
When I was looking for a job, I found that the gap between the college entrance examination and the graduate school entrance examination had already been opened in secret!

author:Dignified and elegant lark mLr

#头条首发大赛#人生如一场长途跋涉, sometimes we are in a hurry and forget to enjoy the scenery along the way. It wasn't until a certain point that we stopped and looked back, and found that those footprints had quietly changed our destiny in the long river of time. The college entrance examination and the postgraduate entrance examination are two important nodes, they are like two doors, leading to the door of 985 colleges and universities, but there are different scenery and stories hidden behind them.

When I was looking for a job, I found that the gap between the college entrance examination and the graduate school entrance examination had already been opened in secret!

The college entrance examination, that is the first big test of youth. Everyone who has gone through the college entrance examination knows the hardships and difficulties involved. Countless nights of night study, countless mock exams, just for the ideal university in my heart. And when the results of the college entrance examination are announced, some people are happy and some are worried. Those students who have successfully stepped into the door of 985 colleges and universities seem to have stood at the pinnacle of life, they enjoy high-quality educational resources, meet like-minded partners, and have a broader space for future development.

However, the road to graduate school is a different story. Compared with the college entrance examination, the postgraduate entrance examination tests a person's perseverance and determination. It is not only a contest of knowledge, but also a contest of mentality and perseverance. Those who are admitted to graduate school often have already experienced the baptism of university, they are more clear about their goals and directions, and they also cherish this hard-won opportunity more. They study day and night, just for that graduate dream in their hearts.

When I was looking for a job, I found that the gap between the college entrance examination and the graduate school entrance examination had already been opened in secret!

When these two groups of people finally stand in front of the door of 985 University, they may have a brief intersection, but if you look closely, you will find that the gap between them has already been secretly widened.

First of all, there is the gap in mentality. Students who enter 985 in the college entrance examination often carry a sense of superiority and self-confidence, because they know that they are the best who have been rigorously selected. The students who entered the 985 graduate school entrance examination are more humble and pragmatic, they are well aware of their own shortcomings, cherish this opportunity more, and study harder.

Second, there is the disparity in resources. Students who enter 985 in the college entrance examination enjoy high-quality educational resources in the four years of college, meet outstanding classmates from all over the world, and their horizons are broadened and their thinking is more active. As for the students who enter the 985 graduate school entrance examination, they need to work harder to make up for these gaps, and they need to expand their contacts and resources through various ways in order to be more comfortable in the future workplace.

Finally, there is the capability gap. Although both entered 985 universities, their abilities differed. Students who enter the college entrance examination often have stronger test-taking ability and basic knowledge reserves, while students who enter the graduate school entrance examination pay more attention to practical ability and innovative thinking. This ability gap is even more pronounced when looking for a job. Companies tend to prefer people with hands-on experience and the ability to innovate, rather than "nerds" who can only take exams.

When I was looking for a job, I found that the gap between the college entrance examination and the graduate school entrance examination had already been opened in secret!

Standing at the crossroads of life, we can't help asking: which is more important, the college entrance examination or the graduate school entrance examination? Actually, there is no one set answer. Because everyone's situation and experience are different, the choices are different. But no matter which path we choose, we need to maintain a humble and pragmatic mindset and strive to pursue our dreams and goals. Only in this way can we go further and more steadily on the road of life.

Finally, I would like to say: whether you are a student who enters 985 in the college entrance examination or a student who enters 985 in the graduate school entrance examination, you must not forget your original intention and dream. On the road ahead, let us work together and move forward together!

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