
After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

author:Xiaoxing Lianbagua
After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

At the Beijing Film Academy in 1982, a seemingly ordinary encounter quietly changed the fate of two young people. Shen Danping, a girl from Nanjing, stepped into this dream university with a vision of her acting career.

And Zhang Tielin, a boy from Tangshan, also came here with expectations for the future. The coincidence of fate makes them meet, get to know each other, and then fall in love.

Their love is like a blooming flower on campus, beautiful and warm. However, who would have expected that this youth love song would become a watershed in the lives of the two? At that time, the pointer of light pointed to forty years later, looking back on the past, we suddenly realized: how wise and brave Shen Danping's original choice was.

This is a story of love, growth, and life choices, and let's unravel its mysteries together.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

Shen Danping and Zhang Tielin, two seemingly unrelated young people, have similar growth backgrounds under the arrangement of fate. Shen Danping was born in an ordinary working family in Nanjing, and as the second daughter, she often felt neglected by her parents.

In that era when the concept of patriarchy was deep-rooted, Shen Danping not only had to face the neglect of her family, but also had to endure the strange eyes cast by her neighbors. This environment cultivated her introverted and inferiority complex, but it also planted the seeds in her heart to change her destiny through hard work.

In contrast, Zhang Tielin's childhood was even more difficult. Born into a poor family in Tangshan City, he had to steal his neighbors' crops to fill his stomach as a child.

Although this behavior attracted criticism from his neighbors, the threat of starvation made it impossible for him to stop. At the age of 16, in response to the call of the country, Zhang Tielin became an educated youth and spent four years in the countryside.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

This experience completely changed his outlook on life and gave him the idea of getting rich through business.

However, there is always a gap between the ideal and the reality. After many failed ventures, Zhang Tielin had to work as a loading and unloading job to make ends meet. But he did not give up, pinning his hopes on the college entrance examination system, which was restored in 1978.

With his charm and talent, he was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy.

At the same time, Shen Danping is also struggling for her dreams. She was first admitted to the Yangzhou Song and Dance Troupe, where she accumulated valuable performance experience. Subsequently, she was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and started her acting career.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

These two young people, who had struggled in a difficult situation, finally took a crucial step on the road of life through their own efforts. Their stories tell us that no matter what your background, as long as you keep persistent and work hard, you can create your own wonderful life.

The encounter between Shen Danping and Zhang Tielin is not only the fate of two people, but also the intersection of two indomitable souls on the road of pursuing their dreams.

On the campus of Beijing Film Academy, the encounter between Shen Danping and Zhang Tielin seemed to be fate. Shen Danping's beauty and elegance quickly attracted Zhang Tielin's attention.

From acquaintance to acquaintance, to love, everything seems so natural and beautiful. On campus, they strolled hand in hand, shared food, and became the envy of everyone.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

Whenever they appear on campus, they will attract the envy of their classmates and become a beautiful landscape.

Their relationship seems to have withstood this test and remained sweet during college. They co-starred in the movie "Night Shanghai", which not only achieved an enthusiastic response and a proud box office, but also became a testimony of their love.

However, the real test doesn't come until graduation season rolls around. Shen Danping was assigned to the Beijing Film Studio, while Zhang Tielin went to the Tianjin Radio and Television Art Troupe.

The geographical distance forced the lovers to embark on a difficult long-distance relationship.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

The test of long-distance relationships, coupled with the development of their respective careers, has made the distance between the two farther and farther apart. Shen Danping is focused on her acting career, while Zhang Tielin is also looking for her own opportunities in a new environment.

They try to maintain the relationship, but the cruelty of reality makes them gradually realize that love is not all there is to life.

This experience may be the beginning of Shen Danping's sobriety in her relationship in the future. She understands that love is beautiful, but it can't be the whole of life. In contrast, Zhang Tielin seems to be still groping in the fog of feelings.

The end of this campus romance had a profound impact on the lives of the two. Shen Danping learns how to maintain a balance between love and career, while Zhang Tielin embarks on his long journey of emotional exploration.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

Their stories tell us that although the love of youth is beautiful, the test of reality is often more cruel. Only by staying sober can we go further on the road of life.

After the breakup, Zhang Tielin seems to have embarked on an endless road of emotional exploration. His love life is like a drama of ups and downs, full of joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

First of all, he fell in love with the new actor Gong Xue. The two sparked on the set and co-starred in "Colorful Morning Light", which became the focus of the entertainment industry for a while.

However, the good times did not last long, and Gong Xue had to go to another country because of her involvement in the "Shanghai hooligan case", and this relationship also came to an end.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tielin fell in love with actor Deng Xing. Deng Xing's family background brought Zhang Tielin more acting resources, but this relationship was short-lived and ended soon.

