
Football has material | He was scolded when he got on the field! He was accused of "occupying" the starting team of the national football team! Who can understand the pain of Wu Lei

Football has material | He was scolded when he got on the field! He was accused of "occupying" the starting team of the national football team! Who can understand the pain of Wu Lei

Football has material | He was scolded when he got on the field! He was accused of "occupying" the starting team of the national football team! Who can understand the pain of Wu Lei

In the two days after the first match of the Asian Cup against Tajikistan, Wu Lei's performance once again became the focus of heated discussions.

In the game, two shots on goal underlined his poor form. has not grabbed the header with the Tajikistan central defender many times, which can also reflect that Wu Lei is incompatible with the national team's tactics of no midfielder, no ground advancement ability, and can only frequently open big feet in the backfield.

However, in a game of 11 starters in the team, only Yan Junling, Liu Yang, and Zhu Chenjie played normally, and most of the players performed extremely badly. When the football circle is scolding the midfielder and the performance of the back, public opinion wants to bring Wu Lei out alone, as if he has become a microcosm of him in the national team!

Football has material | He was scolded when he got on the field! He was accused of "occupying" the starting team of the national football team! Who can understand the pain of Wu Lei

[The national football team's top brand "evolutionary history"]

Li Ke left the national team for unknown reasons, and a group of people on the Internet spread rumors that "Wu Lei picked up the bench and fought with Li Ke" without any basis.

Among the three red cards played in Hong Kong, before the second red card was disclosed by assistant coach Perovic, another group of people spread rumors that "Wu Lei got a red card" without any information source.

As long as it happens in the national team, all the negatives of "unknown truth", Zheng Zhi picked up the basin a few years ago, and now it is all buckled on Wu Lei's head. This kind of black attribute is the weight that the top brand of the national football team must bear.

But behind the recruitment of black, we can also see that Wu Lei's performance in the club and the national team is very different all year round. Wu Lei, who is in SIPG, is the only local player who has the ability to compete for the top scorer in the Chinese Super League. But in the national team, Wu Lei, although he is already the player with the second most goals in the history of the national football team, his goal efficiency in the national football team is much higher than that of the previous generation of striker Gao Lin, after all, Gao Lin has played more than 100 games on behalf of the national football team but only scored 6 goals in official matches, of which 3 were penalties.

But I have to say that Wu Lei's performance in the national team has never met the expectations of the outside world. The performance of the league and the national team is very contrasting, and Wu Lei has been burdened with huge doubts.

But about Wu Lei's performance in the national football team and the club, behind the great contrast, it is necessary to look at different stages:

1. When the midfield of the national team was still relatively strong, he was the youngest in the starting lineup, and in the national football team that was somewhat "senior", some players even said in private, "Why pass the ball to Wu Lei".

2. When the old ones retired and Wu Lei became the big brother, the midfield of the Chinese team was already miserable. It's not that everyone doesn't want to pass the ball to Wu Lei, but they don't have the ability.

From the first time he entered the national team in 2010 to the last World Cup cycle, in the national team, several players such as Hao Junmin, Zhang Xizhe, Aikeson, and Wu Xi were the ones who connected more with Wu Lei on the field.

As for the issue of delivering shells to Wu Lei, when Lippi led the national team for the first time, he had conducted a careful tactical drill. But when it comes to the field, it is not so easy to execute well, occasionally give a straight long pass, and after the pass is big, the passer will ask Wu Lei, "Why don't you run early?"

It can be said that in the Russian World Cup cycle, the national football team had no shortage of people who had the ability to send Wu Lei straight stopper, but at that time, Wu Xi was still a "hitter" with limited ball rights in the national team, and Zhang Xizhe was almost meaningless on a higher-level stage. In that round of 12, he played South Korea, played Uzbekistan and played Syria after leading the team, Wu Lei's "net storm" often started to sprint just after the middle circle or even before he reached the middle circle, and when he sprinted to the penalty area or even in the penalty area, his legs were weak.

[Wu Lei and the goal that was pointed out by Qianfu]

And because Wu Lei is a player from SIPG, this also invisibly "provoked" him into some trouble.

After the 2017 draw against Syria, Wu Lei became the finger of Qianfu, but not many people discussed Lippi, who wanted to strengthen the defense in the last few minutes, and sent technical midfielder Hao Junmin, instead of Ren Hang and Gao Zhunyi to defend the tall central defender Saleh on top of the opponent, and finally sent a deadly free kick.

When arranging the human wall, Zeng Cheng asked Yu Hanchao and Wu Lei to stand alone on one side, and the others stood on the side, leaving a gap in the middle for others to use as scopes. Zeng Cheng's wall arrangement did not cause much controversy after the game.

Football has material | He was scolded when he got on the field! He was accused of "occupying" the starting team of the national football team! Who can understand the pain of Wu Lei

After the draw by Syria, not many people questioned Zeng Cheng's wall layout, and few questioned Lippi's substitution, and everyone threw the equalized pot to Wu Lei, who "didn't bring to the corner flag area". At that time, Zhou Liang, who had not been arrested for fraud, even threw the pot on Xu Genbao, who made a rare public reply under the leadership of his senior brother Fan Zhiyi, and helped Zhou Liang successfully make a wave of publicity.

