
The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

author:Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Linlin

As a consumer-oriented format, buffet is deeply loved by the public. However, due to the cost considerations of the buffet owner, there are sometimes cases where the clerk restricts the consumption of consumers, causing consumer dissatisfaction. This article describes in detail a recent incident in which a customer was angrily reprimanded by the clerk for eating more meat dishes in a cafeteria, discusses the causes behind the incident, and gives suggestions for dealing with it. This article attempts to analyze this matter from a three-dimensional perspective, and to enlighten bosses, employees, and consumers to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

First, what happened

At noon on December 24, Li and his friend Tian went to a newly opened cafeteria in Wuhan for dinner. After the two of them are seated, they will pick up their food at the counter in the middle of the restaurant. I saw a middle-aged woman standing next to the dining table, wearing in-store overalls, who seemed to be a waiter in the restaurant. The woman saw that the food was mainly meat dishes when the two of them took their meal, and immediately came over to remind them to take more vegetarian dishes.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

Li didn't care at the time, and only politely expressed his knowledge to the woman. Unexpectedly, when the two returned to their seats after picking up the meal, the woman from before came over and criticized the two for eating inappropriately with a displeased face - three-quarters of the plate was meat and vegetables, and there were too few vegetables. and said that according to this way of picking up food, she would not sell bills. Subsequently, without Li's consent, the woman took out some of the dishes on the table and put them back on the dining table.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

2. Dialogue between the parties

The waiter said, "Didn't you just ask you to take more vegetables? Why is there still so much meat, we won't sell this kind of account." ”

Li asked: "Isn't this a buffet, what do we want to eat, how much we eat, do we need to care?"

The waiter was displeased: "Self-service does not mean that you can eat whatever you want." Vegetables are a bargain, so eat more so you don't lose money. We're going to lose money if you do that. ”

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

Li's friend Tian interjected: "Even if we really eat your losses, what if we open a self-service just to let customers eat well?"

The waiter is still stubborn: "It's difficult for us to do business like this! After that, he pulled the meat chop in front of Li off the plate.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

3. The boss responded

After the incident, the reporter contacted the owner of the cafeteria involved. The owner explained that his restaurant does offer a buffet model that allows customers to choose their own dishes. But you can't eat meat dishes in unlimited quantities, and the cost of meat dishes here is relatively high. If everyone rushes to eat meat, it will lead to an imbalance in the dishes on the table and affect the dining experience of other customers.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

Therefore, it is still necessary to properly match the vegetarian food, so as to conform to the essence of the buffet. In this regard, the boss said that the waiter's behavior may be more abrupt, and he will retrain on work specifications. But we also hope that consumers can understand the difficulties of merchants.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

4. Legal disputes

From a legal point of view, there is a contractual dispute in this matter. The buffet is a causeless management contract, and a consumption agreement is formed between the consumer and the merchant. According to the agreement, the consumer receives the right to consume it independently by paying the consideration. Once the merchant restricts the consumer's right to eat, it constitutes a violation of the agreement.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

The consumer can demand that the merchant bear the liability for breach of contract. Even if the combination of meat and vegetables is more beneficial to the merchant, the principle of contract priority does not change due to the loss of the merchant's profit. Therefore, the behavior of the waiter is difficult to refute in legal theory.

Fifth, service attitude

In addition to contract disputes, service loopholes for catering employees were also exposed in this incident. It is embodied in: first, the service staff objectively restricts the consumer's eating autonomy, which violates the original intention of the buffet; second, the service tone is more arbitrary, and does not fully consider from the customer's point of view; third, it is rude to handle the food on other people's plates without authorization.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

These problems expose the service awareness of employees that needs to be strengthened. As a catering company, it is also necessary to train employees in etiquette, language expression, customer perspective, etc., to avoid similar service disputes again.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

Sixth, the business perspective

From a purely commercial point of view, meat dishes are indeed less profitable, while vegetarian dishes are indeed more profitable. It's not news in the industry that cafeterias are making a profit by buying cheap vegetables in large quantities. However, when choosing the self-service model, merchants should consider the psychological expectations and actual needs of consumer groups. According to data, more than eighty percent of consumers will choose cafeterias just for unlimited meat consumption.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

If this expectation is not met, it will inevitably affect word-of-mouth. Therefore, instead of restricting consumption and finding reasons, it is better to use means such as package limitation and supply regulation from the beginning to let consumers clarify the amount of food provided by the merchant, which is a wise move.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

7. The phenomenon of "big stomach".

Of course, the group of "big stomachs" who overeat meat dishes is also worth paying attention to. They often eat enough for a few extra people, so that the merchant will inevitably lose money. The reasons behind this may be: first, the psychology of maximizing material things; second, the need to show physical superiority and face; third, the bad Xi of wasting food.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

This undoubtedly lays a hidden danger for the sustainable operation of the buffet. Therefore, in addition to the supply regulation and control of the merchant side, the consumer side also needs to start from itself, improve the awareness of frugality, avoid waste, and jointly maintain the healthy development of the catering format of buffet.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

8. Follow-up impacts

It is important to note that the Buffet Boundary Consumption Incident is not an isolated case. In recent years, similar complaints have been reported repeatedly. This has dealt a certain blow to the goodwill and reputation of the industry. Some experts pointed out that the core of such events is driven by the short-term interests of merchants, while ignoring long-term brand building. In a catering enterprise, service should be higher than profits, and culture should be higher than regulations. Otherwise, the soil on which to sustain itself will be lost.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

9. Netizen comments

Some netizens said that if you choose self-help, don't expect to make money from consumers. Driving a Lamborghini has to compare fuel consumption with other people's cars, which obviously doesn't work. A store exists for customers, and without the support and trust of customers, the boss is just around the corner.

Some netizens also said that guests should not forget the social responsibility of the buffet. Gluttony is satisfying, but it also wastes the share of food that others deserve. Only by seeking common ground while reserving differences can this new type of business form coexist for a long time.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

Some netizens said that the essence of this incident lies in the failure of communication between merchants and consumers. As a new thing, it is normal for buffets to have cognitive biases. The most important thing is that through adequate expectation management and post-event reconciliation, conflicts can be resolved and consensus can be reached.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

10. Summary and Suggestions

This paper focuses on a typical buffet food restriction incident and conducts a case study from multiple perspectives. The causes of such events are complex and diverse, requiring adjustments and improvements from both merchants and consumers. Specifically, businesses should pay attention to the essential attributes of catering, the training norms of employees, and the rationalization of consumer communication methods, and consumers should also improve their sense of public morality and thrift, and understand the reasonable demands of enterprises.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

In addition, it is also necessary to guide industry organizations and public opinion to strengthen the correct perception of the buffet and provide an arbitration platform for disputes. Through constructive analysis and rational discussion, this paper hopes to provide reference for the evolution of a more perfect buffet consumption model.

The customer ate more meat and vegetables in the buffet, and was angrily reprimanded by the clerk?

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