
How can a baby be born from its mother's narrow birth canal when it's so big?8 GIFs tell you

author:Jing Ma Parenting

There are a few adjectives to describe the process of giving birth to a child: unbearable pain, unbearable shame, and involuntary self-control.

The pain is unbearable: the process of opening the uterine opening is like breaking 10 ribs at the same time, like someone holding an electric drill in the stomach......

Shame is unbearable: In the process of opening the uterine opening, the doctor constantly reaches into the birth canal, measures the opening of the uterine opening with his hand, and constantly asks the mother to relax and relax.

Involuntarily: In the process of production, you may also be uncontrollable to and pee, and even uncontrollable to exert force.

How can a baby be born from its mother's narrow birth canal when it's so big?8 GIFs tell you

More fathers and mothers are curious about how such a large newborn passed through the mother's narrow birth canal?

Picture 1: Regular contractions are coming, which means that labor has officially begun

How can a baby be born from its mother's narrow birth canal when it's so big?8 GIFs tell you

Regular contractions are regular pain, the pain interval is about 5~6 minutes, and the pain lasts for about 30 seconds. When there are regular contractions, mom has to prepare things and start going to the hospital. Under normal circumstances, it takes about 10 hours from regular contractions to the complete opening of the uterine opening, and if you are a mother who gives birth to a second or third child, the time may be faster, so if you feel that there are contractions, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible, so as not to give birth to the child on the road

Picture 2: The baby's birth canal to the world is slowly opening

How can a baby be born from its mother's narrow birth canal when it's so big?8 GIFs tell you

When there are regular contractions, the mother feels pain, and the baby is also trying to squeeze the mother's birth canal with his head, the cervical canal is gradually shortened, and the uterine opening is gradually opened.

Picture 3: The fetal membranes break and the amniotic fluid flows out, moistening the birth canal

The baby uses his head to constantly squeeze the cervix, and the baby's big head blocks the amniotic fluid into two parts, the anterior and posterior amniotic fluid, and the amniotic fluid in front of the head is called anterior amniotic fluid, which is about 100 ml.

During the contractions, the fetal head is squeezed and the uterus contractes, and this part of the amniotic fluid flows out to moisten the birth canal and speed up the opening of the uterine opening.

Picture 4: The pain is getting denser and the opening of the uterus is wider

How can a baby be born from its mother's narrow birth canal when it's so big?8 GIFs tell you

With the outflow of amniotic fluid, the mother's contraction frequency will be more frequent, each time the pain lasts about 50 seconds, and the pain is unbearable again at an interval of 2~3 minutes, and the mother will feel more and more uncomfortable.

Painless delivery is not completely painless, but it can greatly reduce the pain of the mother, and she can sleep to have the physical strength to give birth to the baby.

Picture 5: The uterine opening is close to full opening, and you can enter the delivery room

How can a baby be born from its mother's narrow birth canal when it's so big?8 GIFs tell you

Under the double efforts of contractions and the baby's hard squeezing, the uterine opening has been opened to more than 98 cm of eight fingers), and then you can enter the delivery room from the waiting room. Because the baby can come out casually.

Picture 6: The baby's head is squeezed out, and the key to production is coming

How can a baby be born from its mother's narrow birth canal when it's so big?8 GIFs tell you

When the uterine opening is fully opened, the baby's big head of about 9 cm is enough to stretch out, and when the mother's uterus contracts, the fetal head will be exposed, but the mother's uterine contraction is only for a while, and when the contraction stops, the fetal head is withdrawn. This is a critical time to give birth, and you must listen to the midwife's command.

Picture 7: The baby comes to the new world from head to body

How can a baby be born from its mother's narrow birth canal when it's so big?8 GIFs tell you

The newborn is the largest head, so the head comes out first during childbirth, and the baby's head can come out to mean that other parts can also come out. When the head comes out, the doctor and nurse will instruct the mother to exert force to avoid a laceration in the birth canal.

Of course, if the baby's head is too large, the doctor will also perform a lateral incision on the mother's perineum first, so that the baby can come out more smoothly.

Picture 8: The placenta is delivered completely, and the whole process of production is completed

How can a baby be born from its mother's narrow birth canal when it's so big?8 GIFs tell you

After the baby is born, everything is not all right, because there is still the placenta in the mother's womb.

After giving birth, many mothers will feel a lot more relaxed, but after a while, they will feel that the uterus contracts again to promote the delivery of the placenta, and the doctor will check whether the placenta is complete after the placenta is delivered, if the placenta is not complete, it is very likely that it will remain in the uterus, at this time, the doctor needs to reach in and peel off the placenta remaining in the uterus in time, otherwise it will cause inflammation in it, and may cause heavy bleeding.

How can a baby be born from its mother's narrow birth canal when it's so big?8 GIFs tell you

Vaginal delivery is divided into three stages of labor, the first stage of labor is from regular contractions to full opening of the uterine opening, the second stage of labor is the baby delivery, and the third stage of labor is placental delivery.

After that, you will be observed in the delivery room for two hours to prevent heavy bleeding or other conditions.

The baby's huge head can be born from the mother's narrow birth canal, mainly because the mother's birth canal is very elastic, and the baby is also working hard to squeeze the birth canal, which is the passage to the new world!

How can a baby be born from its mother's narrow birth canal when it's so big?8 GIFs tell you

It is recommended that mothers can give birth as smoothly as possible, and the squeezing of the birth canal makes the child's skin more squeezed, so that the child has a sense of security and avoids sensory integration disorder!

Topic: Did you have a vaginal birth or a caesarean section at the time?