
Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!

author:Wake up and dream YY

Family heirloom pork steak

Brief introduction:

The family's secret pork steak is crispy and tender, with a rich aroma of cheese and herbs. With meticulous processing and unique cooking techniques, this dish is comparable to the signature dishes of Western restaurants. Now I will teach you how to make it at home, so that you can taste this delicious taste without leaving home.

Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!

Materials Required:

  1. 2 pieces of pork tenderloin (about 180g)
  2. Salt to taste
  3. Ground black pepper a little
  4. 1 tablespoon cake flour
  5. 1 egg
  6. Salad oil to taste
  7. Cheese bread crumbs: 6 tablespoons cheese flour 2 tablespoons dried parsley 1/2 teaspoon
  8. Garnish: baby leaves (or other leafy greens), 1/3 lemon to taste
Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!

Tools Required:

  • sword
  • rolling pin
  • saucepan
  • Bowl (for whisking eggs)
  • Screen (for flour sprinkling)
  • Brush with oil (or kitchen towel)
  • Clips (or plastic wrap)
  • Stirring spoon (or bat)


  • Preparation:
Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!

1. Prepare all materials and tools.

2. Place the pork tenderloin flat on a cutting board and use a knife to make a few cuts between the fat and lean meats, but not cut off. Then tap gently with a rolling pin to stretch the slices slightly.

Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!

3. Refrigerate the slices of meat for 10 minutes to make them firmer.

Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!
  • Production process:

1. Remove the meat slices from the refrigerator, cut off the excess fat with a knife, and sprinkle salt and black pepper evenly on both sides.

Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!

2. Add cake flour to a bowl and sprinkle a thin layer on both sides of the meat slices.

Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!

3. Crack the eggs in a separate bowl and stir to combine. Coat the meat slices in egg wash and place them in cheese breadcrumbs so that they are evenly coated on both sides.

Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!

4. Preheat the pan, add an appropriate amount of salad oil, and the oil temperature is medium heat. Use an oil brush to coat the bottom of the pan with a thin layer of oil. Place the wrapped slices in a pan and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown on both sides. The fried pork chops are blotted out of the oil on blotting paper.

Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!

5. Place the fried pork cutlet on a plate and serve with fresh leafy greens and lemon slices. It tastes best with rice or bread.

Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!

Tips & Advice:

Family Secret Pork Chops!Authentic Western Food, Delicious Taste, Aftertaste!
  1. Be careful not to cut the meat when cutting it so that the slices of meat can spread out better.
  2. Tapping the slices with a rolling pin can make them fluffier and taste better.
  3. Keep the heat on medium during the frying process to avoid scorching. At the same time, take care to turn the meat slices so that they are evenly heated.
  4. Add some herbs or spices to enhance the taste according to personal taste.
  5. The use of fresh ingredients can better guarantee the taste and nutritional value of the dish.
  6. The oil temperature should not be too high, so as not to burn the outside or fry too old. Use medium-low heat to fry slowly, which can ensure that the inside is cooked thoroughly without losing moisture, and the effect of crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

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