
My husband bought gold locks for my eldest sister's children behind my back, and I drew a scoop based on the gourd: my aunt can't be stingier than my uncle

author:Lemons are not fruits
Dictated/Ms. Wong
My husband bought gold locks for my eldest sister's children behind my back, and I drew a scoop based on the gourd: my aunt can't be stingier than my uncle

My husband and I are college classmates, in love for four years, married for three years, he often talks about loving me, but one thing he did made me feel that I was an outsider in his heart and in his family.

Both of us are ordinary office workers, his monthly salary is more than 8,600 yuan, my monthly salary is about 6,000, and the two of them still have more than 5,400 yuan of mortgage to repay, plus I am pregnant and about to give birth, so I usually spend money more frugally.

But last Sunday, I accidentally swiped the video sent by my eldest sister, she brought a small gold lock to Erbao, and the copywriting was: "It's still my uncle's strength, when my eldest daughter was a child, he sent a gold bracelet, and when my youngest son was full moon, he sent a gold lock, and the two treasures should be filial to their uncle in the future......"

My husband bought gold locks for my eldest sister's children behind my back, and I drew a scoop based on the gourd: my aunt can't be stingier than my uncle

As soon as I saw this, I was slammed. It's not that I don't want him to show it as an uncle, but I'm angry that he didn't say hello to me.

If it hadn't been for my eldest sister, I wouldn't have known that he had given gold ornaments to both children. My eldest sister's daughter is 3 years old, she was born in the year we got married, and I bought her several beautiful clothes at that time, and we gave gifts, but my husband never told me that he gave gold bracelets to my eldest niece.

Now, my little nephew has just reached the full moon, and my in-laws, as my grandfather, have also sent silver bracelets and silver locks, and I have also bought gifts for my eldest sister and Xiaobao. But I still don't know that my husband secretly gave his nephew a golden lock.

My husband bought gold locks for my eldest sister's children behind my back, and I drew a scoop based on the gourd: my aunt can't be stingier than my uncle

If it is said that buying a gold bracelet for my eldest niece is because we have just gotten married, and he has not yet had the consciousness to discuss it with me, I can understand it. But we have been married for three years now, and we are about to have a baby of our own, so he still doesn't say hello like this, and gives his little nephew a small golden lock.

I don't think it's unconscious, it's deliberately hiding it from me. Is this the attitude of life, as if I am not virtuous!

So, I took a screenshot of my eldest sister's video copy, threw it in front of my husband, and asked him to give an explanation, but he hit it back and said: "Look at it, I know that this is the consequence of telling you, I don't want you to be angry, so I hide it from you." ”

Listen to what this is saying? It just put me in an awkward position, and I was going to be angry if I didn't agree.

My husband bought gold locks for my eldest sister's children behind my back, and I drew a scoop based on the gourd: my aunt can't be stingier than my uncle

I said, "That's right, I'm very angry, I'm angry that you don't treat me as a family, you give gold jewelry to your child, should you discuss it with me?

My husband quibbled and said, "How can I discuss it with you?" My sister took the initiative to ask for it, saying that her concubine's child was full moon, and my uncle gave me gold bracelets and locks, and I said that I didn't have so much money, so she asked me to send the same, and it turned out that a child was the same......

Well, I said that my husband, a person who has no heart every day, suddenly hid from me and bought gold jewelry for both children, it turned out that the eldest sister took the initiative to ask for it, and it was for comparison and showing off, and I didn't want me to know.

Then I calmed down and said to my husband: "What is the situation in our family, you should know, we only save a few thousand yuan a month, and our baby will be born soon." I'm thrifty, but I won't let you follow some proper etiquette, but you at least talk to me, let me know, don't make me feel that I've been with you for so many years, and I'm still an outsider......"

My husband bought gold locks for my eldest sister's children behind my back, and I drew a scoop based on the gourd: my aunt can't be stingier than my uncle

When my husband saw that I was sincere, he immediately bowed his head and apologized: "Daughter-in-law, I understand, if you marry me, we are the closest people, and I will not hide anything from you in the future, I must discuss with you first, forget it this time, right?"

I said, "Forget it, I definitely won't ask your sister to come back to Jinsuo, but when our child is born, shouldn't she be an aunt?"

