
When my mother-in-law was sick, I gave 30,000 yuan, and when my father was hospitalized, I felt that it was too much to pay 1,000, and I was scolded by my husband for being unfilial

author:Lucky Drift Bottle 1688


When my mother-in-law was sick, I gave 30,000 yuan, and when my father was hospitalized, I felt that it was too much to pay 1,000, and I was scolded by my husband for being unfilial

My name is Xiaoxiao, and my life is a complicated book, one of joys and scars. Especially in family relationships, I have experienced a strong contrast: when my mother-in-law was sick, I did not hesitate to give all my savings, 30,000 yuan, just in the hope that she would recover.

However, when my own father was hospitalized, I gave out a thousand dollars. Perhaps in the eyes of some people, this is a sign of unfilial piety, but for me, there are too many little-known stories behind it. I can't measure my love for my family with simple numbers, because behind that is the accumulation and fragmentation of emotions over a long period of time.

My husband didn't understand my choice, and he thought I should be more generous to my father, which made me feel aggrieved. I cried many times, trying to explain why the thousand dollars was a huge step for me, but he never fully understood the hardship. I was pained to find that even the people closest to me had difficulty reaching the complex emotions that surrounded me deeply.

These contradictions and misunderstandings multiply the stress on me and add a bit of weight to my already chaotic emotional world. But I think it's time to tell the world about the past and feelings that are hidden in my heart. Let others find some understanding and comfort in their own experiences from my story. So here's my story, frank and true, with expectation and healing...

When my mother-in-law was sick, I gave 30,000 yuan, and when my father was hospitalized, I felt that it was too much to pay 1,000, and I was scolded by my husband for being unfilial


My story begins in an ordinary and unhappy family. My father, a staunch traditionalist, often expressed a blatant preference for his younger brother on the grounds of family lineage and inheritance. My mother, a gentle soul, despite all her helplessness, tried to hold up a piece of the sky for me in a limited environment. However, the irresistible idea of dominance in the family always overwhelmed her efforts.

As I grew up, I gradually felt the indifference that came from my father. It was an inequality that was deeply ingrained in my bones, and it covered all my childhood memories. I vividly remember that whenever there was a celebration or a reward in the family, my brother always got the best of everything, whether it was more pocket money or a bigger piece of cake. And I sat at the other end of the table, looking at the disproportionate share in my hand, and my heart was full of questions: Why don't I deserve the same joy?

I remember one year on my birthday, and I was looking forward to having a little celebration of my own. But the father forgot about the day, and all the attention seemed to be focused on the younger brother's upcoming football match. My mother silently bought me a small cake, and she secretly handed it to me after everyone went to bed, her eyes full of apologies. My mother's heart poured into my cold childhood like a warm current, and at that moment, I felt at least a little warmth from this home.

Looking back, I can see the little girl who struggled to find the warmth of her family. My mother, her love is like a faint lamp, trying to flicker in the cold that my father has given. But my father, whose heart seemed to be wrapped in a hard shell, never showed a shred of solace in my loss and grief.

The constant tension and depression of the family environment taught me to hide my emotions early on, and silence became my armor to deal with injustice. My brother's unconscious preferential treatment has built an invisible wall in my heart, and every brick and tile is a great pain and isolation. I'm not a person who cries out loud, but whenever I'm alone in the dead of night, the tears fall silently, and it's my own bitterness and helplessness.

Even as time passed, the chasm in my father's eyes never really disappeared. Even when I was academically successful, my father ignored me, and his disregard for me was so profound that even a simple word of encouragement or concern seemed extravagant. It pained me and made me even more eager to escape from this place of endless disappointment.

Growing up in such an environment, I learned to be extremely independent. Despite the constant telling me that family is everyone's haven and safe haven, I have doubts about it. For me, home is not a safe haven, but a source of a series of challenges and conflicts.

Childhood memories are mottled and profound, and they have left indelible marks on my heart. It was a time when even the sun was dim, and in the midst of repeated loss, I gradually learned to restrain my expectations and no longer expect the same love and attention as my brother.

When my mother-in-law was sick, I gave 30,000 yuan, and when my father was hospitalized, I felt that it was too much to pay 1,000, and I was scolded by my husband for being unfilial

I remember one time, the community held a drawing contest and I participated in it and won first place. My heart was filled with joy, thinking that this time, I would finally get a recognition from my father, or even a simple compliment. However, when I ran home in high spirits with the winning certificate in my hand, my father just glanced at it coldly and continued to discuss his soccer training with my brother. At that moment, my heart was broken into countless pieces and fell to the ground, no one cared.

What I remember even more is the celebration of those festivals and important days at home. Whenever those moments came, I had a clear vision of my situation. For example, during the Spring Festival one year, my father bought the latest game console for my younger brother, but what I was given was a simple new clothes. Although I also needed new clothes, the unfair treatment was painful. It's not the clothes themselves, it's the feeling of being deliberately ignored, like a cold wind penetrating through the clothes and reaching the skin, cold.

