
If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)

If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)

New Oriental Family Education

2024-06-28 09:45Creator in the field of parenting

Author: The main creative group Fireworks March

Chatting with my girlfriend on the weekend, my girlfriend is busy making strategies for taking the children to play in the summer vacation.

I asked her with some doubts: "Didn't you take your children to play last year, and the experience was not good, and you said that you would no longer travel with your children before they were 10 years old?" ”

Last year, my best friend took her 6-year-old son Taotao to Yunnan to play, and the itinerary was relatively full, but Taotao couldn't get up on the third morning, saying that he was tired of playing and didn't want to play anymore.

No matter how the girlfriend persuaded and seduced, Tao Tao was unmoved, lying on the bed and not moving.

My girlfriend was very angry, and then changed her ticket and went home.

The girlfriend replied with a smile: "Isn't the child a year older this year, definitely not like last year." Besides, the summer vacation is so long, it's a pity not to go out to play.

Other classmates all went out to play, but he didn't go out, and he and his classmates wouldn't be able to talk together in the future. ”

In fact, whether to take children out to play during the summer vacation should be based on your own situation, and there is no rule that you have to take your children to play.

If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)

If you fall under one of the following three conditions:

It's better not to go out

1. Blindly follow the trend

Under the influence of social media and friends and family, many parents choose to take their children on so-called "influencer check-in tours" or "popular place tours".

This kind of blind following often ignores the child's interests and the actual situation of the family, causing the child to feel bored or tired during the trip.

At the same time, due to the popularity of the destination, there may be problems such as overcrowding and tight schedules, which can greatly reduce the travel experience.

Girlfriends are blindly following the trend, whether the child needs it or not, as long as other classmates go, then their own children cannot be absent.

2. Vanity hedonistic type

Some parents are too materialistic and extravagant when traveling, such as choosing high-end hotels, luxury restaurants, expensive attractions, etc.

Although such a trip can bring short-term pleasure, it may lead to wrong values and consumption views for children.

Children may mistakenly think that the meaning of travel is to enjoy and consume, and ignore learning and growth while traveling.

In addition, the high cost of travel can also put financial pressure on families.

3. Walk around the flowers

There are also some parents who pursue the compactness of the itinerary and the number of attractions too much in their travels, which often leads to a lack of sightseeing.

Children may not have had time to learn more about and experience the culture and customs of a place before they have already rushed to the next attraction.

Not only does this kind of trip not give children rich experiences and feelings, but it can also make them feel exhausted.

Also, an overly tight itinerary can limit communication and interaction between family members.

If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)
If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)

If you can't do these 3 points

Don't travel with kids

1. Don't have too high expectations

Traveling with your baby is an adventure that is both anticipated and challenging.

The children's world is full of endless curiosity and surprises, but at the same time, their emotions and behaviors are as unpredictable as the weather.

I remember last summer, I took my little five-year-old niece to the beach for a vacation.

Before I set off, I imagined that we would build sandcastles on the beach, chase the waves, and have a delicious seafood meal, and at night we would sit by the sea, listen to the waves, and count the stars to sleep.

However, the reality was very different from what I imagined.

The little niece doesn't seem to have much interest in the waves, preferring to look for all kinds of exotic shells and pebbles on the beach.

Whenever the waves came, she would be so frightened that she would hug me tightly and not dare to move.

And when we tried to taste the seafood feast, she was unfamiliar and repulsed by the taste of seafood, and ended up eating only some simple food.

In the evening, when we were sitting on the beach and ready to enjoy the quiet night, the little niece suddenly started crying and wanted to go home.

She was not used to the humidity and silence of the seaside and just wanted to go back to her familiar little bed.

At that moment, I felt deeply helpless and frustrated, because the reality was too far from my expectations.

Later, I gradually realized:

The true meaning of traveling with your baby is not to complete our preset itinerary and plan, but to spend unforgettable time with the children and create beautiful memories that belong to us together.

Although my little niece didn't love the beach and seafood as much as I thought, she found her own fun on the beach, and we had a warm and fun holiday.

So, when we're planning a trip with our baby, don't expect too much.

2. Don't make a tight itinerary

Saw a post online about a mom taking her 8-year-old child on a trip.

The mother didn't have a full itinerary, but just selected a few representative attractions and set aside enough time for her children to explore and experience freely.

On their first day in the town, they wander the ancient streets, admiring the historic buildings and unique folk culture on both sides.

The child is full of curiosity about everything and asks questions to his mother from time to time.

The mother patiently answered and explored this strange world with the child.

They tasted local delicacies, made traditional handicrafts with their own hands, and took part in a lively folklore show.

The next day, the mother did not arrange any attractions to visit, but let the children play freely.

The children run out into the fields to chase butterflies, play with the dogs, and help local farmers harvest their crops.

He felt the beauty of nature and the joy of labor, and also learned to cherish and be grateful.

Although the trip was not long, the children gained a lot.

He learned how to communicate with people, how to respect others, and how to love nature.

More importantly, he experienced the colorfulness and richness of life, and also felt the warmth and love of his family.

Traveling with children is not only a change of place, but also a spiritual growth and enrichment of experience.

Schedules that are too tight often leave children feeling exhausted and losing the joy of traveling.

Therefore, we need to focus on the importance of experience when planning a trip, rather than simply pursuing the fulfillment of the itinerary.

It is more important for children to feel the beauty and richness of life during travel, and to truly grow and gain something during travel.

3. Respect your child's choices and don't interfere too much

I still remember the plot of Lin Zhiying's son Kimi choosing a house in the parent-child travel show "Where Are You Going, Dad".

When faced with the task of choosing a house, Lin Zhiying did not directly make decisions for Kimi, but gave him full autonomy.

Kimi chose room 3 according to her preferences and intuition.

Although from the perspective of adults, room 3 may not be in good condition, Lin Zhiying did not intervene, but chose to trust and respect Kimi.

Upon entering the room, Kimi finds that the house is different from what she expected, and there are even some problems such as broken doors and windows and dead spiders.

However, Lin Zhiying did not blame or deny Kimi's choice, but continued to encourage him and praise him for choosing well.

Instead of dampening Kimi's interest in playing, Dad's attitude taught him to take responsibility for his own choices.

Play is the child's business, and companionship is the parents' business.

Since it is a trip with children, parents should naturally respect their children's choices, such parent-child trips can not only allow children to grow up in exploration, but also deepen the relationship between parents and children.

Parents respect their children's choices and give them enough freedom and space to make them happy and grow during their travels.

If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)
If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)

Traveling with children is not an easy task.

It's like traveling with a snail, you can't be anxious, angry, or roaring, and only by slowing down your pace and calming down your mind can you enjoy the scenery along the way.

When traveling with children, the less restrictive parents give their children, the more high-quality experiences they can get from traveling.

You may wish to lower your expectations, arrange your itinerary more loosely, respect your children's opinions, and observe, perceive, and understand them in a different region with your children, so that your body and mind can reach the most comfortable state.

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  • If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)
  • If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)
  • If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)
  • If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)
  • If you can't do these three points, it is recommended that you don't take your children out to play during the summer vacation (it is recommended that parents take a look)

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