relationship quickly warmed up. However, just when the passion of the relationship between the two was high, the issue of Wu Wei's visa became an obstacle.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

In order to stay in China to accompany Shen Danping, Wu Wei preferred to give up the opportunity to return to France. His confession deeply touched Shen Danping, and she decided to marry Wu Wei. Unexpectedly, this move attracted strong opposition from his family, and he broke off relations with his family.

For the sake of this beloved man, Shen Danping resolutely chose to leave her hometown and follow Wu Wei to France to start a new life. The sweetness of love and the pain of caring for her hometown are intertwined in her heart, and Shen Danping has experienced unprecedented emotional fluctuations.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

Shen Danping's married life is happy

In 1985, 25-year-old Shen Danping married Wu Wei, who was 14 years older than her, and began to live overseas. When she first arrived in France, she was not fluent in the language and unfamiliar with the environment, which was very different from life in China.

Fortunately, the understanding and considerate Wu Wei took care of Shen Danping meticulously, so that she quickly adapted to life here.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

Wu Wei took good care of Shen Danping and treated her like a princess in the palm of her hand. At first, Shen Danping was worried that the age and cultural differences between the two would cause estrangement.

But after getting along, she found that Wu Wei was erudite and talented, and the two were like-minded and a match made in heaven. Wu Wei not only took care of her in life, but also patiently taught her French and took her to experience French culture.

Under his infection, Shen Danping gradually fell in love with this romantic country.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

After marriage, the relationship between the two was very good, and the relatives and friends who talked about it were impressed by their affection. In 1991, their first daughter was born, which is the best proof of this relationship.

Later, they had a second daughter. Seeing her two slender and lovely daughters frolicking by her side, Shen Danping felt extremely happy.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

Under the care of Wu Wei, Shen Danping lived a life of blending oil in honey. She no longer rushes for career development, but spends time with her family. She often takes her on tours around France and food and wine.

Everywhere she went, he carefully introduced her to the local history and culture, and she listened to it with relish. The two often walk hand in hand through the streets and alleys of Paris, feeling the unique romance and elegance of the city.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

Wu Wei also often gives her surprise gifts, making her feel that she is the happiest woman in the world.

Shen Danping has the courage to pursue love and is a model of women's independence

In the 80s of the last century, Shen Danping braved her family's opposition to marry in a foreign country, but what is valuable is that she has the courage to pursue true love and freedom, and shows an independent outlook on life.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

At that time, although the traditional concepts in the society were loosened after the reform and opening up, parents and elders still had a strong control over the arrangement of children's marriages.

Compared with personal feelings, they pay more attention to the status of the family. Shen Danping ignored the strong opposition of her parents and insisted on marrying Wu Wei, who was 14 years older than her and a foreigner, which was a very shocking move at that time.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

This kind of independent personality that has the courage to pursue true love and does not let any external force influence her marriage decision is Shen Danping's preciousness. Although she turned against her family because of this, Shen Danping did not give in.

Instead, she decided to go to France alone to start a new life.

In that era when the status of women was not as high as today, Shen Danping's self-pursuit and unfettered living state undoubtedly had extraordinary feminist significance.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

Her story offered a whole new possibility for the women of the time, encouraging them to fight for their rights and not be shackled by traditional ideas.

Perhaps, it is Shen Danping's courage to fight for true love and independence that has brought her happiness in the second half of her life. She used her own story to explain what is the true liberation of women.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

Love and marriage should not only be based on the right match, but should be based on the sincere feelings of both parties and the equal and autonomous individual will.

Shen Danping does not care about fame, fortune and status, only for the true love in her heart, this kind of singing and crying courage has inspired generations of women to fight for their own rights.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

She traveled left and right and finally achieved happiness, which can be described as a model of women's independence and courage to pursue their true selves.

Shen Danping's story deserves to be remembered and Xi

Shen Danping's life can be said to be full of ups and downs, she has always pursued her dreams unswervingly, not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, this spirit is very admirable.

From an ordinary dancer to film school to a rise to the silver screen; From successfully reaching the peak of her acting career to experiencing ups and downs on the emotional road, Shen Danping's life has been magnificent.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

But she has always maintained her passion for the performing arts, constantly breaking through herself, and finally achieving happiness.

Especially in that era when the status of women was not high, Shen Danping dared to pursue love, did not let traditional concepts limit her marriage and destiny, and showed a strong female consciousness and individual will.

This spirit of courage to break through the shackles of tradition is of great enlightening significance for the improvement of women's status.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

Shen Danping is not all smooth sailing, she has also encountered setbacks on the road of career and relationship. But she didn't stop there, faced life with a positive and optimistic attitude, and finally reaped happiness.

This positive, life-loving spirit is also moving.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

I believe that Shen Danping's persistent pursuit of art and the courage to fight for love will inspire everyone who reads her story. She uses her attitude towards life to explain what true success is.

I sincerely hope that everyone can draw on her spiritual strength in life and get their own happy life.

Actress Shen Danping in the 80s, despite her family's opposition to marrying a foreigner 14 years older, how is she doing now?

Shen Danping's life can be called a winner in life, she consistently pursues her dreams, makes brave decisions for true love, and finally achieves happiness. Her courage and spirit are worth learning Xi from everyone, and she uses her story to inspire us to live life to the fullest.

I believe that as long as we work hard and persevere to the end, we will also be able to achieve our ideals and reap our own success and happiness.

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