
What is "isotonic"? The name of the sports drink is confusing

author:Bright Net
What is "isotonic"? The name of the sports drink is confusing

Sports drinks

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After entering the summer, Mr. Zhang, a post-90s consumer, bought his drinks one by one and went home as in previous years. But when he bought it back, he found that the familiar sports drink "scream" was particularly strange because of the word "isotonic". The reporter visited the market and found that the sports drinks on the shelves are becoming more and more difficult to understand, and proper nouns such as "isotonic" and "dietary fiber" have been "upper body" drinks. Are these incomprehensible drinks really effective? And is it suitable for all people? Our reporter conducted an investigation.

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Jiang Jingyi

Citizens are confused: what is is isotonic?

In the summer, it is hot and sweaty, so many citizens will prepare mineral water and sports drinks at home. "The screaming packaging has changed, and it's a bit incomprehensible." Mr. Zhang got the sea salt grapefruit-flavored sports drink "scream" and looked at it carefully, "Because the packaging is completely different from before, the four words 'isotonic sports' are added in the middle, and I don't understand what it means." ”

In recent years, the types of functional drinks have been growing, the concept is increasing, and even the phenomenon of mistaking sports drinks as health care products has appeared. Wu Xiufang, a staff member of the Pharmaceutical and Mechanization Department of the Nanjing Yuhuatai District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, told reporters that according to the GB/T 10789-2015 general rules for beverages implemented in 2016, sports drinks, energy drinks, electrolyte drinks, and nutrient drinks are all special-purpose drinks. Pulse belongs to the nutrient drink, scream, Gatorade belongs to the sports drink.

However, after some functional drinks were given multiple "tall" concepts, some consumers directly called "can't understand". After 95, Mr. Li is a running enthusiast, who has participated in marathon running many times, he told reporters that he used to choose Gatorade and electrolyte effervescent tablets, but now there are too many functional drinks, so he bought them casually, "Each functional drink has its own concept of launch, some do not understand, will not study carefully." ”

Interview: There are too many functional drink concepts

On the shelves of Huacai Tiandi Hema in Jianye District, sports drinks such as screaming and baomining power water are overwhelmed. Among them, the scream packaging has long been "shotgun for cannon", the green scream added the words "isotonic electrolyte", and the orange scream added "isotonic movement", priced at 5.8 yuan / bottle.

"Bao mining power water special", the beverage type shows "supplementary electrolyte beverage", the packaging is also marked with a paragraph: "bao mining power water special" is a kind of beverage that supplements the water and electrolyte consumed by the human body due to sweating, which can be quickly absorbed by the human body and can be retained in the human body for a long time. Suitable for exercise, labor, bathing and drinking after getting up. The price of 500ml is 5 yuan / bottle.

In addition to liquid beverages, solid beverages have also introduced functional drinks. A small bag of electrolyte launched by the daily diet is only 1.5 yuan, which can be supplemented with electrolyte sodium, potassium and calcium.

Expert solution: The water that is usually drunk is basically isotonic

Many people think that isotonic is a new scientific concept, but in fact, isotonic is relatively close to the osmotic pressure of the human body. "For example, salt water is hypertonic, people will be thirsty when they drink salt water, and they will drink a lot of water to regulate." Xia Pengbin, head of the Department of Clinical Nutrition at the Affiliated University Hospital of Southeast University, introduced hypertonicity, isotonicity and hypotonicity in detail, "Pure water has fewer ions in it, and it is relatively hypotonic. If the ion concentration is relatively high, hypertonicity is formed at this time. ”

"For our body, on the one hand, the body will actively regulate the osmotic pressure in the body, on the other hand, the water we usually drink is basically isotonic water." Xia Pengbin said.

The reporter learned that the human osmolality is 280-310mmol/L (concentration unit). However, the sea salt grapefruit flavored "scream" package purchased by Mr. Zhang shows that the osmotic pressure is 250-340mOsm/L (osmolality unit). It can be seen that the osmotic pressure range of the beverage far covers the osmolality range of the human body, what is the significance of marking "isotonic"?

"Osmotic pressure is mainly to see the ion concentration, the osmolality of the human body is affected by temperature and state, is a range. However, the osmotic pressure of the beverage is a fixed value that can be calculated. Xia Pengbin pointed out.


After exercise, drink water with high osmotic pressure

For sports drinks, Xia Pengbin said that ordinary people do not need to drink, and people who exercise can choose to drink sports drinks in a targeted manner and replenish electrolytes in time. "After sweating, there will be a loss of salt, such as sodium and potassium, you can eat salty things appropriately, and replenish salt in time." Xia Pengbin recommends that athletes drink water with a higher osmotic pressure than normal after exercise.

It is not recommended for diabetics and cardiovascular disease patients to drink functional drinks

It is undeniable that sports drinks contain a certain amount of electrolyte components such as table salt, which helps to replenish the electrolyte loss caused by a lot of sweating during exercise. However, Zhang Yongwen, director of the Department of Endocrinology at Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that these drinks contain a certain amount of sugar and are not suitable for diabetics.

Xing Junwu, director of the Department of Cardiology of Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, reminded the public that some functional drinks contain caffeine, etc., and excessive drinking will make the sympathetic nervous system excited, resulting in increased blood pressure and inducing arrhythmias. For patients with cardiovascular diseases, it is not recommended to drink functional drinks often. "Even for healthy people, it is not recommended to drink in large quantities for a long time. Drinking boiled water in daily life is enough, because the high sugar content in it increases caloric intake, increases weight, and increases the risk of obesity. ”

Source: Yangtze Evening News