
Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

author:Shangshan said entertainment

In 1960, in a family of ordinary workers in Nanjing, Jiangsu, Shen Danping fell to the ground. Since she was a child, she has shown a unique temperament, and her big eyes and smart expression have made the neighbors admire: "This little girl is definitely a beauty when she grows up."

However, Shen Danping is not satisfied with just being a beauty. As she grew older, she developed a keen interest in dance. Whenever she sees a dancer spinning gracefully on TV, Shen Danping's eyes will sparkle, and she secretly wishes to become a dancer.

It's a pity that this dream seems so unrealistic in the eyes of parents. "Girls should find a down-to-earth job, find a good family in the future, and live this life in peace.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

The words of her parents were like a slap in the face in Shen Danping's ears. She clenched her fists and secretly made up her mind to follow her dream. After graduating from high school, Shen Danping resolutely applied for the Yangzhou Song and Dance Troupe.

However, the ideal path is never easy. The first exam, due to lack of preparation, she was quickly brushed off. Shen Danping gritted her teeth, wiped away her tears, and decided to make persistent efforts.

In this way, she applied for the exam again and again, and after many failures, she was finally admitted when she was about to give up and became a dancer in the song and dance troupe. This perseverance has become an important background color for her to pursue her dreams and love in the future.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

However, after only two years of working in the song and dance troupe, Shen Danping made another decision that surprised everyone. One day in 1978, when she was preparing costumes backstage in the song and dance troupe, she learned that the Beijing Film Academy and the Central Academy of Drama were recruiting students.

A bold idea flashed through her mind: why not try a wider stage? This decision not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also laid the groundwork for her future emotional journey.

Standing in front of Nortel's school gate, Shen Danping took a deep breath, her eyes flashing with longing and expectation for the future. She knew that a whole new world was opening its doors to her.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

Stepping into the campus of Beijing Film Academy, Shen Danping seems to have entered a new world. There are many young people with acting dreams gathered here, including Zhang Tielin, Chen Guoxing, Zhou Lijing, Zhang Fengyi and Fang Shu, who will become famous actors in the future.

Although most of the students in the class focused on Fang Shu, the class flower, Shen Danping's outstanding appearance also attracted the attention of many people, including Zhang Tielin.

At that time, Zhang Tielin, although he gave people a mediocre impression now, was a sunny and handsome young man when he was young. Because the two often cooperate in acting classes, they slowly develop a good feeling.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

For Shen Danping, who tasted love for the first time, this relationship brought infinite sweetness and longing. Her eyes flashed with the light of love, and every time she saw Zhang Tielin, her face was filled with a happy smile.

However, Shen Danping was not carried away by love. She knows very well what her main purpose is for coming to Nortel - to become a good actor. She put most of her energy into her studies and worked hard to hone her acting skills.

The effort soon paid off. In her sophomore year, Shen Danping was recommended to participate in the movie "Lilies" and played the role of "new daughter-in-law". This opportunity allowed her to officially step into the entertainment industry, and also gave her a taste of success.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

There was more confidence in her eyes, and her steps became more determined. In the following college years, Shen Danping successively participated in films such as "The Corner Forgotten by Love" and "Night Shanghai".

Before graduating, she had already become a well-known actress and became a popular figure in school. Whenever she walks on campus, she always attracts the envious eyes of her classmates.

And Zhang Tielin, who is her boyfriend, also feels honored because of this, and walks with a little pride. There are fewer and fewer opportunities to meet, and the relationship between the two has gradually become weaker.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

In addition, they are all actors, so it is inevitable that they will have ambiguities with others during the filming process. Especially Zhang Tielin, after graduation, he seems to have liberated his nature, and scandals about him are overwhelming.

In the end, after the scandal between Zhang Tielin and actress Gong Xue, this campus romance came to an end. After the breakup, Shen Danping once fell into sadness and couldn't extricate herself. There was loss and confusion in her eyes, but soon, she adjusted her mentality and devoted all her energy to her acting career.

The end of this relationship is both a blow and a growth for Shen Danping. It laid the groundwork for her future emotional experience, and also made her more determined to continue to move forward on the road of acting.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

The pain of falling out of love did not break Shen Danping, but made her focus more on her acting career. She put all her energy into her work, participated in one work after another, and her career is thriving.

