
Consolidate the foundation of the country's prosperity and strength with the strength of education

author:Bright Net

Author: Chen Guolong (Special Researcher, Fujian Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, Secretary of the Party Committee and Professor of Fuzhou University)

When presiding over the fifth collective study Xi of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to "strengthen the foundation of people's happiness with the power of education, consolidate the foundation of national prosperity and strength with the strength of education, and provide strong support for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation", which provides a fundamental basis for the construction of a strong country through education and how education can serve the prosperity and strength of the country and the happiness of the people. In order to achieve national prosperity, national rejuvenation and people's happiness, we must concentrate our efforts to build a strong country in education, so that the mainland can become a country with strong talent training capabilities, service contribution capabilities, and international competitiveness in education, and provide strong talent support for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

1. Consolidate a solid foundation of ideals and beliefs

Ideals and beliefs are the spiritual calcium of life, the spiritual pillar of a strong political party and a prosperous country, and play a role in raising the banner and orientation for cultivating socialist builders and successors, and also provide a strong guarantee for resisting risks and challenges in the ideological field. By strengthening ideological and moral education, deepening historical cognition education, and carrying out social practice education, we can effectively strengthen education on ideals and beliefs and replenish spiritual calcium, so as to lay a solid foundation of faith and gather spiritual strength for the prosperity and strength of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

Strengthen ideological and moral education. Ideological and moral education has the effect of cohesion and cohesion, so that ideals and beliefs can be deeply rooted in the brain and heart, and is the key to effectively enhancing education in ideals and beliefs. To this end, it is necessary to take "national rejuvenation" as the focus of ideological and political education, to educate the new people of the era who are responsible for the great task of rejuvenation with the original mission, to integrate ideological and moral education with daily life, and to create a daily, long-term, and interactive education on ideals and beliefs; adhere to the historical responsibility of educating people for the party and the country, focus on the needs of the development of the party and the country, infiltrate ideological and moral education into the whole school period and all disciplines, and give full play to the ideological and political education to consult the government and educate people. Closely following the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, we should consolidate the foundation of ideals and beliefs through ideological and moral education, explain clearly and thoroughly the rich connotation, great significance, and practical requirements of firm ideals and beliefs, enhance the students' perception and understanding of ideals and beliefs, and then internalize them into emotional belonging to the party and the country, the lifelong pursuit of value for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and actively participate in socialist modernization.

Deepen education on historical cognition. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "history is the best textbook and the best sobering agent." It is necessary to deepen the education of historical cognition, enhance the understanding of history of the educated, explain the history of the party's centennial struggle deeply, thoroughly, and lively, and understand the importance of the original mission to invigorate the national spirit and realize the national rejuvenation, continue the red tradition, inherit the red gene, and vigorously carry forward the spiritual genealogy of the Chinese Communists with the great spirit of party building as the source, and demonstrate the importance of education for cultivating and supporting the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system of the mainland. The important role of useful talents who are determined to fight for socialism with Chinese characteristics for life; take the history of new China as the content of basic education, and guide the educated to understand the true, three-dimensional, and comprehensive China through education, and cultivate patriotic feelings; through deepening historical cognition education, we can deeply understand the spiritual power contained in the history of reform and opening up, and cultivate the educated people to forge ahead with determination. The spiritual characteristics of daring to innovate; pay attention to the research and Xi of the history of socialist development, so that the educated people can understand the milestone significance of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the history of socialist development, strengthen their confidence in the road, theory, system, and culture; deeply understand and grasp the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, and constantly build the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation at a new historical starting point, so as to lay a solid foundation for forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation.

Carry out social practice education. The road is simple, practice can go far, hard work can prosper the country, and the ultimate foothold of ideal and belief education lies in guiding and promoting practice. To this end, it is necessary to enhance the practicality of education in ideals and beliefs, transform the flattened book theory into three-dimensional practical training, and guide the educated to transform the motivation for pursuing ideals and beliefs into the practice of serving the prosperity and strength of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation, and the happiness of the people through solid social practice education. The multi-level practice platform creates a good environment for the educated to practice their ideals and beliefs with actions, and through social practice education, it is elevated to conscious action, and guides the educated to devote themselves to the frontline of the grassroots and to the places where the motherland needs it most.

2. Construct an education mechanism for the integration of industry and education

Education is the great plan of the country and the party. Industrial development is an important foundation for the prosperity of the country and the strength of the people, and the foundation of industrial development lies in talents, and the foundation of talents lies in education. Education is an important power source to maintain and promote the sustainable and high-quality development of the industrial economy, and the integration of industry and education is an effective way to further consolidate the foundation of national industrial development. On the one hand, "education" and "production" correspond to the internalization and absorption of knowledge and the externalization of practice, which are two important links to realize the essential strength of human beings; on the other hand, the integration of industry and education can effectively balance the supply and demand of talents, solve the employment problem from the root, and consolidate the foundation of people's livelihood. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of a new era of industry-education integration education mechanism, and better transform talent dividends into high-quality development momentum.

Improve the quality of education and strive to attract active integration of industries. The development of the education industry focuses on constantly seeking a broader space for cooperation and development, and improving the initiative of various industries to participate in collaborative education. To this end, we must adhere to the optimization of training objectives, build a dynamic training target mechanism guided by industrial demand, focus on cultivating technical and skilled talents who serve the major needs of strategic emerging industries and industrial transformation and upgrading, and empower high-quality economic development with high-quality talent supply. In the form of part-time work and study, the specific practice is closely embedded in the teaching process, and the training goal of applied talents is practiced, and the strength of scientific research and innovation must be enhanced, and the rich scientific research results that are more competitive and attractive will provide early guarantee for the transformation of scientific research achievements in the industry.

