
The legendary "Wei Shen" of Peking University, a bottle of mineral water, steamed buns in plastic bags, swaggering in ragged clothes

author:Mr. F's Miss D

Presumably, people who are wealthy in the spiritual world will also have less desire for money and do not care about the strange eyes of others.

#Seeing the world in all its forms# If you meet such a person in Peking University, carrying a large bottle of mineral water and a bag of steamed buns, although he is ragged and unkempt, he is struggling. Don't bother him, he is the "sweeping monk" Wei Dongyi of Peking University.

The legendary "Wei Shen" of Peking University, a bottle of mineral water, steamed buns in plastic bags, swaggering in ragged clothes

Wei Dongyi, male, born in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1990, native of Dongyang, Zhejiang, graduated from Peking University with a Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at the Beijing International Mathematical Research Center, and is currently an assistant professor at Peking University.

Influenced by his father from an early age, he loved mathematics. His father was a professor of mathematics at Shandong Jianzhu University, and he was interested in mathematics since he was a child.

When his family discovered his interest in mathematics, they helped him learn and learn more about it. From 2008 to 2009, he participated in the 49th and 50th International Mathematical Olympiad, and won the gold medal with perfect scores.

The legendary "Wei Shen" of Peking University, a bottle of mineral water, steamed buns in plastic bags, swaggering in ragged clothes

In 2010, he was sent to Peking University to study. He received his bachelor's degree from Peking University in 2014, his Ph.D. degree from Peking University in 2018, and his Ph.D. from 2017 to 2019 at the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research.

The legendary "Wei Shen" of Peking University, a bottle of mineral water, steamed buns in plastic bags, swaggering in ragged clothes

Many people said that he walked strangely, spoke silly, and was not outstanding in appearance. may be too different from the Xueba deduced in the TV series, many people can't associate him with the Xueba with superior IQ in the TV series or novels, so they have also questioned him, saying that his teaching method is different from that of ordinary teachers, and he compares himself, that is because of faulty thinking, his calculation speed is much faster than the average person, maybe the average person has to solve the problem step by step, and he calculates the answer when he sees the question.

Some people ridiculed him because of his appearance, but everyone knew that he was just immersed in his own world and never looked at the unexpected world.

The legendary "Wei Shen" of Peking University, a bottle of mineral water, steamed buns in plastic bags, swaggering in ragged clothes

Probably when a person's spiritual world is rich, he also loses his desire for profit in the present. We can't reach his realm, geniuses are all lonely, don't judge him with the eyes of the world, he has long been free from the shackles of the world. We can't climb to the top of his mountain, but we still follow his example.

The legendary "Wei Shen" of Peking University, a bottle of mineral water, steamed buns in plastic bags, swaggering in ragged clothes

My wonderful teacher

When I was in junior high school, my math teacher, he was a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties, thin, not very tall, but he was always a great man in my eyes. He was always smiling, maybe he couldn't even remember the names of the students, he took one class after another, he was very kind to everyone, and always encouraged every student.

In junior high school, we scored 120 points in math, and I often got perfect scores. I used to be a very introverted person, and I would blush when I met the teacher, but he never embarrassed you, and he would take the initiative to greet the students: "How did you do in this exam? "He never called our names outside, I don't even think he could remember his student's name [tears], he was also raunchy, once he often wore glasses that broke one leg and wore it for a long time, he would pick his nose in front of us in class, fart [cover his face], but his teaching style was very useful to us, and the passing rate and perfect score rate of the students in our class were higher than other classes every time.

My high school teacher was a female teacher in her thirties, and my impression of her came from her strange outfits. She always wore strange clothes, never paid attention to dressing, and even one winter wore a red down jacket with a hole, and we saw her stained it with scotch tape, and we used to secretly make fun of her behind our backs when we were young and ignorant. At one point she wore a new dress that suited her temperament perfectly, and the moment she walked in the door, the students in our class let out a "wow" sound. In fact, she is very kind, but she is often unkempt and wears clothes that are outdated or not suitable for her, but she never cares about the opinions of outsiders.

People who are preoccupied with academics can't see the outside world, nor can they hear the voices of the outside who evaluate him casually.

Please respect every teacher who teaches and educates with heart, and do not use your own worldly eyes to judge their pure hearts, noble morals and strange behaviors.

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