
Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south

author:Brother Gang's gossip anecdotes are happy

Harbin, the ice city, has become one of the most popular tourist cities in China. The annual Snow Festival attracts countless tourists to watch and experience the beauty of the ice and snow. And this year, Harbin has brought a new surprise to tourists - frozen roses.

Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south
Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south
Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south
Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south

Frozen Rose is a new work of Harbin ice carving masters at the ice carving exhibition. Through carvings and lighting, the roses are frozen in transparent ice, presenting a unique beauty. Such a sight is very rare for small potatoes that grow in the south. Before she came to Harbin, she had only seen such beautiful scenery on TV or the Internet. And when she saw these frozen roses with her own eyes, she was deeply moved into words. "These frozen roses are really beautiful, and I feel like I'm in a fairy tale," she says. The ice and snow in Harbin are truly amazing! I will definitely come back!"

Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south
Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south
Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south
Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south

The appearance of frozen roses is not only to attract the attention of tourists, but also to show the creativity and technology of Harbin's ice carving masters, and show the city's love and pursuit of ice and snow culture. Harbin, the city has become one of the representatives of China's ice and snow culture. The frozen rose is another innovation in the city's ice and snow culture, and it is also another interpretation of the city's unique charm.

Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south
Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south
Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south
Frozen roses — beautiful Erbin welcomes small potatoes from the south

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