
An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

author:The breeze in Xingtai is coming

Accidentally got a copy of the income and expenditure documents of the fourth production team of the Wuchuan Brigade in 1971, from this dusty document, we saw the income and expenditure of the production team at that time, and unveiled the mystery of the income and expenditure as a collective.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

The account books from 50 years ago are well preserved

It was an era of turmoil, but every production team had to produce, and the food, drink, and spending of the entire production team were concentrated on production and sales, and the more income and the smaller the population, the richer the production team became.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

When Mu collectively went to work

The fourth team was a relatively wealthy production team at that time, with a large area of watered land, and compared with our fifth team, the population was small, but its standard of living was maintained at a subsistence level.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

Bills for selling reeds

This is part of the bill for 1971, and the income of the four teams at that time was mainly as follows: Reeds. At that time, the ecological environment was better, in the ditch in the west of the village and the east of the village, it was the reed production area, in spring, the reed buds were like spring bamboo shoots, the growth was vigorous, in summer, the green and lush, at a glance, the clear stream was murmuring between the reeds, and all kinds of birds on the reeds were chirping non-stop, a prosperous scene.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

Lush reed fields

The reeds are collectively owned, and each production team has its own reed field. At that time, the role of reeds was very huge, and the dumpling leaves of the Dragon Boat Festival not only met the needs of the villagers, but also exported to Gaoyi Yuanshi and other places.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

High-quality dumpling leaves

Reeds can also be used to weave mats, those days are all soil pits, who have to have reed mats on the kang, so that they appear neat, which also creates the industry of mats, every agricultural season, there are other places to weave mat masters and other village mats, children have not seen the world, every day around to see the mat.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

Weaving reed mats

Another use of reeds is to make reed foil, also known as "beating reed foil". "Beating reed foil" is a complicated process that requires both skill and patience. It is mainly divided into several procedures: throwing reeds, peeling, brushing reeds, stopping warps, and foiling.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

Beat the reed foil

The reed foil made is both a practical object and an ornament. It can be used in the shape of a hoard to hold things, and can also be used for house construction, as a curtain for shading and a curtain for the door of the room, etc. There are many varieties and specifications of reed foil, which are divided into billet foil, ash foil, sub foil, etc. according to the application. Our rural areas in Hebei are mostly used to build houses, and then put on the reed foil after the beam purlin rafters, the reed foil is corrosion-resistant, and the roof can not fall off the soil for decades, and every household uses it, so the reed is an important economic source for the production team at that time.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

Reed harvesting

Harvesting reeds is after autumn, we call it "killing reeds" there, all of them are participated by strong laborers, and meals are delivered at noon, which are good meals that can not be eaten at ordinary times, which shows the labor intensity of cutting reeds.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

Harvest the reeds

After harvesting, it can be sold after simple processing. Judging from the February bills, a total of 5 income documents are the income from selling reeds, most of which are sold to individuals, and the people sold to Ji Qiaosheng, Li Zhangxi, Ji Gangxiao, Ji Tianzeng, etc., vary from how much they sell, the price is sold in catties, mostly 9 cents a catty, and a total of more than 50 yuan of reed income this month, which can be said to be a huge amount of money at that time.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

Reed income receipt

In addition, the income of the production team was from the sale of trees, and there was a receipt dated August 30, 1971, which was for the sale of a catalpa tree to Ji Jianfa, and the payment was 40 yuan.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

Voucher for sale to C&D Catalpa tree

There are also other items sold, on the bill on July 3, Nandafeng Village bought four teams of 440 pounds of yam vines, a total of 8.8 yuan, this is a public-to-public transaction, stamped with an official seal, the purpose of buying yam vines to feed livestock.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

A voucher for selling yam vines to Nandafeng Village

The expenditure of the production team is mostly for the purchase of daily necessities of the production team, such as the pen for bookkeeping, production tools such as steel picks, etc., and the other is the meal expenses for the members to go out, such as buying horses for the production team, pulling stones, etc., all 2-5 jiao of the meal expenses, mostly white strips, irregular, and now it seems that some are quite interesting.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

A voucher for buying a pickaxe at Yangzhuang Supply and Marketing Cooperative

This meal bill is opened by Zenghai's father Zhang Erhong, at first I don't understand what it means, after careful thinking it should be such a story: Erhong they went to Lincheng Hao Village on February 19, 1971 to buy a barley foal, the word "barley" can not be written, written as "旯", do not read ke, read lα, may be reported when the account, the accountant is afraid of misunderstanding, wrote the word "Ke" next to it, although it is not right, but it reminded me that what I bought should be "barley horse", that is, a mare that can give birth, the following "Ma Jun" It's also incomprehensible at first, but if you think about it carefully, it should be "foal", and the word "foal" can't be written, so it can only be written as "Ma Jun", so this meal bill is clear, that is, Zhang Erhong went to Hao Village to buy a mare foal, and paid to the four corners of the meal fee.

An old account unveils the mystery of the production team's income and expenditure that year

Comrade Zhang Erhong bought a foal to report the meal bill

In short, although the era was poor but a spiritually rich era, although there was no great wealth, but life was comfortable and content, there was no environmental damage, no corruption and corruption, an old account let us relive the vigorous life of the year, that era is worth remembering forever!