
"12355 High School Entrance Examination Gas Station" Volunteer Service for Exam Assistance

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"12355 High School Entrance Examination Gas Station" Volunteer Service for Exam Assistance
"12355 High School Entrance Examination Gas Station" Volunteer Service for Exam Assistance

In order to study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, practice the volunteer service spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress", help candidates in Huzhong District to achieve excellent results in the high school entrance examination, and relieve the tension of candidates and parents, on June 25, the Social Work Department of the District Party Committee, the Youth League District Committee, and the Beixiu Community of Huzhong Town jointly carried out the "12355 High School Entrance Examination Gas Station" volunteer service.

"12355 High School Entrance Examination Gas Station" Volunteer Service for Exam Assistance

During the activity, volunteers went deep into the test center of the No. 1 Middle School in Huzhong District, provided psychological counseling public welfare services for candidates and parents on the spot, organized volunteers to provide souvenirs such as cool fans and mineral water for the parents of candidates, distributed leaflets printed with the Law on the Protection of Minors, Regulations on the Protection of Minors on the Internet, Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and other relevant legal knowledge to parents, and popularized the 12355 mini program platform to help parents pay attention to the safety of candidates during the holiday while alleviating anxiety, and help candidates take the exam smoothly.

"12355 High School Entrance Examination Gas Station" Volunteer Service for Exam Assistance
"12355 High School Entrance Examination Gas Station" Volunteer Service for Exam Assistance
"12355 High School Entrance Examination Gas Station" Volunteer Service for Exam Assistance
"12355 High School Entrance Examination Gas Station" Volunteer Service for Exam Assistance

Volunteers in Huzhong District will continue to take the actual needs of adolescents as the starting point, solidly promote the provincial key livelihood and practical youth mental health service actions, popularize mental health knowledge and provide psychological counseling services for teenagers, and guide the whole society to care for the physical and mental health of adolescents.

"12355 High School Entrance Examination Gas Station" Volunteer Service for Exam Assistance

Producer: Sun Jianbo Review: Li Zhenkai Editor: Bai Yu Editor: Leng Xiumei Contributor: Tuanhuzhong District Committee

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"12355 High School Entrance Examination Gas Station" Volunteer Service for Exam Assistance

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