
What is the difference between a scout, a reconnaissance company, and an ordinary soldier or company, and why are they scouts?

author:Chiheido Kotei

Old Zhou

Abstract: Recently, "Scout Hero", which tells the scout of the Volunteer Army to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, is very popular, and there are really many war dramas that depict scouts, why do war dramas like to use the theme of scouts so much?

What is the difference between a scout, a reconnaissance company, and an ordinary soldier or company, and why are they scouts?

Recently, "Scout Hero", which tells the story of the scouts of the Volunteers to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, is very popular, and there are really a lot of war dramas that depict scouts, why do war dramas like to use the theme of scouts so much?

Qu Index, war dramas with the theme of scouts include: "Crossing the River Reconnaissance" filmed by Shanghai Film Studio in 1954, modern Peking Opera "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment" (later became a model play) performed by the Peking Opera Troupe of the Volunteer Army in 1958, "Surprise Attack" filmed by Bayi Factory in 1960, "Scout" filmed by Beijing Film Studio in 1974, and "Lightning Action" filmed by Bar Abnormal in 1987......

Speaking of which, the Scout is not yet a class, but it is different from the average infantryman. In the history of the people's army, there was no fixed establishment of scouts in the early days, and the Red First Army had a reconnaissance company during the Red Army, but during the Eighth Route Army, there was no reconnaissance company in the units directly under the 115th Division. In the early days of the Liberation War, the situation of the various field armies was also different, until the later stage of the Liberation War, when the whole army was reorganized in January 1948, not only unified the number, but also fixed the establishment of scouts in the army, division, and regimental establishments, and the infantry regiments had directly subordinate reconnaissance platoons, and infantry divisions and infantry corps all had directly subordinate reconnaissance companies.

These scouts are not only responsible for battlefield reconnaissance, but also for unconventional combat tasks such as infiltration, raiding, and sabotage by modern special forces. For example, most of the above war dramas are not simple battlefield reconnaissance. "Crossing the River Reconnaissance" is the strategic reconnaissance of the advance crossing of the river, and "Surprise Attack" and "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment" are veritable special operations.

What is the difference between a scout, a reconnaissance company, and an ordinary soldier or company, and why are they scouts?

For a long time in the history of the people's army, there was no concept of special forces. Although there was a name for special forces in the 1940s, special forces at that time referred to the technical arms of the army other than infantry, including artillery, armored troops, and engineers, which were all called special forces. During the War of Liberation, both the Northeast Field Army and the East China Field Army had special forces columns, both of which were composed of artillery and armored troops.

Therefore, scouts have undertaken most of the combat missions of modern special forces, from the War of Liberation, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the Southern Xinjiang Operations in the 1980s. It was not until after the 21 st century that the People's Liberation Army formally established special forces units, and set up special operations brigades, special operations brigades, and other special forces units in the establishment of major military regions and group armies.

That is, before the 21st century, the scouts of the PLA were actually special forces.

Lao Zhou's "Ice and Blood War" Volunteer Army series of audio programs, including major battles such as Changjin Lake, Shangganling, and Tupingli, have been launched in the Himalayas, and interested friends can click on the QR code, and members can listen to it for free

It is not surprising that special forces are favored by the entertainment industry. Special forces, as it sounds, are mysterious and exciting, and the missions of special forces are to go deep behind enemy lines, full of thrilling twists and turns, and all of them are extraordinary elites. Therefore, whether it is at home or abroad, special forces are naturally the most preferred subject in the entertainment industry. For example, the early Sylvester Stallone's "First Blood", Swarzenegger's "Predator", and later "Navy SEALs", "The Ultimate List" and so on are all special forces themes. In the past ten years, there have also been many film and television dramas with special forces themes in China, such as "I Am Special Forces", "Wolf Warrior", and "Red Sea Operation".

What is the difference between a scout, a reconnaissance company, and an ordinary soldier or company, and why are they scouts?

Therefore, these scout-themed film and television dramas are actually special forces-themed films, but they have changed their names.

In the case of "Reconnaissance Heroes", the reconnaissance company, especially the sharp knife squad - 1 platoon and 1 squad, is the most important blade of Liang Chen (played by Luo Jin), the head of the reconnaissance section of the male protagonist division in the play, and he often takes a reconnaissance squad to go deep behind enemy lines to perform various tasks. The soldiers of the reconnaissance squad not only have excellent individual military qualities, but also each of them has unique skills, some are good at tracking and tracking, some are proficient in blasting and demining, some are excellent in martial arts, are masters of grappling and fighting, and are responsible for fire suppression, as well as know the enemy's language, and are familiar with the enemy's various situations...... It's a perfect combination of a special operations squad.

Compared with ordinary infantry companies, reconnaissance companies are much more demanding than ordinary infantry companies because they need to undertake battlefield reconnaissance and special operations. Therefore, reconnaissance companies, like artillery units and engineering units, are usually directly subordinate to armies and divisions, and are directly controlled by the head of the corps and divisions, and the specific command is usually the responsibility of the reconnaissance section chief. As the division commander said in "Reconnaissance Hero", the reconnaissance company is his baby bump, whether it is staffing or weapons and equipment, it is the highest priority. The reconnaissance company will not be used as an ordinary infantry company unless it is absolutely necessary.

Like the final battle of Condor Ridge in "Reconnaissance Heroes", the division commander was reluctant to let the reconnaissance company seize Condor Ridge, and in the end, Liang Chen took the initiative to lead the reconnaissance company to seize Condor Ridge, and did not hesitate to sacrifice reconnaissance overnight to win the entire battle.

What is the difference between a scout, a reconnaissance company, and an ordinary soldier or company, and why are they scouts?

For example, the company commander of the reconnaissance company, Meng Zhaoxian (played by Zhu Jiazhen) and the instructor Shu Ming (played by Shang Bai), are both staff officers of the reconnaissance section, which is the deputy battalion position, but at the same time concurrently serves as the company commander and instructor of the reconnaissance company. And the squad leaders of the reconnaissance squad Li Wanfu (Han Pengyi) and Qi Lu (played by Huang Chengcheng) are more than enough to be a platoon commander if they go to an ordinary company.

In reality, if the grassroots cadres of the front-line troops suffer heavy casualties and it is necessary to transfer cadres from the units directly under them to enrich the front-line, the company and platoon cadres of the reconnaissance company will be promoted by one level, for example, the platoon commander will be the deputy company commander, and the deputy platoon commander will be the platoon commander.

It can be seen from this that the reconnaissance company is indeed different from an ordinary infantry company and is a truly elite company.

After figuring these out, you can understand why war dramas like to use the scout theme so much.

(The picture in this article comes from the Internet)

Lao Zhou, whose real name is Zhou Ming, once used the screen name Guangting, has been engaged in the study of military war history for a long time, and has served as a guest on military columns on Phoenix Satellite TV and Shanghai TV many times. He has published more than 20 military books, which can be consulted and purchased on the micro-store "Zhibingtang Bookstore" and a treasure online store "Zhibingtang Bookstore". Now there is a personal column "Lao Zhou Military" on Himalaya, which produces military audio programs. The "Old Zhou New Observation" video account has been set up on major video platforms to interpret military hot spots, please support.