
Xiaomi SU7 Gulf Blue and Tiffany Blue are very different!Lei Jun: Gulf Blue is a critical color of blue and green

author:Drive the house

Fast Technology News on January 28, today, Lei Jun posted on Weibo that he didn't understand what some people said about Xiaomi SU7 Gulf Blue like Tiffany Blue.

To this he responded, bay blue is the color of the tipping point between blue and green, which is very different from Tiffany blue.

Xiaomi SU7 Gulf Blue and Tiffany Blue are very different!Lei Jun: Gulf Blue is a critical color of blue and green

In order to let netizens really feel the difference between colors, Lei Jun also attached a jewelry picture of TIFFANY$CO under this Weibo, and said that he found it on the Internet.

Some netizens saw the picture and replied: I thought so at first, until I turned it out and compared, it was a world of difference.

Xiaomi SU7 Gulf Blue and Tiffany Blue are very different!Lei Jun: Gulf Blue is a critical color of blue and green

According to Xiaomi's official website, the color of Xiaomi SU7 Bay Blue is taken from 60m below sea level, at the critical point of blue-green change, restoring the pure primary color. In addition, the Gulf Blue paint is infused with 20nm toner particles, which are elegant and pure under different lighting, and are ever-changing.

Xiaomi SU7 Gulf Blue and Tiffany Blue are very different!Lei Jun: Gulf Blue is a critical color of blue and green

It is reported that Lei Jun also launched a survey on Weibo recently, asking everyone which color they would buy if Xiaomi SU7. So far, Weibo shows that a total of 48,000 people have participated in the poll.

Among them, a total of 18,000 people chose "Ya Gray", 11,000 people chose "Gulf Blue", ranked second, 10,000 people chose "Other", ranked third, and 8,432 people chose "olive green, metallic paint", ranking fourth.

Xiaomi SU7 Gulf Blue and Tiffany Blue are very different!Lei Jun: Gulf Blue is a critical color of blue and green

In addition, some netizens asked before: Is there only three colors of Xiaomi cars, and will the production version be white and black?

In this regard, Lei Jun said, "We have also seen many users ask if there is a classic black and white color scheme, and we do have more colors to choose from, which will be fully introduced to you when it is officially released."