
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School

author:Living in Liaoning

Life is the most important and precious thing in the world, and if you lose it, you can't get it back. According to statistics, 100,000 people in the world are killed by drugs every year, and 1 million people are incapacitated by drugs. With the continuous progress and development of society, the drug problem has become a major problem that threatens social security and the healthy growth of young people, and it has a direct bearing on whether or not young students can grow up safely and healthily, and on the happiness and tranquility of thousands of families and social stability. To this end, the United Nations conference put forward the slogan of "love life, do not take drugs", and designated June 26 as the "International Anti-Drug Day" to arouse the attention of all countries in the world to the drug problem, and at the same time call on the people of the world to jointly solve the drug problem. On June 24, 2024, Minglian Road Primary School held a flag-raising ceremony with the theme of "Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free" - Minglian Road Primary School's anti-drug education.

Flag-raising ceremony

Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School

Junior Flag Guard

Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School

Flag raiser: Li Zhiyuan, Shi Yingbo

Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School

Moderator: Wang Zhouyi, Ma Qianxi

Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School

Introductory deeds: Zhang Ziqi An Sihan

Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School

Conductor: Geng Xinyi

Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School

Speech under the national flag: Wang Ruoxi, Wang Zihang, Zhao Junying

Wang Zhirui, Xu Yingge

Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School

Four (4) Squadron: Teacher Yan Yan

Healthy life, green and non-toxic

There are no quiet trees in the forest, and there is no rest in the river. We should cherish life, stay away from drugs, contribute our modest efforts to the creation of a drug-free campus, and contribute to the harmonious development of society. We refuse drugs, enjoy the prime, set up the ambition of the clouds, and be high-spirited. Countless anti-drug heroes use their flesh and blood to escort our better life, however, the road of anti-drug has a long way to go, as the young pioneers of the new era, let us stay away from drugs, starting from me!

Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School
Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free - Flag-raising Ceremony of Anti-drug Education Theme of Minglian Road Primary School

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