
Accurate score improvement during winter vacation: The second year of junior high school students broke through the bottleneck of reading comprehension, and the difference of 3 points directly refers to the full score of the high school entrance examination

author:Reading comprehension
Accurate score improvement during winter vacation: The second year of junior high school students broke through the bottleneck of reading comprehension, and the difference of 3 points directly refers to the full score of the high school entrance examination
Accurate score improvement during winter vacation: The second year of junior high school students broke through the bottleneck of reading comprehension, and the difference of 3 points directly refers to the full score of the high school entrance examination

Oh, Nong Youmu has ever encountered this situation? The baby at home does Chinese reading comprehension, two or three articles at a time, and a dozen points are deducted from 30 points as if it were playing.

If you want to tutor your child, you are afraid that you will spend money and waste money, and if you don't make up for it, you are afraid that your grades will be worse, which is really aggrieved!

Nowadays, there are many free answer templates and formulas flying around the Internet, and some parents let their children try it on their backs first. But I'm going to tell Nong that this is not right, it's like letting a baby turtle go for a race, and progress is so slow that it's going to be so slow!

Accurate score improvement during winter vacation: The second year of junior high school students broke through the bottleneck of reading comprehension, and the difference of 3 points directly refers to the full score of the high school entrance examination

What is the serious method of improving Chinese reading? Remember the old saying: The study of any subject must start with a solid foundation! Parents should understand this truth early and not suffer losses in the future! Especially those children whose Chinese scores have been declining and are all planted in the stumbling block of reading comprehension.

For example, if you follow the methods and routines on the Internet, you find that you are 108,000 miles away from the standard answers, and more than half of the scores have slipped away.

These seemingly convenient formula templates are really problematic to use, such as "expression effect" and "writing technique" These concepts are not clear to children at all.

Is the beginning of the question a title, a theme, or a topic? How to distinguish between the previous and the next and the transition? Foreshadowing, does this "following" refer to a sentence, a paragraph, or an entire plot? These questions are not clearly defined in Chinese textbooks, and most of the children and teachers are also blindsided.

Therefore, if you don't figure out the basic concepts in the exam questions, reference answers, and problem solving methods, no matter how many formulas you memorize and how many questions you brush, it will be in vain. The textbook is not taught, and the teacher may not explain it thoroughly, you can check it on the Internet yourself, all kinds of explanations, the more you look at it, the more confused you become!

However, we must not forget the most basic truth - all disciplines must be built on a solid foundation.

Those fast-food educational concepts on the Internet tell you that you can get reading comprehension in a few steps and formulas, which is like feeding parents who are in a hurry to sugar-coat a cannonball, but in fact misleading everyone to work hard in the wrong way.

Of course, this is also related to the development of reading comprehension as a subject. Modern literature teaching has only a hundred years of history, and it has only been more than 70 years since Mr. Ye Shengtao merged "Chinese" and "national language" into "language" in 1949.

As a result, reading comprehension is not mature enough in Chinese teaching, and the concepts and nouns involved are often missing in the textbooks and curriculum.

Therefore, we have worked backwards to analyze the past 20 years of junior high school and high school entrance examination questions, extracted all the concepts involved, analyzed the essence of each concept one by one, sorted out the relationship between them, and constructed a complete set of basic concepts for reading comprehension.

In fact, there are not many core concepts in the reading comprehension test, a total of 5 large blocks and 34 sets of terms, which can be mastered in a short time.

The key is to grasp the framework structure of the basic concepts of reading comprehension, focusing on clarifying the core concepts such as expression, expression, rhetoric, and essay structure.

As for the key test points of Chinese reading, we really can't find them by books alone, so we need to use a magic weapon - past past questions.

By studying the past 10 to 20 years, you can gain insight into which content appears frequently, most likely the focus of the examination, and you can also see the changes in the trend of the exam. We have done this part of the work for you in advance, just use it directly!

Exam preparation time is not rich for most children, so we have to give priority to doing the most cost-effective things, maximize the benefits of learning, and build a solid foundation first!

Accurate score improvement during winter vacation: The second year of junior high school students broke through the bottleneck of reading comprehension, and the difference of 3 points directly refers to the full score of the high school entrance examination

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