In 1987, Zhang Tielin, who had a dream, decided to go to the United Kingdom for further study. In a foreign country, he not only had to face the language barrier, but also had to run for a living. However, with his own talent, he gradually gained a foothold in the British film and television industry.

Not only did he teach at the Royal Cinemas, but he also produced documentaries for the BBC and even won a BAFTA Award.

When his career was booming, Zhang Tielin met his first wife, a female choreographer of mixed British and Polish descent. They soon married and had a daughter. However, when Zhang Tielin came up with the idea of returning to China for development, this marriage came to an end.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

For the sake of his career, Zhang Tielin chose to divorce and returned to China alone to seek new development opportunities.

After returning to China, Zhang Tielin's career fell into a trough. In this difficult period, he met the young and beautiful Hou Junjie. Regardless of the age gap, Hou Junjie wholeheartedly supported Zhang Tielin, and even used his connections to fight for resources for him.

However, when Hou Junjie became pregnant, Zhang Tielin asked her to have an abortion, which became the fuse for the breakdown of the relationship between the two.

After that, Zhang Tielin got acquainted with the beautiful and moving Hui actress Fatimah Yaqi during the filming of "Huanzhu Gege". The two quickly fell in love, and Zhang Tielin even provided Fatimah with a lot of film and television resources.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

But when Fatima proposed marriage, Zhang Tielin listed a series of harsh conditions, including proficiency in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and English, etc., which eventually led to the failure of the relationship.

Zhang Tielin's capriciousness in his relationship seems to expose his inner insecurity and pursuit of perfection. He lost himself in love, constantly looking for his ideal partner, but never found his true home.

Every relationship makes him farther and farther away from his ideal love, and it also makes it difficult for him to choose between career and relationship.

This long journey of emotional exploration not only consumed a lot of Zhang Tielin's energy, but also made him miss many precious opportunities. His story teaches us how important it is to stay sober and sane in love, and that blind pursuit of perfection can lead to self-loss and ultimately loss of true happiness.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

In stark contrast to Zhang Tielin's emotional drift is Shen Danping's love story. After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, Shen Danping was not in a hurry to find a new relationship, but devoted all her energy to her career.

This focus and precipitation laid a solid foundation for her later love life.

The twist of fate happened at a gathering of friends. Shen Danping met Uwe, a German boy who worked as a translator and editor in Beijing. Uwe's love for Chinese culture and love at first sight for Shen Danping made this transnational romance heat up quickly.

However, the relationship was not all smooth sailing.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

Shen Danping is facing tremendous pressure from her family and society. Her parents strongly opposed the cross-border marriage, fearing that their daughter would not be heard from if she married away from home. Colleagues also looked at her choice differently.

But Shen Danping showed extraordinary courage and determination. She did not hesitate to break with her parents, but also to follow her true love.

That persistence paid off in the end. With the liberalization of the policy, Shen Danping became the first famous actress in China to marry a foreign man. After marriage, she chose to temporarily put aside her career and returned to Germany with her husband to live, giving birth to two daughters for him.

A few years later, she returned to China with her family and restarted her acting career.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

Between family and career, Shen Danping has found a balance. Not only did she achieve new things in the film industry, but she also managed to repair her relationship with her parents. Time flies, and the relationship between Shen Danping and Uwe has gone through three-quarters of a century, and they are still in love.

Shen Danping's story proves that staying sober and persistent in love, and having the courage to face challenges, can eventually reap true happiness. Her choice not only won her a happy family, but also opened up a new path for her career development.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Shen Danping and Zhang Tielin's first love is a thing of the past forty years ago. However, the passage of time has carved a very different trajectory in their lives.

Although Zhang Tielin has made good achievements in his acting career, the image of "Huang Ama" in "Huanzhu Gege" is even more well-known. But in his love life, he never seems to have found a true home.

After breaking up for many years, looking at the lives of Zhang Tielin and Shen Danping, I realized how sober Shen Danping was

The failure of many relationships has made his private life much concerned and discussed.

In contrast, Shen Danping's life seems more complete. Not only did she gain a happy family, but her relationship with her German husband Uwe has lasted for a long time, and her two daughters have also become slim.

At the same time, she has also made new breakthroughs in her career, returning to the screen many times in recent years, and winning the applause of the audience with her superb acting skills.

Looking back, Shen Danping's sober choice in her relationship back then set the tone of happiness for her life. Her story tells us that on the road of love and life, staying sober and persisting in oneself can truly achieve long-term happiness.

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