
6 soul-hooking home-cooked dishes, and unconsciously added several bowls of rice!

author:Home Recipe Food Diary

Scrambled eggs with fungus tomatoes

6 soul-hooking home-cooked dishes, and unconsciously added several bowls of rice!

1. After soaking the fungus in rice washing water, wash it, drain the water, and set aside;

2. Wash 2 tomatoes and cut them into pieces, it is recommended not to peel them;

3. Knock the eggs into a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of water, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, and 1 teaspoon of salt and stir well;

4. Heat the wok, pour in an appropriate amount of vegetable oil to heat, pour the egg mixture into the pan, fry until solidified, turn off the heat, chop into small pieces with a spatula and put out;

5. 炒锅里再倒入适量油烧热;

6. Add tomato pieces and stir-fry, add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, stir-fry evenly, add fungus and stir-fry, add an appropriate amount of water;

7. After the fungus is scrambled, add the eggs;

8. After the ingredients are cooked thoroughly, add an appropriate amount of salt;

9. Add an appropriate amount of chicken essence;

10. Stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat, remove from the pan and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Teriyaki chicken thighs

6 soul-hooking home-cooked dishes, and unconsciously added several bowls of rice!

1. Cut the chicken thighs vertically in the middle as shown in the picture, add a few slices of ginger and a little cooking wine and soak for 1-2 hours. (Soaking for a while can get rid of the fishy smell, no time not to soak it, I have also done a few times without soaking, the taste is not much different, but I think it is better to soak it when you have time)

2. Peel the garlic cloves in advance (I used one), cut the ginger slices, mix the juice, my dosage is for your reference: 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 10 pieces of rock sugar (the kind of spoon used at home is sufficient).

3. Wash the chicken thighs and remove the bones: This method has been taught by many gods, that is, to use scissors to remove the bones (as shown in the picture), which is very convenient. Cut the chicken thigh horizontally with two knives without cutting it off, so as not to retract the chicken thigh.

4. Pour a little oil into the pan, add ginger slices and garlic cloves to the cold oil, and fry over low heat until fragrant.

5. Put in the chicken thighs and fry over low heat, the chicken skin side down, fry until the surface is golden, then a lot of chicken fat will be fried, turn over and continue to fry over low heat for a while.

6. Pour in the mixed broth

7. Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer.

8. Cover the pot and cook until the soup is thick, and turn the noodles once in the middle, so that the chicken can be more flavorful.

Serve the cabbage in the soup

6 soul-hooking home-cooked dishes, and unconsciously added several bowls of rice!

1. After cleaning the Chinese cabbage, cut the large pieces into small pieces

2. Cut the cuttlefish balls into small pieces, then chop some minced garlic, green onion rings and coriander

3. Slice the sausage and set aside

4. Dry the pot over high heat, pour in an appropriate amount of soybean oil, then pour in garlic and stir-fry

5. When you smell the garlic, pour in the sausage and stir-fry 4-6 times

6. Pour in the cuttlefish balls and stir-fry evenly

7. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of chicken bouillon

8. Then pour in 2 bowls of water

9. Pour in the Chinese cabbage and stir-fry evenly

10. Add an appropriate amount of water, cover the cabbage, cover the pot, and simmer over high heat for 5-6 minutes

11. After about 5 minutes, remove the cover, add a little green onion ring, stir-fry evenly and serve

12. Sprinkle with a little coriander and add 15ml of pine nut oil to serve

13. The cabbage ^_^ is delicious and nutritious

Stewed baby cabbage with fried tofu

6 soul-hooking home-cooked dishes, and unconsciously added several bowls of rice!

1. Wash the fried tofu and cut it into small pieces.

2. Wash the baby cabbage and cut into strips.

3. Finely chop the ginger and garlic, chop the green onion and cut the dried chili pepper with an oblique knife.

4. Wash the pot and wipe it dry, put a trace amount of oil into the pot, pour in the ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

5. Ginger and garlic are slightly fragrant, add dried chilies.

6. Stir-fry the dried chili peppers until fragrant, pour in the stock and bring to a boil over high heat.

7. When the soup is boiling, add the fried tofu.

8. Once the fried tofu is completely immersed in the soup, pour in the spare baby cabbage and add an appropriate amount of salt.

9. When the baby cabbage is medium cooked, season the chicken powder, add a few drops of sesame oil and mix well, then remove from the pot and serve on a plate.

Beef brisket stew with tomatoes

6 soul-hooking home-cooked dishes, and unconsciously added several bowls of rice!

1. Cut the beef brisket into small pieces and bring to a boil in a hot water pot. After removing, rinse off the float with water.

2. Dice two tomatoes and cut one tomato into hob pieces. Slice the ginger.

3. Pour the blanched beef brisket into the pot, pour in cooking wine, Sichuan pepper and an appropriate amount of hot water, bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for an hour.

4. Put a small amount of salad oil in the wok, add the green onion and ginger slices and stir-fry in turn, add the diced tomatoes and stir-fry until the diced tomatoes become tomato paste.

5. Remove the stewed beef, pour it into the stir-fried tomato paste, add tomato sauce and an appropriate amount of salt, continue to simmer for 30 minutes, until the soup is thick, add the tomato pieces cut into hob pieces, stir-fry slightly, and then serve.

Shredded potatoes with tomatoes

6 soul-hooking home-cooked dishes, and unconsciously added several bowls of rice!

1. Raw materials.

2. Peel and gravel the potatoes and soak them in cold water to prevent them from turning black.

3. Peel and dice the tomatoes.

4. Pour oil into a wok, stir-fry the chives and garlic slices.

5. Add shredded potatoes, add a pinch of salt, sugar, a little water, light soy sauce and tomato cubes and stir-fry.

6. Stir-fry until the shredded potatoes are broken, then add the chopped green onion and turn off the heat.

7. Pour in a little sesame oil.

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