
The four ways to eat fava beans in rural areas are simple and easy to do, and they are not tired of eating

author:Flower waist sister

Broad beans, also known as "hu beans", are more common food crops in the hometown of Hua Waist Sister, while our locals are more used to make vegetables to eat, occasionally as miscellaneous grains, and there are many ways to eat. Today, I will introduce you to the four kinds of fava beans to eat, simple and easy to do, both delicious and full, the key is to eat a hundred oh!

The four ways to eat fava beans in rural areas are simple and easy to do, and they are not tired of eating

Fava bean plant

Before introducing the way to eat fava beans, let's first understand the fava beans. Broad beans are flat, sweet, rich in protein, rich in nutrition, I go from snacks to large, how to eat are not afraid. Fava beans have two layers of skin, the outermost layer is green, called pods, also called bean shells; peeling off the inner layer is white, we call it bean skin; hiding in the innermost is watercress, we call bean rice, blue-green. If the broad beans are eaten as a dish, whether it is bean leaves, bean shells, bean skins or beans and rice, they can be eaten, and the key is to see how you do it.

The four ways to eat fava beans in rural areas are simple and easy to do, and they are not tired of eating

Broad beans have two layers of skin

First of all, we will introduce the fava bean boiling soup. When the fava beans are just ripe, the tender fava beans are picked together with the pods, the tendons are torn off at both ends, the fava bean shell, skin, etc. are not discarded, and after cleaning, you can directly cook the soup. Some people think that the shell of the fava bean is hard, and they have to rub it repeatedly to make it soft, and I think as long as the fava beans are tender, they don't have to be kneaded, they can be boiled, and they can also be added to the ribs, chicken and so on. The beans are soft and sticky, the skin is sweet, it is very appetizing, suitable for any group of people to eat.

The four ways to eat fava beans in rural areas are simple and easy to do, and they are not tired of eating

Fava beans with shells to cook soup

The second is to eat "old research beans". Our local people are accustomed to peeling off the shell of the fava beans, leaving a white layer of broad beans called "old research beans". The method is: the beans are cooked in water, after draining the water, the pan can be put in oil and salt and stir-fried, you can also add chili peppers, hot sauce or shredded meat, vegetables and other stir-fry according to personal taste.

The four ways to eat fava beans in rural areas are simple and easy to do, and they are not tired of eating

Old grinding beans

The third is to eat green beans and rice. This is the most classic and versatile way of eating fava beans, such as green bean rice soup, which boiled sauerkraut soup has become a home-cooked dish for our locals, which is both delicious and appetizing, but also very debilitating. The second is stir-frying, for example, "Frog Holding Jade Pillar" is a dish mixed with green garlic and green bean rice. There are also broad beans ripe on the market, it is our local wild vegetables, wildflowers the best eating season, for this reason, green bean rice with any wild vegetables and wildflowers are good taste, especially with bracken, bitter thorn flowers, tang pear blossoms, etc., the taste is very good.

The four ways to eat fava beans in rural areas are simple and easy to do, and they are not tired of eating

Green bean rice boiled bitter thorn flowers

The fourth is fava bean stew. In Huawaimei's hometown, when the broad beans are ripe in March and April every year, they walk into the villages and villages, and almost every time they arrive at the meal, they can almost smell a special fragrance, that is, fava bean stewed rice. The method is: pick the fresh fava beans, peel off the shell and skin, as long as the green beans and rice inside are cleaned, control the moisture and reserve; cook the rice until it is half cooked, filter out the water and reserve; cut the cured bacon or ham meat into small cubes, put it into a frying pan to fry the aroma, and then add the broad bean rice and stir-fry until it is seven or eight minutes cooked, then add the half-raw and half-cooked rice, simmer for about 20 minutes on a low heat.

The four ways to eat fava beans in rural areas are simple and easy to do, and they are not tired of eating

Green bean rice

Now rural families also have rice cookers, making bean stewed rice is even simpler, just put the diced bacon and bean rice fried out of the aroma, put it into the rice cooker, and then add the washed rice, put in the appropriate amount of water to start cooking. The biggest feature of fava bean stew is: full of color and flavor! In the process of braising rice, the oil aroma of bacon is once again forced out by the heat, soaked into the rice and beans, soft and fragrant rice with glutinous broad beans, coupled with the special mellow aroma of bacon, a bowl of fragrant bean stewed rice out of the pot is simply hungry. Cook a bowl of vegetarian soup, accompanied by a plate of home-pickled pickles, meat and vegetarian combination, although simple and simple, but it is the most intoxicating food I can think of in the spring, this is the taste of mother, but also the taste of home!

The four ways to eat fava beans in rural areas are simple and easy to do, and they are not tired of eating

Green bean rice stew

What do you think? Do you like to eat fava beans too? Is it the same way of eating as we do? Welcome to pay attention to Hua Waist Sister, leave a message together! (Original)