My mother felt sorry for me, and I could feel it. But under her father's house rules, she seemed so powerless. She tried to heal me with subtle gestures, such as gently patting me on the back at night, listening to me, and trying to heal me. In her arms, I can find a trace of home warmth and comfort. But a mother's love is like a sparrow trapped in a cage, which has the heart to fly but cannot spread its wings.

Time and time again, I tried to win my father's attention with rewards, deeds, and even money, but every time I tried to get close to his heart, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no response. Compared to my brother, I never seemed to have much weight in his heart. After a long time, I gradually had my own way of coping - no longer expecting, no longer seeking his recognition, I chose to be silent.

However, this silence does not bring calm, but a deep loneliness. At school, I was a high-achieving student, but back home, I became a piece of home that existed and was ignored. My brother's every move would attract my father's attention, and I had to find comfort and recognition in my own world.

Through the gap in the window, I often look at the outside world, where there is a different light and color. The call for freedom is so enticing that I look forward to the day when I can escape from this suffocating environment and find a place that accepts me, where I can breathe.

The years are like a tide, and the peace of the family is constantly receding. In high school, I encountered more violent storms in my life. This storm originated from the betrayal of my father, who was no longer the father who was just indifferent, but became the culprit who completely tore our family apart. He began to associate with a woman frequently outside, and this sudden change revealed all the uneasiness and stability in the family.

My mother, the woman who had raised me with endless tenderness and patience, seemed to have her heart destroyed at that moment. However, her grief and pain did not earn her father's mercy. I watched my mother struggle every day to keep the family together, and the sluice in my eyes gradually lost its brilliance.

Her mother's health was already unhealthy, and the emotional blow exacerbated her condition. The worries and troubles of the whole day are like the frost that quietly falls in the night sky, ruthlessly eating away at her vitality. She had asked me to promise not to make my life unhappy, no matter what the future holds, and that was the last piece of advice my mother left me.

Soon after, my mother, after hospitalization after hospitalization, left us forever. That day, I just stood in front of the white hospital wall, feeling like the whole world had turned gray. The pain that came from the bottom of my heart was like a tidal wave beating against my soul. I want to scream, I want to cry, I want to ask, why is this the end?

When my mother-in-law was sick, I gave 30,000 yuan, and when my father was hospitalized, I felt that it was too much to pay 1,000, and I was scolded by my husband for being unfilial

Soon after his mother's death, his father married the woman he was like. In this way, the woman entered our home with her child, and the place that was supposed to belong to the mother suddenly became strange and cold. I watched it all like a ridiculous play. Sadness, anger, and disappointment hit my fragile heart like a great wave. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop the hollowness in my heart from gradually expanding.

My younger brother seemed to quickly adapt to the new family model, and he received more care from his father and doting on that woman. He lived in an environment surrounded by protection and interests, and I was reduced to an outsider in my family, an outsider that no one cared about, no one cared about.

In the face of all this, I once again felt my own isolation. In this home where I once had happy memories, I was like a ghost with a lost soul. The warm images in my memories slowly faded out of my life with time.

I decided that I was leaving, leaving this so-called "home" that I couldn't breathe. I'm going to pursue my own life and find my own future. It was a choice that had to be made, and although it was difficult, it gave me a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, only when I am away from those painful memories can I find the courage to start again.

My steps were firm and swift, and with a heavy heart and a deep hope for an unknown future, I left the place called "home". I walked into the university gate and began to live a truly independent life with my dreams and desires.

For me, going to university not only means the pursuit of academic wisdom and growth, but also a spiritual rebirth. Here, I am no longer a neglected daughter, no longer the child who does not get the warmth of the family. I became the helmsman of my own life and began to steer in the sea of life, unbound by the shadow of my past family.

College life is not all smooth sailing. In order to pay for tuition and living expenses, I had to find a part-time job in my spare time. I've worked as a tutor, as a waiter in a coffee shop, and even as a library assistant. Every job has honed my will and ability, and made me more resilient. Sometimes, in the dead of night, I think of my mother's words, she wants me to live a happy life, and I try to live up to her expectations.

In this new environment, I met friends from different backgrounds and experiences. Their stories are very different from mine, but their camaraderie gives me support and encouragement. After studying Xi together, working, and experiencing small encounters in life, I began to truly realize the diversity and vastness of society. My worldview has expanded as a result, and I have learned how to see things from different perspectives, understanding and respecting different values.

College life has also taught me to think for myself and express myself. I have spoken in class, participated in debates, discussed my views on society and human nature. In my academic pursuits, I discovered my inner strength. Every discussion and practice made me more convinced that it is possible to change the trajectory of my life and that I have the ability to create the future I want.

When my mother-in-law was sick, I gave 30,000 yuan, and when my father was hospitalized, I felt that it was too much to pay 1,000, and I was scolded by my husband for being unfilial

Under the guidance of education, I gradually found my own interests and career path. I fell in love with literature, and words became a channel for me to express my emotions and opinions. Through writing, I was able to not only dissect my inner world, but also share my stories and experiences with more people. As I write every word, I feel like I've healed the scars of the past little by little, and walked out of the shadow of the past.

