
The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

author:Xiao Xu Health Science Popularization

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On an ordinary morning, 50-year-old Uncle Zhang, dressed in plain clothes and holding a handful of herbs brought from his hometown, walked into the outpatient hall of the hospital.

Uncle Zhang is a community volunteer who is enthusiastic about public welfare, and has been busy serving the community for many years, helping his neighbors solve various problems.

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

However, over the years, he has always had a small habit of soaking wild chrysanthemum in water, believing that this natural herb can clear away heat, detoxify and maintain health.

Three years later, he decided to come to the hospital for a full check-up to see if his condition had improved.

Uncle Zhang registered, sat in the outpatient waiting area, and carefully looked at the various effects of wild chrysanthemums on his mobile phone.

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

When it was his turn, the doctor warmly received him and asked him in detail about his living habits and health status, and Uncle Zhang told the doctor without concealment that he would soak wild chrysanthemums in water every day and persisted for three whole years.

The doctor carefully recorded Uncle Zhang's condition and decided to arrange a series of tests for him, including blood tests, liver and kidney function tests, blood pressure measurements, and ultrasounds.

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

Uncle Zhang felt that he was usually in good health, and he didn't have too many worries in his heart, but he just hoped to have a clearer understanding of his health status through this examination.

A few days later, Uncle Zhang came to the hospital again and got the test results, and the doctor looked at the report, his brows furrowed slightly, but he quickly regained his composure.

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

The doctor patiently explained the results of the examination to Uncle Zhang, pointing out that some of his indicators were abnormal.

"Uncle Zhang, your liver function indicators are a little high, and your kidney function is also slightly abnormal." The doctor said.

"Huh? Doctor, could this be the reason why I have been drinking wild chrysanthemum water for a long time? Uncle Zhang asked with some confusion.

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

"It's possible." The doctor nodded, "Although wild chrysanthemums have certain medicinal value, long-term and large amounts of use, especially if you drink it every day, may cause a burden on the liver and kidneys.

We need to further observe and adjust your habits. ”

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

Uncle Zhang listened to the doctor's advice and decided to make some changes to his lifestyle. The doctor advised him to stop soaking wild chrysanthemums in water, drink more plain water, eat more vegetables and fruits, and maintain a balanced diet.

The doctor also reminded Uncle Zhang that any herb should be used with caution, especially if you use a certain herb for a long time, and you should consult a professional doctor.

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

Although herbs are natural, they are not completely harmless, especially when used for a long time, which may cause burden and damage to certain organs in the body.

Uncle Zhang deeply reflected on his habits and said that he would adjust them according to the doctor's advice, and he realized that health is a process that requires comprehensive maintenance, and it is not enough to rely on a certain method or herb.

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

Wild chrysanthemum flowers are widely used in traditional Chinese medicine to clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain, so they are widely used to treat various symptoms of inflammation and fever.

However, long-term consumption of wild chrysanthemums in large quantities may have certain negative effects on liver and kidney function.

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

Studies have shown that some of the components contained in wild chrysanthemums may accumulate in the body, causing an increased burden on the liver and kidneys, which can lead to abnormal function.

Experts recommend that the use of herbal remedies should follow the following principles:

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

1. Appropriate use: The dosage of herbal medicines should be strictly followed by the doctor's instructions, and the dosage should be increased or used for a long time.

2. Individual differences: Everyone's physique is different, and the effects and side effects of herbs will also be different, which should be adjusted according to individual circumstances.

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

3. Regular check-ups: People who use herbal medicine for a long time should have regular health check-ups to ensure that all physical indicators are normal, and to detect and deal with potential problems in a timely manner.

4. Comprehensive conditioning: Health maintenance should be a comprehensive process, diet, exercise, work and rest and other aspects need to be coordinated development, not only relying on a certain method or drug.

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

Uncle Zhang's story reminds us that any healthy habit should be carried out under scientific and professional guidance, and that although natural herbs have certain health benefits, long-term and large-scale use may bring adverse consequences.

In the process of pursuing health, we should pay attention to balance and science, listen to the advice of professional doctors, check our bodies regularly, and adjust bad habits in time. Only in this way can long-term health and happiness be truly achieved.

The 50-year-old uncle soaked in water with wild chrysanthemums for a long time, and went for a check-up after 3 years, what happened to his physical condition?

Uncle Zhang adjusted his lifestyle according to the doctor's advice, and when he came back for a follow-up examination a few months later, his physical indicators improved significantly, and he said with emotion: "It turns out that health is not only about herbs and food, but also about a scientific way of life.

Thanks to the doctor's careful guidance, I have a new understanding of the true meaning of health. ”

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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