
Zhengzhou 20 years baiji steamed old shop, 10 yuan meat full, like hamburgers, every day is a long queue

author:Zheng Shiji
Zhengzhou 20 years baiji steamed old shop, 10 yuan meat full, like hamburgers, every day is a long queue

Perhaps today's young people can not understand, in the Zhengzhou street more than ten years ago, baiji steamed small shops are simply not too much, but in recent years, everyone can also find that there are still insisting on selling pure white steamed bread, too few and too few. However, this Bai Jifeng, which may exist in the memory of many people, has been silently open for 20 years, the taste has not changed, and the business is still hot.

This shop is Yuan Ji Bai Ji Feng, the earliest is also a big sign on the workers' road, before there was an introduction to the "workers' road three treasures", I don't know why it is not counted, is it because "dog meat can not be on the table"?

Zhengzhou 20 years baiji steamed old shop, 10 yuan meat full, like hamburgers, every day is a long queue

His family's white ji bun is baked out of the boiler, so that the outer ring of the cake is white and soft, the inner ring is brown and hard, very able to suck juice, and now it can do so, it has been very few, plus his family's decades of old soup, that taste in the words of friends, is a first-class stick.

6 yuan fat and lean mixed, 7 yuan pure lean meat, 8-10 yuan plus meat, to eat to eat addiction, I ordered a 10 yuan, the meat sandwiched in the cake, looks like a hamburger, the boss is too real.

Zhengzhou 20 years baiji steamed old shop, 10 yuan meat full, like hamburgers, every day is a long queue

As for the taste, it is really lips and teeth, slightly heavier, just my taste, garlic is recommended to add less, it will have a little impact, so much meat to eat is not greasy at all, if you look closely, you will find that the fat inside, almost has been broken, beaten into a paste, but will not affect the taste at all.

Zhengzhou 20 years baiji steamed old shop, 10 yuan meat full, like hamburgers, every day is a long queue

Husband and wife here to support a small storefront, there are many people coming and going, you will always see people in front of his door, sometimes long queues, even to the road, there are many people from snacks to eat from his home to eat, occasionally pass by here, have to come to buy a nostalgia.

Of course, baiji steamed bread is not a staple food, generally people will eat next to it, by the way to buy a white steamed bun, in addition to his home next to the glasses sugarcane juice is also a must, is also decades old shop, many people in the buying of white ji steamed bread at the same time, will also buy a bottle of sugarcane juice.

Zhengzhou 20 years baiji steamed old shop, 10 yuan meat full, like hamburgers, every day is a long queue

Finally, to talk about my opinion, a generation has a generation of food memories, there is no need to force, such as Bai Ji Steamed Bread this kind of snack, maybe those of us will have a lot of feelings, but such as these young people after 00, what has not eaten, may feel that it is not that taste.

Well, do you still have the impression of snacks and delicacies like Bai Jifeng, which are gradually going to be buried? Welcome to comment more comments, want to know more about food, pay attention to Zheng Food Ji.

Zhengzhou 20 years baiji steamed old shop, 10 yuan meat full, like hamburgers, every day is a long queue
Zhengzhou 20 years baiji steamed old shop, 10 yuan meat full, like hamburgers, every day is a long queue

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