My husband said, "That's for sure, this is the first child of our mother's Lao Liu family, and she will definitely say it when she is an aunt." ”

As a result, two days ago, my eldest sister came to my house with the child in her arms, pointed to my stomach and chatted with my mother-in-law, saying: "I see that my younger sister's belly, eighty percent is a boy, just right, in the future, my little treasure will wear clothes, all brought to him." Children grow up fast and can save money, and it is better for boys to be poor. ”

My husband bought gold locks for my eldest sister's children behind my back, and I drew a scoop based on the gourd: my aunt can't be stingier than my uncle

I knew it was for me, and I took a look at her son's new clothes from head to toe, and the clear bag she was going to take for her permanent stay, and the child's change of clothes in it was not all new.

I sneered in my heart, her children are all dressed in new clothes, she is the little master, and my children should be poor when it is their turn?

I thought about it a few days ago when my husband bought a gold lock for her son, and I couldn't help it, so I said:

"Yes, we don't have to buy a new piece of clothing, just pick up the leftover old clothes for your children to wear, and we can save money. However, the province of the province and the province that should not be saved will cost money, and when my child is born, don't you, the aunt, have to spend money and break the bank? His cousin has a gold bracelet and his cousin has a small gold lock, so we won't have nothing at that time, right? My aunt can't be stingier than my uncle, right?"

When the eldest sister heard me say this, her face was red and white for a while, she was very embarrassed, she must have thought that I didn't know about my husband buying gold jewelry for her two children, but I didn't expect that I not only knew, but also relied on the gourd to draw a scoop "courtesy", and took the initiative to ask her for it.

My husband bought gold locks for my eldest sister's children behind my back, and I drew a scoop based on the gourd: my aunt can't be stingier than my uncle

When my mother-in-law saw this posture, she hurriedly played a round and said: "Not only does my aunt want to break the bill, but I, who is a grandmother, have to make a big head, and if other people's grandchildren have it, my grandson must also have it." ”

Then, I went back to the house and lay down proudly, anyway, I was about to give birth, I couldn't sulk, I could say whatever I wanted, and my disobedience was not conducive to raising the fetus.

I'm also a straight person, I don't like to play with my eyes, and I don't like to meddle with things.

My eldest sister usually raises her daughter richly, how she spoils her precious son, I never ask, and even I often buy beautiful clothes for her daughter to wear.

But she's good, my child hasn't been born yet, she began to interfere, let me raise my son poorly, let my child wear his son's old clothes in the future, let me be thrifty, and the tube is wider than the Yellow River!

My husband bought gold locks for my eldest sister's children behind my back, and I drew a scoop based on the gourd: my aunt can't be stingier than my uncle

Now I'm going back, and I'm going to export my things, just waiting for my child to be born, to see if she will be courteous, and buy some gold jewelry for my child.

My husband knew that I was scolding his sister and complained that I didn't save face for his sister, but I think I was right. Tell me about what I've done too much?

Write at the end

The husband and wife should indeed discuss everything, especially when it comes to money, they can't hide it behind their backs, and when the other party finds out, it is easy to feel cold and easy to think too much.

Ms. Huang is like this, she always thought that her husband loved her the most, and the couple went to work together to save money and change mortgages together, but after 3 years of marriage, her husband bought a gold bracelet for her eldest niece and a gold lock for her little nephew, which really made people feel angry.

She was angry, not because she didn't want her husband to buy it, her uncle and nephew, which was understandable, she was angry that her husband didn't say a word and did these things without telling her.

In the end, she picked the matter away in front of her eldest sister, and it was considered a game, but she was complained by her husband and was a little confused. In fact, a family should have something to say, instead of hiding behind their backs and insinuating insinuations, don't you say?

[Original life stories, welcome to personal collection and forward]


He has worked as a children's book editor, analyzed children's classics, and written interviews with celebrities such as entrepreneurs, pension directors, and lawyers.

Pay attention to [Lemon Fruit is Not Fruit] Everyone communicates together every day, warms each other, and makes progress together.

Note: The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.

[The author has opened the whole network to protect rights, plagiarism must be investigated]


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