
I discovered the secret to the headline hit, but I didn't bother to do it

author:Wash the dust

Text/Editor: Wash Qianchen

I have been writing small essays in Toutiao for two whole years, and the things I write are tepid, with a total income of nearly 20,000 yuan, and the state of writing is ten days and a half months and occasionally a hit, and it will go out for several days after burning.

I only earned a few thousand yuan in the first year of writing, and in 2023, my income will improve, and I will earn more than 3,000 yuan in one month at most. To be popular in the headlines, you must do the following two things:

I discovered the secret to the headline hit, but I didn't bother to do it

Create a distinct character, in other words, there is a high probability that you will win without shame.

The more face-saving people are, the worse they are, and you have to set up a distinctive character for yourself, so that readers can quickly remember you.

Either sell poor and miserable like a certain cousin, feel uncomfortable when she sees her husband eating too much meat, buckle the rope, write that her husband has no ability to make money, and she still wants her own money, blindly belittling her husband. This will cater to the overflowing sympathy of some older people who actively read and comment.

Either like an aunt who exposes the lives of rich people, the readers of the platform are basically ordinary people, who are naturally full of yearning for the lives of the rich, just like treasure hunting, full of interest, and naturally there are many people who watch it.

Or sell the stupid Versailles. Pull down your face, post a real photo of yourself, and then boast wildly, boast about how young and beautiful you are, praise your husband for having the ability, let yourself live without worry, where there are women, there are opponents, this kind of Versailles will soon usher in all kinds of attacks, and naturally the traffic will come.

In fact, if you read a lot, you will understand that many popular articles are deliberately fabricated, deliberately exaggerated, and created life or emotional contradictions to win readers' empathy and sympathy.

Authentic text output

I took the second route, and what I wrote was basically real life, especially the content of the micro headlines was completely real.

I am a curious office worker, with strong observation skills, faithfully recording what I see and hear, new things happening around me, interesting anecdotes, decent, will not touch the red line of the headlines, and the traffic will not be too low.

But in recent days, the article I wrote has been reported, the reason is too documentary, it touched the nerves of some people, and it was interpreted by the upper platform. Although the platform notified me that it had not been processed for the time being, I obviously felt that the current had been restricted in the past few days, and it was written as a flower that had no traffic, and the number of readings was still in single digits in a day.

I'm too lazy to appeal, so I learned a lesson, you must not write the real name of the place when writing the headline, it is possible that what you write is completely true, but some people will think that you are deliberately smearing. Besides, if an article is not news, why should it be 100 percent truthful? Some people are extreme, and it is very easy to sit in the right seat, and under the banner of justice, they will accidentally complain about you, and if they write too truthfully, they will easily cause trouble for themselves, and there is no need for sincerity.

I discovered the secret to the headline hit, but I didn't bother to do it

Writing about hot spots is a double-edged sword

Hot issues come with their own traffic, because there are many people who pay attention to them, and the reading volume of this kind is high, but this degree is not easy to grasp, and if you are not careful, you will touch the red line.

Because some sources are not reliable, they are likely to be judged by the platform to spread rumors, which will affect the account and lead to the banning of the account. How bold people are, how productive the land is, if you want to have high returns in a short period of time, you must specialize in hot spots, but you must pay attention to the grasp of the angle, otherwise it is easy to be counterattacked.

In short, if you want to be popular in the headline creation, there are three principles, shamelessness, rubbing hot spots or remembering facts.

The common problem of intellectuals is to be faced, there is a bottom line in life and work, I believe that everyone is the same, and they will not make it up, because they disdain to do that, so what you write is the same as mine, tepid.

The original intention of coming to Toutiao is entertainment, understanding the living conditions of different people, and making money is secondary, so don't think about taking this as a career, after all, we are not big coffees, just ordinary people, taking this as a career is doomed to the loss of mentality, going to work hard, and writing headlines is just a side hustle.

#Article Premiere Challenge##Tell the Truth#

I discovered the secret to the headline hit, but I didn't bother to do it