
An unknown old man, he was born poor, but he has a lot of blood in his heart

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

In that revolutionary era, there was an unknown old man, who was born poor, but he had a passion and ideals in his heart. When he was young, he traveled thousands of miles just for the sentence "Where is the Communist Party". Fortunately, he was led by his mentor and finally joined the red force. From then on, he stood like a rock at the forefront of the party's cause, carrying manuscripts and books, sweating like rain and without stopping. Although he is a guard, he is the inheritor and defender of the party's red gene. As he grew older, he preferred to dedicate the rest of his life to the teachings of his mentor. Guess who this person is?

An unknown old man, he was born poor, but he has a lot of blood in his heart

Speaking of the name Long Kaifu, many people may be a little unfamiliar. But once you've seen that precious photo, you'll be amazed. In 1937, Chairman Mao took a group photo with some old comrades-in-arms in Jinggangshan, and he personally put his military hat on Long Kaifu's head. This simple gesture shows the leader's deep love for this unknown man.

An unknown old man, he was born poor, but he has a lot of blood in his heart

Long Kaifu, a poor peasant child from Chaling, Hunan, was adopted by his uncle after his mother died young. When he was young, the oppression and injustice around him gave birth to his yearning for revolution. In 1928, with his ideals in mind, he took a letter of introduction from the peasant association and went to Guangzhou and Wuhan alone to look for traces of the Communist Party. At that time, Wuhan was already in turmoil, but he repeatedly inquired to no avail, so he could only make a living by working as a handyman at the dock, while exploring everywhere.

Just when Long Kaifu was about to give up, a warm-hearted person named Mr. Cai actually instructed him to return to the mountains near his hometown, looking forward to the arrival of the red team. Long Kaifu was like a treasure, and he was determined to join this torrent of revolution, even if it was to risk his life.

An unknown old man, he was born poor, but he has a lot of blood in his heart

In 1928, when Ninggang was reorganized, Long Kaifu was fortunate to enlist in the army and was incorporated into the first battalion of the Red Fourth Army. At the beginning, he was just a guy who served dishes, but with his hard-working work attitude, he was soon favored by Chairman Mao. One day, Long Kaifu was working hard to carry water, and Chairman Mao saw this unfamiliar young man from a distance, so he stepped forward to ask him where he was from and how old he was. Long Kaifu sincerely replied that he was from Chaling, 18 years old, and he was determined not to go home to avoid the persecution of local tyrants and inferior gentry. Chairman Mao looked at this persistent and simple young man, and even kept him by his side to serve as a police officer.

Since then, Long Kaifu has followed Chairman Mao like a shadow. His main task was to find books and newspapers for Chairman Mao, and to provide a steady stream of spiritual food for this leader who read like his life. No matter where the former committee organs went, Long Kaifu had to look for books everywhere and carry the documents he found in a leather basket on his back. Sometimes there were too many books, so he had to step on the potholed mountain road and carry two leather baskets weighing more than 100 pounds.

An unknown old man, he was born poor, but he has a lot of blood in his heart

At the beginning, Long Kaifu would also have complaints. The guards around him can carry guns, and he is just a "guy" who carries the burden of books. But when he complained, Secretary Tan Zheng told him that you are actually keeping the confidential documents of the entire former committee organs, and your status is not lower than others. Chairman Mao personally confirmed this and promised that Long Kaifu could also go to the battlefield to kill the enemy in the future. Sure enough, on the eve of the Spring Festival in 1929, Long Kaifu was finally able to fight side by side with Chairman Mao and personally protect the safety of the leader. Since then, he has become a squad leader of the police platoon.

An unknown old man, he was born poor, but he has a lot of blood in his heart

Along the way, Long Kaifu always carried documents and books and surrounded Chairman Mao. Even during the war-torn Long March, he always regarded these documents as a part of his life. After all difficulties, he preserved most of the valuable documents, but unfortunately a small number of them were destroyed in the war. This has become a big regret for Long Kaifu for life.

Long Kaifu knew that he was just Chairman Mao's "orderly". But the leaders cared for him as if he were his own child. Chairman Mao personally tutored him cultural knowledge, taught him to read and write, and often told him to be modest and prudent, to study and progress, and to serve the people in the future. Even when Long Kaifu left Chairman Mao's side, the chairman specifically instructed: "To be a leading cadre, we must go deep into reality and maintain close ties with the masses." Seeing these words, Long Kaifu burst into tears, and his teacher's ardent expectations for him were still in front of him.

An unknown old man, he was born poor, but he has a lot of blood in his heart

Since then, Long Kaifu has always adhered to these teachings, and strictly required his children and staff around him to remember "not to engage in specialization, and to serve the people wholeheartedly". He taught by word and deed, and used his words and deeds to pass on Chairman Mao's earnest teachings from generation to generation. Even in his twilight years, this "Chaling Cow" never stopped running for the cause of the party and the people. Until his death, he always firmly defended that sincere red heart.

An unknown old man, he was born poor, but he has a lot of blood in his heart

Long Kaifu, a son from the people, eventually became a servant of the people. He used his life to interpret his fierce loyalty to the party and the people. From a poor teenager, to a student personally taught by Chairman Mao during the Jinggangshan period, and then to an important position of senior cadres later, Long Kaifu maintained a normal heart. He would rather give up his position of power than stay away from Chairman Mao's earnest teachings. This kind of persistent pursuit of the party and the people is the inexhaustible driving force for the sustainable development of the Communist Party of China. We should all the more bear in mind Long Kaifu's reverence for the manuscript as life, and inherit and carry forward the excellent red gene of the Communist Party of China.