
Eating stewed rice, visiting temple fairs, shaving long hair, it is very lively on February 2

author:Palm Qujing

On the second day of the first month of the second month of the lunar calendar, folk call it "Dragon Head Festival", this day, legend has it that it is the day when the dragon raises its head. Let me take you to see how the people of Huize County live the "February 2nd".

Eating stewed rice, visiting temple fairs, shaving long hair, it is very lively on February 2

■ Lively temple fair "Jing Wenchang"

On the second of February, the mountain is popular in Admiralty Hill in Huize County. There is a Wenchang Palace on Admiralty Hill, which spreads the mythical story of Wenchang Fulong. There is a saying in Huize that the highly respected Emperor Wenchang, on the day of "the dragon looking up", used an iron pot to hold the nine dragons that were stirring up trouble in Huize and sat on the pot, and over the years, the iron pot became a lush green mountain, standing on the south side of Huize County. Therefore, people named the iron pot "Admiralty Mountain" on the grounds that the iron pot and the Admiralty were similar. Because of this, the second of February every year has become the traditional custom of the Huize masses to play with the mountains.

Eating stewed rice, visiting temple fairs, shaving long hair, it is very lively on February 2

On the second of February, the people of Huize played with the mountains to visit the temple fair.

After lunch, more and more people played with the mountains. Along the way, there are many people, selling rock sugar gourds, sour radishes, mineral water, toys and small traders and vendors who have long come to occupy a stall, all wanting to take advantage of this lively flow of people to make a little money. On the stone steps, people squeeze and watch while walking, they admire the simple and vigorous Luo Han Pine, admire the ancient temple pavilions of Admiralty Mountain, and appreciate the bits and pieces of the mountain. In the Wenchang Palace on the top of admiralty hill, there are many tourists worshiping Emperor Wenchang. Standing at the top of the mountain, the entire Huize County seat can be seen from the bottom.

Eating stewed rice, visiting temple fairs, shaving long hair, it is very lively on February 2

Shave your child's head on February 2nd.

■ Traditional ritual "shaving"

In folklore, haircuts are not allowed during the first month, and haircuts can be cut until the "dragon looks up".

This day may be the favorite day of barbershop owners. Because there are many people who come to get a haircut, the fee is two or three times higher than usual, and the haircut person tries to be safe and does not care about anything.

For adults, it is common to trim hair, but for a child, it is not ordinary. There is an ancient custom in traditional Chinese culture that legend has it that giving children long hair can ward off evil spirits, as if a long hair can cover all wind and rain and disaster. Hair has been growing with all the years of life, the child is older, it must also be trimmed, and in terms of time, February 2 is the most appropriate day. Led by their parents, these "long-haired" dolls came to the barbershop and began their first haircut in their lives. When getting haircuts, parents are busy taking pictures and videos of their children, and some even use three or four mobile phones to take pictures, for fear of missing a link. After the shooting, either send a circle of friends or vibrato, as if afraid that others will not know, eagerly announcing to the world that their children have "shaved their hair" today.

■Delicious food custom "bean stewed rice"

In Huize, there is also the traditional food custom of eating ham and bean stew on February 2. It stems from a legend that when Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms period was dying, he specially summoned Meng Yu and Meng Yan and instructed them in person: "Although I am dead, the young lord Ah Dou is still there, and you two go to visit him at least once a year today." This day was the second day of the second month of the second lunar month, and from then on, they both went to Chengdu every year on the second day of February to meet Liu Chan, the king of Shu. A few years later, the Jinwu Emperor Sima Yan destroyed the Shu state and took Ah Dou captive to Luoyang, and Meng Yu and Meng Yan did not forget Zhuge Liang's instructions, and every year on the second day of February, they still went to Luoyang to visit Ah Dou, and each time they went, they had to use a scale to call Ah Dou to prove whether Ah Dou was treated badly by Emperor Wu of Jin. He also threatened that if he treated Ah Dou badly, he would raise an army against Jin.

In order to deceive Meng Yue and others, Emperor Wu of Jin came up with a method, ordering people to cook broad beans or pea sticky rice early and add diced bacon to Ah Dou to eat, which can be described as sweet and fragrant, and Ah Dou is happy and happy, doubling it. When Meng Yu arrived to be a man, Ah Dou's weight was several pounds heavier than the previous year. Northeast Yunnan is the hometown of Meng Yue and Meng Yan, Huize is located in northeast Yunnan, is the branch of the six ancestors of the Yi people, huize ancestors in order to express their admiration for the two, formed the custom of eating beans stewed rice on February 2.

Legend has it that the custom of eating bean stew on the second day of February in Huize is mainly because of the climatic characteristics of Huize. Generally speaking, in early February, the peas and broad beans in the Huize Dam are not yet ripe, and in places such as Nagu Damzi, where the climate is dry and hot, broad beans and peas can be marketed. Traders trafficked broad beans and peas to the county town for sale, and in the face of the temptation of fresh fava beans and fresh peas, people after constant exploration, made of bacon cubes and fresh fava beans or fresh peas, made of bean stewed rice is the most delicious. Bean stew has also become the most distinctive dish on February 2nd.

Qujing Daily Special Reporter Liu Guangxin Correspondent Zhu Guozhi Text/Photo