
Why are Mongolians getting closer and closer to China?

author:Brother Kanshan

There was a period, especially when the Soviet Union was under control, in fact, the Mongols had a very unfriendly and even hostile attitude towards the motherland, believing that we were a threat and the greatest evil, and it was precisely because of this that relations could not be opened for a long time. But that's changing. Especially now, Mongolians are getting closer and closer to China, why is that?

Why are Mongolians getting closer and closer to China?

During the Soviet Union, in order to cut off Mongolia's ties with China, it even did not hesitate to cut off history. Bring down Genghis Khan, who, in Soviet propaganda, was a butcher, an invader and a terrorist, when the Soviets tore up portraits of Genghis Khan from house to house in Mongolia.

Why are Mongolians getting closer and closer to China?

Moreover, the Mongols were forced to switch to Soviet scripts, languages, customs, and carried out long-term anti-Chinese education. So much so that Mongolians have always been not very friendly to China. But now all of this has taken a 180-degree turn, especially for Mongolians, who are getting closer and closer to China, why is that?

Why are Mongolians getting closer and closer to China?

First, set things right.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Mongolia gradually put things in order, restored history, restored Genghis Khan's status as a national hero. Even the Mongolian script was restored, customs were restored...... And all of this has reconnected the Mongolian people with China. Because the history of Mongolia and China cannot be changed, and this connection is thousands of years.

Why are Mongolians getting closer and closer to China?

Second, government propaganda.

After decades of tortuous exploration, Mongolia can already see that only China can help Mongolia develop. Especially when neither Russia nor the West is reliable, only by attracting Chinese investment can Mongolia develop and become rich. Therefore, in terms of propaganda, the president is taking the lead in being friendly to China. Relevant content has also been added to Mongolian textbooks and materials. Education is at the heart of changing perceptions, and it is this transformation that has opened up Mongolians' closeness to their homeland.

Why are Mongolians getting closer and closer to China?

Third, tangible benefits.

For a hundred years, the Mongols suffered from the Soviet Union's reign of terror, and killing and poverty have been accompanied by the greatest disaster. The prosperity and strength of the motherland have brought real improvement and improvement to the lives of Mongolian people, and brought tangible benefits. Moreover, the exchanges between Mongolians and Inner Mongolia can also see the wealth and strength of the motherland.

Why are Mongolians getting closer and closer to China?

For Mongolians, there is more and more pride and a sense of belonging. This is actually very crucial, when they are proud of being a Han Dynasty like the Han Dynasty, then the Mongolian people will inevitably be close to each other and want to return to the embrace of the motherland, which is a historical necessity. What do you think about this?

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