And in November of that year, before the national football team played Colombia in Chongqing, some Guangdong media even questioned Wu Lei in public - why he couldn't score goals in the national team. In the case that everyone is very embarrassed, the staff of the national football team can only use "Wu Lei has scored a lot of goals in the national team" to play a round!

At the beginning, in the face of questioning and abuse, Wu Lei could occasionally respond to some relatively less mean comments. But often this kind of response will make Wu Lei encounter a new round of attacks, and over time, Wu Lei will become a voice when he wins and a voice when he loses.

In this case, Wu Lei has been under a lot of psychological pressure in the national team.

[Wu Lei is gradually at the peak, but unfortunately there is no technical flow in the Super League]

After the 2017 round of 12, Lippi has already begun to make changes to his squad for the next World Cup cycle. The earliest adjustment he made was to correct Yan Junling to replace Zeng Cheng and push Wu Lei to the core of the attack.

Football has material | He was scolded when he got on the field! He was accused of "occupying" the starting team of the national football team! Who can understand the pain of Wu Lei

In 2018, Wu Lei ushered in the explosion of his career. That year, SIPG knocked down Evergrande in Tianhe to win the league championship, Wu Lei won the Chinese Super League Golden Boot + MVP, and went to the Spaniards to stay abroad in the next year. Also in that year, Lippi had two crises of being won ahead of schedule, but in the two warm-up matches against Thailand and Syria, when Lippi could be fired after the game if he lost, Wu Lei's consecutive goals not only allowed Lippi to successfully complete the Asian Cup (which is the possibility of entering the palace later), but also officially established his tactical position as the core of the national football team.

When Lippi entered the palace and was accustomed to being in the national team, Lippi, who spit lotus flowers at the whole team, would smile every time he saw Wu Lei, the only foreign player who stayed abroad, coming back from Spain to report. In the game when Lippi resigned, Wu Lei, who was called "Chen Xu's source lineage" by the outside world, was one of the few players on the field at that time who made Lippi feel satisfied with his performance.

When Li Tie's national team played the world preliminaries, the outside world's dissatisfaction with Li Tie's use of naturalized players also affected Wu Lei, who also belonged to the offensive line.

But in fact, in the entire national football team, it is Wu Lei who is the closest to the call and the closest to the football thinking with a few naturalizations. Especially for Ackerson, who lost his speed and flexibility after gaining weight, only the game in which Wu Lei appeared could reflect the tactical value of his back to the ball and straight plugging.

With the departure of players such as Hao Junmin and Yu Dabao from the national team, as well as Jin Jingdao, who has been the captain of the national youth team since he was a child and has a lot of prestige in the locker room, Wu Xi, Zhang Linpeng, and Wu Lei have become the team's big brothers in the real sense. But Wu Lei has never shown the character and temperament of the leading brother.

Football has material | He was scolded when he got on the field! He was accused of "occupying" the starting team of the national football team! Who can understand the pain of Wu Lei

With Hao Junmin and Zhang Xizhe leaving the national team successively, the national football midfielder has no real technical players, this national football team is playing Hong Kong's warm-up game, can not pass the ball through the ground for up to 20 minutes, the midfield of the national football team has reached the point of outrageous. Even Jankovic has been emphasizing that you should walk on the ground and not just drive big. But when our three central defenders pulled away, the back did not come back to answer, and played up from the side, Liu Yang and Liu Binbin were under pressure to passively stop the ball out of the bottom line, and finally kicked and kicked, in the case of pressure, Yan Junling and the three central defenders could only take turns to open their feet.

By kicking the ball wide, the ball can indeed stay away from the national football penalty area. But Tan Long couldn't grab a little in front, and the ball was returned to the opponent.

But is it Tan Long's problem that he can't grab a point? Obviously, it's not! Because when we beat Uzbekistan in the warm-up game, we also saw that Ackerson couldn't grab it like this. Even if Zhang Yuning gradually finds his form, how many points can he grab if he opens more than 40 big feet in a game? This kind of tactical system that does not pass through the midfield and frequently opens big feet, even if it is Wu Lei in 2019, will not have a good performance.

No one will deny Wu Lei's decline, and no one should deny Wu Lei's embarrassment in the national team. Nominally, he is the top name of the national football team, and the head coach is building an offensive system with him as the core, but Ackerson, who is the most popular with Wu Lei, has been completely abandoned by Jankovic. Wei Shihao, who played on the same "channel" as Wu Lei, was "forced" to put him in the main squad of the World Preliminaries after Lin Liangming was injured in the national team in September.

So to a certain extent, Wu Lei's embarrassment has its own reasons, but it also has a lot to do with the fact that the head coach will not use it. When Jankovic only gave Wu Lei's core players playing time, but Wu Lei's more callable players were never his first choice, and Wu Lei, who was in the national team, always played in an extremely "twisted" environment.

With Wu Lei's character, (Zhang Linpeng and Wu Xi are the same) will not appear in the situation where the national team dominates the starter, but in the public opinion environment of Chinese football, where "whoever is on is easy to be scolded" and "whoever is not on is always the best", in the absence of better young players to replace, they can only take the top first.

Wu Lei, it is impossible to use "deception" to evade the conscription like Xu Liang?

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