There was a gritty glint in her eyes, as if to tell the world that she would not be overwhelmed by emotional setbacks. However, fate prepared an unexpected surprise for her in 1983, more than a year after she broke up with Zhang Tielin.

It was an ordinary day, and Shen Danping attended a party organized by a friend. She was dressed simply and elegantly, with a polite smile on her face, completely unaware that this party would completely change the trajectory of her life.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

At the party, through the introduction of a friend, Shen Danping met Wuwei Kraut, a translator from Germany. This German man, who has lived in China for 9 years, not only knows Chinese culture well, but also speaks Chinese fluently.

When Wuwei Kraut spoke to her fluently in Chinese, Shen Danping's eyes widened in surprise and became deeply interested in this "foreigner". In the days that followed, the two began to date frequently.

Every time they met, Shen Danping was attracted by the erudition of Wuwei Kraut. Her eyes flashed with curiosity and appreciation, and a special feeling gradually sprouted in her heart.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

Once, they had a power outage while they were having dinner together. In the sudden darkness, Wuwei Kraut couldn't help but kiss Shen Danping. This sudden kiss made the relationship between the two warm up instantly.

When the lights came back on, Shen Danping's cheeks flushed with a faint flush, and her heart beat faster. When Weed Crout was worried that his actions would annoy Shen Danping, Shen Danping unexpectedly asked, "Do you like me?" Her voice trembled a little, and her eyes were filled with anticipation and apprehension.

This sentence seems to open Pandora's box. Wuwei Kraut immediately confessed to Shen Danping, his voice full of sincerity and enthusiasm. And Shen Danping also gladly accepted it, and the corners of her mouth raised an arc of happiness.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

In fact, she has long had a good impression of this tall, powerful, and secure German man, but she has not shown it because of the girl's reserve. However, their romance was soon met with opposition from those around them.

Almost everyone doesn't understand why Shen Danping chose a foreigner as her boyfriend. Her parents, in particular, were even more adamantly opposed to them being together. In the face of these doubts and opposition, a trace of pain flashed in Shen Danping's eyes, but it was more firm.

But Shen Danping, who was already in love, couldn't listen to any advice at all. Every time she is with Ebony Crout, her eyes sparkle with happiness and her smile is sweet and bright.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

She firmly believes that this love that crosses borders is worth fighting for. In February 1984, just a year after they met, Shen Danping made a surprising decision - she wanted to marry Reed Crout.

This decision not only shocked everyone, but also opened a new chapter in her life. Shen Danping's eyes were full of determination and expectation, and she knew that a journey full of challenges but also hope was about to begin.

In February 1984, the second day of the Lunar New Year, it was supposed to be a festive day for the married daughter to return to her parents' home for reunion. However, for Shen Danping, this day became one of the most difficult moments in her life.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

With apprehension, Shen Danping pushed open the door. She took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to propose to her parents the idea of marrying Reed Crout. However, her parents' reaction was even more drastic than she had imagined.

"You follow him, you don't follow us, there is no him with us." The parents' words were like a sharp sword, which deeply pierced Shen Danping's heart. Her eyes turned red instantly, but she still pursed her lips stubbornly, unwilling to give up her choice.

Despite this, Shen Danping still insisted on her decision. At her insistence, her parents reluctantly signed, but then pushed her out of the house. The moment the door closed, she heard her father's desperate and angry roar: "If you really marry that foreigner, don't come back in the future, don't enter this house!" This sentence was like a hammer, smashing on Shen Danping's heart.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

She stood outside the door, tears streaming silently. At this moment, she felt lonely and lost like never before. In the face of such severe opposition, Shen Danping also wavered. More than once, she asked herself, "Do you really want to marry this man?" Her heart is full of contradictions and struggles, on the one hand, she feels guilty about her family, and on the other hand, she is obsessed with love.

However, she was completely moved by the words of Reed Crout. When she told Uwee Kraut about her family's opposition, the German man said affectionately: "Even if you don't want to be my wife, you don't want to be my wife, but I still love you."

This selfless love completely tilted the balance in Shen Danping's heart. There was a hint of determination in her eyes, and she was determined to break with her family and marry this German man who was 14 years older than her.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

In this way, Shen Danping became the first actress in China to marry a foreigner. For this love, she not only lost the support of her family, but also gave up her thriving acting career in China and went to Germany with her husband to live.

