
Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

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Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this
Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

Spicy fried rice cakes

Spicy fried rice cake

In the 90s, Noriko Sakai was a sought-after superstar in the entire Asian region, known as the "new diva of Asia". At that time, she was not only popular in Japan, but also in other parts of Asia, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan. The pure and lovely appearance and sweet and ethereal voice have made countless boys and girls crazy for her.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

Who would have thought that this diva, who was once praised as a "jade girl image" and respected as an "idol star," would eventually fall all the way and become an "international beggar"? Her situation has fallen so far that it is like a brilliant diamond being thrown into a muddy pond, which makes people have mixed feelings in their hearts.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

What is the reason for this diva at the peak of her life to fall into such a low situation? Let's clear the fog one by one and unravel this puzzling puzzle.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

The slippage of the goddess originated in an unbearable family

"There is no perfect family in the world, only good parents who are born together." This old adage could not be more appropriate for Sakai Noriko. Her family environment can be described as a mess and full of problems.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

Noriko Sakai's father is a gangster who is an alcoholic and has been abusing her mother for many years. When Noriko Sakai was 5 years old, her mother couldn't stand it anymore, so she ran away from home with her child, leaving her father alone. After that, Sakai began a wandering life at her aunt's house.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

My father later remarried twice, but due to his loose style, each marriage was divided and reunited. Noriko Sakai had to go back and forth between her father and stepmother, and she was homeless for many years.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

This kind of life of displacement between her family members has given her a huge psychological shadow. As an underage child, the lack of parental love was the biggest regret, and this trauma has continued into her adult life.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

In this way, growing up in an environment with a broken family doomed Sakai to be lost and paranoid in her love life in the future. In order to make up for the emptiness in her heart, she devotes all her energy to the entertainment business, eager to find success and attention in her career to fill the void in her heart.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

There is a dark side under the image of the jade girl

At the age of 15, Noriko Sakai stood out in an all-Japan beauty contest and successfully stepped into the entertainment industry. Her outstanding appearance and sweet voice quickly gained the favor of the public. Soon, with her pure and lovely image, she became the hottest star idol in Asia.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

The crew of the crew were full of praise for her appearance: "Sakai is the kind of girl who is so pure and lovely no matter how you look at it." Her soft voice is as fragrant as thyme, "like being in a paradise, intoxicating both body and mind." When performing idol dramas, Sakai Noriko often looks at the camera with the gentle eyes of a young girl, which makes countless viewers crazy.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

As everyone knows, behind this "jade girl image", there is a dark side. Due to the family trauma of her childhood, Noriko Sakai's desire for love is like a bottomless pit that can never be filled.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

In order to compensate for the emptiness in her heart, her dependence and obsession with the opposite sex bordered on paranoia. Once a relationship is established, she will devote herself to it like she is pouring her heart and lungs into it, and will do whatever it takes to get the other person's love.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

At the age of 22, she publicly fell in love with the famous choreographer Shinji Nojima, and was "spit on his face" by the media: an idol at the peak of his career actually took the initiative to disclose his relationship, which violated the "image of a jade girl", which is really immoral. It is this almost obsessive attachment that will make her deceived and abused again and again in her future married life.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

Fall step by step, and never go back to the past

In 1998, 27-year-old Noriko Sakai married a so-called "surf instructor" Yuichi Takasami. Soon after marriage, she found out that the other party was a liar, unemployed and idle all year round, blindly relying on her income to survive. Not only that, but Yuichi Takao is also a complete violent maniac and a playboy, and it is common for him to ignore Sakai and insult him unreasonably.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

What's even more terrifying is that this bastard husband actually asked for a "co-service plan" of two daughters and one husband. Noriko Sakai once cried in an interview and said, "He found me a female companion and asked the two of us to serve him together." For the sake of the child, I can only agree against my will. Anyone who sees it will be incredible: how could this goddess, who is revered as the "new queen of Asia", fall to such a degree?