I know that my journey is far from over. There are still many uncertainties and challenges waiting for me, but I am ready to face them. I'm no longer the Xiaoxiao who is afraid of being ignored and feels lonely in my family. I am a strong individual who has grown up in the midst of twists and turns, and I am moving towards happiness in my own way, step by step.

By the time I graduated from university, I had accumulated knowledge that was not limited to academic books. What I learned went far beyond the syllabus to cover self-discovery, fighting injustice, and firmly practicing personal values. The years of education have made a new self with mature thinking, independence and self-confidence.

When I entered the workplace, my literary background became the starting point for me to shine. I got a job as an editor at a publishing house, which not only satisfied my love for words, but also gave me the opportunity to touch the hearts and experiences of other writers, and broadened my horizons. My work is highly rated, and I stand out from my peers with my ingenuity and hard work.

As my work stood out, I became more and more confident and began to yearn for my future life and have a boyfriend.

I met my current husband, Ah Cheng, at a party, and he quickly won my favor with his witty humor. Ah Cheng is the kind of man who has a gentle demeanor and a firm vision, and he has a kind of calmness that can see through people's hearts, which makes me feel at ease by his side.

As time passed, we got to know each other better and better, and gradually discovered that there was an indescribable fit in the depths of our two souls. Ah Cheng has become my support, and I have also become the comfort of his soul. And in this relationship, I met another person who changed my life – Ah Cheng's mother, my future mother-in-law.

She is a kind and kind woman with a unique insight and wisdom about life. Like my own mother, she has a strong sense of family. From the first time we met, she showed acceptance and care for me. In my heart, she gradually filled the void left by my mother's death.

One day, the misfortune fell, and my mother-in-law suddenly fell ill and needed to be taken care of by our whole family. I did not hesitate to devote myself to taking care of her, even more actively than Ah Cheng. Busy with work during the day and waiting at my mother-in-law's bedside at night, my heart was filled with deep affection for this great woman.

When my mother-in-law was sick, I gave 30,000 yuan, and when my father was hospitalized, I felt that it was too much to pay 1,000, and I was scolded by my husband for being unfilial

During these difficult days of caregiving, I did my best to treat her like my own mother. As a result, our bond has become deeper, and the bond that has been forged by a bond other than blood is more precious and difficult.

Over time, my mother-in-law's physical condition gradually improved, and her recovery speed exceeded all of our expectations. After my recovery, my mother-in-law not only cared for me, but also reciprocated my care in various ways. She would prepare my favorite dishes, give me life tips, and even insist on helping our new home.

I can't put into words what I feel deeply touched, and my eyes tend to moisten in the presence of these acts of kindness from hers. Her thoughtfulness and care made me feel a kind of family warmth again, a long-lost happiness and peace that I could feel in my body, mind and soul. I realized that family is not just a blood bond, but also a haven of mutual help, respect and love.

However, just when our family was enjoying the warmth and happiness, the unforeseen dilemma arose again. I learned that my father had been hospitalized because of his illness. Despite the complicated relationship with my father, I felt a sudden sense of worry and responsibility.

Accompanied by Ah Cheng, I went to the hospital to visit my father, whom I hadn't seen for several years, but my father was not surprised or surprised by my arrival, but just said lightly: "You are here." ”

We didn't have any extra words, and I tried to communicate with my father and try to understand his behavior, but unfortunately, he still stuck to his worldview. Although we could not reach a complete understanding of each other, I at least relieved my guilt because I no longer needed his acknowledgment.

Before leaving, I gave my stepmother 1,000 yuan and asked her to buy some nutritional products for my father. After leaving the hospital, Ah Cheng felt that I gave too little, and said that I was not a little unfilial, and I didn't return to this, because he never understood what betrayal meant to a woman, and I would not forgive him for my mother.

As time went on, my mindset matured, and I learned that the true freedom of self comes from the strength of the heart, not the recognition of the outside world. I began to heal myself, participate in yoga and meditation, seek peace of mind, read books on philosophy and psychology, and explore the depths of self-awareness.

Time is like healing water, slowly flowing through the heart, taking away sharp pain. After going through all those loneliness and challenges, I found a careful balance. This balance allows me to not only keep going, but also to stop and enjoy the scenery along the way. I learned to cherish the people in front of me and built my own family – a group of friends and loved ones who cared for me and supported me.

When my mother-in-law was sick, I gave 30,000 yuan, and when my father was hospitalized, I felt that it was too much to pay 1,000, and I was scolded by my husband for being unfilial

Now, I'm finally able to look back instead of running away. I can learn from my past experiences and turn them into a force to lead the future. My story has taught me that everyone, regardless of their background or background, has the power to rise above and behave to be a better version of themselves.

I am no longer the Xiaoxiao who is subject to family relationships, I am a free soul, and I am a woman who says "I can" out loud. Now I know what I want and how to get it. I firmly believe that every step of perseverance and every drop of sweat is a stepping stone to achieve my dreams, and I will move forward bravely in the future, no matter whether it is full of dangers or waves.

This is my story, a story of gradual liberation and courage. It is also the story of all those who follow themselves and are not afraid of challenges. It's about growing up, but it's also about self-redemption and rebirth.
