
The owner owes more than 20,000 coins for 3 years to pay, and the property: 2 days have been counted, and 200 have not been paid

author:Late life

In Hami City, Xinjiang, mainland China, a property owner was sued by a property owner for three years of arrears in property fees. Surprisingly, however, the owner used more than 20,000 coins in the payment. This move caused heated discussions among netizens, and people couldn't help but sigh at the owner's "creativity" and "perseverance".

The owner owes more than 20,000 coins for 3 years to pay, and the property: 2 days have been counted, and 200 have not been paid

According to the property staff, the owner took the initiative to come to the property office to pay the arrears after being sued. However, instead of paying in cash or by transfer, he brought a bag full of coins. Among these coins, there are both 5 jiao and 1 yuan, and the total amount reaches more than 19,000 yuan. However, according to the calculation of the property, the owner still has more than 200 yuan left unpaid. The staff said: "I feel that the other party is deliberate, and I use this way to express dissatisfaction." ”

The owner owes more than 20,000 coins for 3 years to pay, and the property: 2 days have been counted, and 200 have not been paid

The incident quickly attracted attention on the Internet. Netizens said: "This owner is so creative that he actually came up with a way to pay with coins." "The contradiction between the property and the owner seems to be very deep, otherwise it would not be used to express dissatisfaction in this way. "Although the owner owes the fee first, this payment method is too much, and it is not easy for the property staff. ”

The owner owes more than 20,000 coins for 3 years to pay, and the property: 2 days have been counted, and 200 have not been paid

However, some netizens expressed their understanding of this: "The property fee has been in arrears for 3 years, and the owner must be angry in his heart, and paying with coins is also a kind of catharsis." "Disputes between property owners and property owners should be resolved through legal means, not in this way to express dissatisfaction. ”

The owner owes more than 20,000 coins for 3 years to pay, and the property: 2 days have been counted, and 200 have not been paid

In fact, conflicts between the property and the owner are not uncommon. In some communities, problems such as poor quality of property services and arbitrary charges occur from time to time, resulting in dissatisfaction with the property. In the eyes of some property owners, the strata fee is a necessary expense, and they have the right to request the property to provide corresponding services.

The owner owes more than 20,000 coins for 3 years to pay, and the property: 2 days have been counted, and 200 have not been paid

Regarding the owner's behavior of paying with coins, a lawyer said that the owner has the right to choose the payment method, but should ensure that the payment method is legal and reasonable. After receiving the coins, the property should communicate with the owner as soon as possible to understand his true intentions to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and disputes.

The owner owes more than 20,000 coins for 3 years to pay, and the property: 2 days have been counted, and 200 have not been paid

The conflict between the property and the owner requires the joint efforts of both parties to resolve it. The property should improve the quality of service and be fair, open and transparent, so that the owner is satisfied. At the same time, the owner should also pay the property fee on time to support the property work. Only in this way can we build a harmonious community environment and make the lives of residents better.

The owner owes more than 20,000 coins for 3 years to pay, and the property: 2 days have been counted, and 200 have not been paid

Looking back at the incident of this owner paying with coins, we can see that the contradiction between the property and the owner cannot be ignored. It is hoped that this incident can attract the attention of relevant departments, strengthen the supervision of the property industry, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of property owners. At the same time, it is also hoped that the property and the owner can strengthen communication, resolve conflicts, and jointly create a harmonious and beautiful living environment.

The owner owes more than 20,000 coins for 3 years to pay, and the property: 2 days have been counted, and 200 have not been paid

The behavior of the owner of Hami, Xinjiang, who paid with more than 20,000 coins, not only reflects his "creativity", but also exposes the contradiction between the property and the owner. It is hoped that this event can attract the attention of all sectors of society, promote the reform and development of the property industry, and allow owners to enjoy better property services. At the same time, it is also hoped that the property and the owners can understand and support each other, and work together to build a harmonious community.

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