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

For Sakai, who is in a state of "love brain", it seems that all the costs can be paid. In order to keep this marriage, she had to endure all the abuse and betrayal of her husband. Gradually, she began to degenerate step by step, becoming a "ball" that was kicked around.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

The vicious cycle never stopped, culminating in a drug scandal. In August 2009, Noriko Sakai was found smoking dupin at home by the police, and she herself confessed that her husband Yuichi Taka was the first to induce her to contract duyin.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

In order to escape punishment, Sakai Noriko fled and hid for several months. It was not until February 2010 that she turned herself in at the Metropolitan Police Department. In the end, the court sentenced her to 18 months in prison, suspended for four years, and a hefty fine of nearly 20 million yen.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

Just because of a moment of loss and confusion, the former diva fell from the "peak" to the "bottom", and her future was ruined. After being released from prison, she tried to make a name for herself, but due to her notoriety, her contracts were terminated and she had nowhere to go. In order to pay off her debts, she had to take on some tertiary restricted films. Now the image of this "pure idol" has long collapsed in the minds of the audience.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

Now, Noriko Sakai seems to have realized her mistake, and she confessed in an interview: "It's me who is too obsessed and is led by the nose by men." At that time, I was like a fool, believing everything and agreeing to everything. Now that I think about it, I was so naïve. "

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

New scandals continue to come to light, falling into the bottomless abyss

After being released from prison, Sakai's life has been in trouble. In order to raise money to pay off her debts, she had to accept some third-rate shoddy jobs, such as being a resident singer in a strip bar. In addition, she has been repeatedly involved in various new scandals, and "hit the nail" in the media from time to time.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

In 2014, some media exposed the news that she gave birth to an illegitimate child with an old monk in her 80s, and the person concerned did not deny it. As soon as this kind of news came out, it immediately set off a huge controversy on the Internet, and a large number of netizens scolded her for being "completely degenerate".

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

Later, the media dug up that Sakai Noriko was living in a very poor situation, and even the rent was in arrears for several months, and the property was forcibly evicted. In a desperate situation, she can only wander around begging, and is nicknamed "International Beggar" by herself. This once smash hit "Asia's new diva" is now reduced to the point of begging for mercy from passers-by, which is really embarrassing.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

Some people speculate that perhaps it is such a bumpy life experience in Sakai Noriko that has created her current personality distortion and dark side. A child who has been treated coldly since childhood will grow up to be a great success, and his inner vanity and arrogance will inevitably be exposed.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

However, it is undeniable that Noriko Sakai did gain the love of countless fans in Asia at the peak of her career. It's a pity that I can't bear these glories, and the road of life finally fell into a more and more crooked situation, and I fell step by step to the point where I am today, which makes people sigh.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

The root of the repeated depravity is still in that deep-rooted emotional disease

Looking at the entire trajectory of Sakai's life, it is not difficult to find that her "emotional illness" has never gotten rid of it, which is also the root cause of her repeated depravity.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

She has lacked the love of her parents since she was a child, and her desire for love is like a bottomless pit that cannot be filled. When I grew up, I decided to make up for the emptiness in my heart by achieving success and attention through my career, but I ended up in another predicament.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

Once she establishes a relationship with the opposite sex, she will devote herself wholeheartedly, and even lose the ability to judge right and wrong, and be completely blinded by the thing of "feelings".

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

It was this paranoid attachment psychology that made her indulge her husband's betrayal and abuse at all costs, and finally embarked on the road of no return to become addicted to drugs. Although she briefly reflected on it after being released from prison, the "poor root" of her feelings was too deep, and she still couldn't heal, and continued to take risks and degenerate in this regard.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

For example, having a relationship with the 80-year-old monk and giving birth to an illegitimate child is a manifestation of her emotional hunger. For someone of her age, it is hard to imagine that there are other reasons for her favor than seeking spiritual solace.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

Sadly, her infatuation and dependence on men has reached a pathological level, completely losing the ability to survive on her own. Even when her career and life fell to the bottom, she still put all her hopes and attention on her feelings, and the simple and lovely temperament in the past was completely distorted into another form.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

This life trajectory is really a slap in the face for fans. The queen, who was praised as a "jade girl idol" and admired by tens of thousands of people, has now fallen to such a state, which makes people feel sorry for her.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

Thankfully, although Sakai has completely fallen, her past efforts and achievements have not been completely erased. Her contributions and joys to the Asian music scene in those years have been forever engraved in the memories of countless people.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

This may be the best gift for a once upon a time a radiant diva. May she learn from it, rekindle her hope for life, and no longer be hurt by the "thorns of feelings". Let us still look forward to the day when this fallen queen will shine again and illuminate the sky.

Sakai Noriko: Filming a third-level movie and giving birth to a child for a monk, why did he fall to this

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