
When you reach a certain age, you find that the spring breeze is not as good as pleasing yourself. Luck and misfortune will have an end, just be safe!#Healing smile#Life insight#Be good

author:Straightforward rock sugar snow plum

When you reach a certain age, you find that the spring breeze is not as good as pleasing yourself.

There will be an end to luck and misfortune, just be safe#治愈系笑容 #生活感悟 #要好好的!

When you reach a certain age, you find that the spring breeze is not as good as pleasing yourself. Luck and misfortune will have an end, just be safe!#Healing smile#Life insight#Be good
When you reach a certain age, you find that the spring breeze is not as good as pleasing yourself. Luck and misfortune will have an end, just be safe!#Healing smile#Life insight#Be good
When you reach a certain age, you find that the spring breeze is not as good as pleasing yourself. Luck and misfortune will have an end, just be safe!#Healing smile#Life insight#Be good

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