Promote the realization of "true integration" and "true integration" of industry and education, and stimulate the vitality of high-quality development of the industry. Promoting the integration of industry and education is an inevitable choice to continuously shape the development of new momentum and new advantages, and its focus is on "true integration" and "true integration". First of all, strengthen the integration of ideas. To promote the integration of industry and education, we must adhere to the value consensus of educating people and employing people with both ability and political integrity, and at the same time, by actively absorbing industrial culture into the campus and classroom, give full play to the educational advantages of industrial culture, and improve the accuracy of talent supply with the integration of school and enterprise culture, so as to better realize the "true integration" and "true integration" of production and education. Secondly, the content of the course materials must keep up with the development of the industry, especially the current development trend of industrial digital transformation, and ensure that the teaching content is closely connected with the needs of the industry. Finally, with the construction of teachers as an important starting point, the accuracy and professionalism of education that meet the requirements of industrial development are enhanced through the introduction of professional corresponding industrial talent elites.

Consolidate the results of integration and build an evaluation system for the integration of industry and education. In order to continuously improve the mechanism of integration of industry and education, we must make good use of the "baton" of evaluation and feedback, and comprehensively play its role in guiding, regulating and improving, so as to form a virtuous circle of "supply-demand-resupply". The quality evaluation system of the integration of industry and education should pay attention to social value, and establish a performance-oriented, Reflect the value of education, establish a survey and tracking mechanism for the matching degree of talent supply and market demand, and guide education to serve the pillar traditional industries and strategic emerging industries to adjust and optimize the layout, highlight the value of industrial support, take the increase of industrial strength and economic interests as an important measurement standard, establish a mechanism for the establishment and withdrawal of disciplines and majors that meet the needs of the industry, give full play to the supporting role of education in talents, better serve the industry, and achieve innovative development。

3. Expand the effective way of "cultural people".

Culture rejuvenates the country and prospers, culture is strong, and the nation is strong. In order to achieve rejuvenation, a nation needs both strong material and spiritual strength, and must strengthen cultural self-confidence, stimulate the vitality of cultural innovation and creativity of the whole nation, and continuously enhance the country's cultural soft power. Without a high degree of cultural self-confidence and cultural prosperity, there will be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. As an important carrier of knowledge inheritance and cultural innovation, education plays an important role in enhancing cultural consciousness and strengthening cultural self-confidence, which can maintain national identity, invigorate national spirit, and promote all-round human development, and is an important cornerstone for the prosperity and development of socialist culture.

Enhance cultural awareness. Cultural consciousness is the cultural comprehension and understanding of a nation and a political party, which contains the retrospective and forward-looking of the origin and development of culture, the pursuit and reconstruction of cultural memory, and the perspective and cognition of cultural values. In the new era and new journey, education should continue to unleash cultural vitality, establish the contemporary spiritual coordinates of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and undertake a new cultural mission; vigorously carry forward the core socialist values put forward by the consensus of the whole party and the whole society, build a common spiritual home for all ethnic groups, and actively cultivate the sense of community of the Chinese nation; infiltrate the hearts of the people and enlighten the people's wisdom with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture. It is necessary to pool strength, continuously enhance the cultural consciousness of the broad masses of the people, and consolidate the ideological and cultural foundation for social stability and long-term peace and stability.

Strengthen cultural self-confidence. For more than 5,000 years, the Chinese civilization has a long and profound history, integrating continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness and peace, which is the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation and the rich nourishment of firm cultural self-confidence in the new era. Our party has integrated the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific realities and with China's excellent traditional culture, actively "brought in" excellent elements from different cultures in the world, and at the same time worked hard to maintain and inherit its own unique personality, adhered to cultural subjectivity, and embodied firm cultural self-confidence. Education itself has the role of screening, sorting, transmitting and preserving culture, and plays an important role in the dissemination and exchange, renewal and creation of culture. Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to make the excellent traditional Chinese culture glow with new vitality in the new era, and on the other hand, it is necessary to fully stimulate the vitality of socialist cultural development, gather the cultural wisdom and strength to strengthen the foundation, so that the historical tradition and modern civilization reflect each other, and fully demonstrate the will and action of the century-old party to strengthen the cultural foundation and strengthen cultural self-confidence.

Promote cultural self-improvement. To promote cultural innovation, we must be based on the present, integrate history, and focus on the future. Education is the fundamental way for mankind to inherit and innovate civilization and knowledge, cultivate the younger generation, and create a better life. Therefore, education should not forget the tradition, be based on the present, Facing the future, we should fully tap our own resources, make full use of the rich accumulation of more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, and give value to traditional culture; optimize the structure of talent training, strengthen the construction of talent team, establish a scientific and correct evaluation orientation, and provide talent support and practical guidance for building a cultural power; pay attention to learning from and absorb the characteristic essence and beneficial components of various civilizations, promote Chinese culture to the world in deepening exchanges and mutual learning, continuously enhance the communication power and influence of Chinese civilization, and consolidate the foundation of cultural self-improvement.

Guangming Daily (2024-01-05 06 edition)

Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily

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