When she stepped on the plane to Germany, Shen Danping's eyes were filled with both anxiety about the unknown future and anticipation for a new life. She knew that this decision not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also laid many challenges for her later life.

But she firmly believes that as long as there is love, all difficulties can be overcome. At this moment, Shen Danping, although she has lost a lot, her eyes are shining with determination and courage.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

She is ready to embrace a new chapter in her life and embark on an unknown but hopeful journey. Shen Danping, who first arrived in Germany, faced many difficulties such as language barriers and cultural differences.

She often stood in front of the window, looking out at the streets of a foreign country, and her eyes showed a little confusion and homesickness. But for the sake of her husband, she endured it silently and tried to adapt to the new life.

In the third year of their marriage, they welcomed their first daughter. When she picked up the little life, Shen Danping's eyes flashed with tears of happiness. She insisted on giving her daughter a Chinese name, Dandan, as if it was a way for her to stay connected to her homeland.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

Soon after, they gave birth to a second daughter, Anna. However, as she lived in Germany for more and more time, Shen Danping's longing for her motherland became stronger and stronger. Her eyes often reveal her nostalgia for her hometown and her yearning for her acting career.

She began to frequently ask her husband to return to China, with persistence and a little stubbornness in her tone. Faced with his wife's request, Reed Kraut was a little hesitant at first.

But seeing the determination in Shen Danping's eyes, he finally chose to compromise. When Shen Danping learned that she could return to China, a bright smile bloomed on her face that she had not seen for a long time. After returning to China, Shen Danping seems to have mastered the "secret" of dealing with marriage relationships.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

Whenever there is a conflict between husband and wife, she will talk about "divorce". According to her daughter, Shen Danping even "can file for divorce a hundred times a day." There was a stubbornness in her eyes and a threat in her tone, as if this was the only way she could express her displeasure.

However, no matter how unreasonable Shen Danping was, Wuwei Kraut never agreed to divorce. On the contrary, he always chose to back down and try to maintain the marriage. After every quarrel, he would look at Shen Danping with gentle eyes and patiently soothe her emotions.

Although Shen Danping filed for divorce many times after marriage, it turned out that her married life was far happier than she imagined. Wuwei Kraut completely doted on Shen Danping as a princess in her life, and their two daughters were also well-behaved and sensible, and they didn't let their parents worry about it.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

This multinational family, after many twists and turns, finally found its own happy balance. Shen Danping's eyes, although there are occasional flashes of stubbornness, are more often filled with happiness and satisfaction.

Time flies, and the once vigorous love story has now precipitated into a plain and warm family life. The marriage of Shen Danping and Wuwei Kraut has gone through nearly 30 years of ups and downs, but they are still close to each other.

Whenever they looked at each other and smiled, their eyes flashed with the tenderness that had been precipitated over the years. After returning to China, Shen Danping did not give up the acting career she loved. She continued to participate in works such as "Little Women Under Zhengyang Gate", "With You All the Way", "Children of Aibang" and so on.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

Although she is not as well-known as her classmate Zhang Tielin, her eyes still flash with love and persistence for performance. What's even more gratifying is that the parents who once broke with Shen Danping slowly understood and accepted her choice after seeing that their daughter was indeed happy.

When Shen Danping pushed the door open again, the blame in the eyes of her parents had turned into relief and love. The reconciliation of family relationships is the icing on the cake for Shen Danping's happy life.

Shen Danping, who is now 61 years old, although she rarely appears in film and television works again, she devotes more time and energy to family life. Her relationship with her husband is still the same, and their married life is happy.

Shen Danping: After breaking up with Zhang Tielin, he broke up with his family in order to marry a foreigner, but after marriage, he filed for divorce many times

Whenever she looked at her husband and two daughters, her eyes lit up with satisfaction and happiness. Looking back, Shen Danping's brave pursuit of love not only won the admiration of others, but also gained a happy marriage that was used for life.

Her story has become a beautiful example of transnational marriage, proving that sincere love can transcend borders and cultural barriers. Today's Shen Danping, her eyes are full of happiness and calmness, as if to say: All the persistence and dedication are worth it.

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