
Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

author:Drizzle on the clouds
Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

Text: Brown sugar

Sources: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is detailed at the end of the article


When it comes to Sa Beining's relationship, everyone is familiar with the much-watched patting between him and Zhang Ziyi, that is, his current wife Li Bai, the two got married in 2016, and now they have been better for several years.

But in fact, in addition to these two women, Sa Beining also mentioned on the show that when he was only 14 years old, he had fallen in love with a woman in the TV series, and told his parents that he wanted to marry her home when he grew up.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

Such an idea has been retained for many years in the process of Sa Beining's growth, so much so that on the show many years later, Sa Beining still remembers it when he shared it with everyone, as if it happened not long ago.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

And this female star who captured the heart of Sa Beining in her childhood is Jin Ming, the actor of "Little Wanjun" in Qiong Yao's drama "Wanjun", and now this child star is 43 years old, how is she now?

"Little Wanjun" is full of aura and popularity

Jin Ming is a native of Beijing, born in a very ordinary small family in Beijing, her parents are ordinary people, the family conditions are also very ordinary, and the family of three lives an ordinary life.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

Xiao Jinming has been smart and clever since she was a child, and her appearance is also very cute, people who see her can't help but praise her for being well-behaved, and her parents also regard her as the pearl of their palms, and spend all their efforts on her, carefully educating and cultivating.

In such a happy family, Xiao Jinming should have grown up carefree and become an ordinary adult like other children, but by chance, her cuteness was noticed by more audiences.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

This opportunity also starts with Aunt Qiong Yao starting to prepare for the filming of the drama "Wanjun", Wanjun is the heroine in the play, and the selection of actors is very important, but if there is any unsatisfactory, it may affect the broadcast effect of the whole drama.

Under the careful selection of the entire crew, the actors corresponding to each role were finally arranged, but there was only one role left, and they couldn't find a suitable candidate - that is, the heroine Wanjun's childhood.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

And Aunt Qiong Yao saw Xiao Jinming's photo for the first time, and she had already decided that this role must be played by her, although she was young, she already had a smart beauty, and there was grace between her eyebrows and eyes, she was simply the best candidate.

But Xiao Jinming's mother has some concerns in her heart, after all, filming will definitely take up a lot of time, and her daughter's course will definitely fall behind, which makes her very worried, so she resisted at the beginning and did not accept the invitation.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

But Aunt Qiong Yao insisted that only Xiao Jinming could support the role of "Xiao Wanjun", and after thinking twice, Xiao Jinming's mother finally agreed to let her daughter participate in the filming, but she needed to be equipped with a teacher in the crew so as not to be left behind in her studies.

In this way, Xiao Jinming joined the group as a young actor, and during the filming, she didn't look like an eight-year-old child at all, both obedient and cooperative, and highly perceptive, and the whole crew liked this smart and clever little girl very much.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

Soon, the drama "Wanjun" was successfully broadcast, and as soon as the character of "Little Wanjun" appeared, it firmly grabbed the eyes of the audience, laughing and heartbreaking, and capturing the hearts of countless audiences.

After the broadcast of this drama, Xiao Jinming's popularity skyrocketed and became the hottest child star at that time, and Aunt Qiong Yao, as the screenwriter, was also very satisfied with this cooperation, and after that, she invited Xiao Jinming to play her own play more than once.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

In this way, Xiao Jinming began a busy life of filming in the crew while taking advantage of his free time to learn cultural knowledge in his spare time after filming, and he grasped both learning and filming, which can be said to be very powerful.

Give up practicing art and concentrate on entering a prestigious school

After becoming famous, it can be said that she has received a lot of attention during Jin Ming's entire growth process, and in everyone's cognition, this little girl will definitely be admitted to an art college when she grows up, and she will be a professional actor after graduation.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

However, Jin Ming herself didn't think so, after she went to high school, she spent more time in cultural classes, seeing that the day of the college entrance examination was getting closer and closer, Jin Ming decided that she should review carefully and prepare for Peking University.

You must know that a prestigious school like Peking University, even if you study hard in the cold window, you may not be able to get in, not to mention that Jin Ming already has a national degree and a certain popularity base, and choosing to pursue art may make her career easier in the future.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

Jin Ming's parents also wanted her to think about it carefully, after all, choosing a major in the college entrance examination is a major event in life, but Jin Ming has already made up her mind and is determined to be admitted to Peking University.

What everyone didn't expect was that after a hard sprint in the preparation stage, Jin Ming really succeeded in being admitted to Peking University, which shows that she is not only a good material for acting, but also a good material for studying, and this achievement can be said to be the envy of everyone.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

In this way, Jin Ming successfully became a student of Peking University, studying in the School of International Relations, during the school, she put down the halo of "child star", lived a campus life like other ordinary students, and focused on studying.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

At that time, while many viewers regretted that they would not be able to see her act in the future, they also admired the temptation of the entertainment industry that she could resist at a young age, and said that she would give up her determination and courage.

After graduating from a prestigious school, I want to return to the entertainment industry

When Jin Ming studied at Peking University, most people thought that she would choose a job related to her major after graduation, after all, she had voluntarily quit the entertainment industry, and she should not like the life of the entertainment industry.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

However, Jin Ming's ideas from childhood to adulthood were very out-of-the-box, and the decisions she made were the same, which completely surprised the people around her and the bystanders, and this situation was repeated in her career selection period after graduating from college.

After graduating from Peking University's School of International Studies, Jin Ming did not choose to pursue a career in politics related to her undergraduate major, and when many people thought that she might become a diplomatic talent in the future, she gave up herself.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

Jin Ming's job is to serve as the host of the art troupe, and sometimes he will participate in singing activities organized by some units - that is, after Jin Ming went around in a big circle, he came back and began to engage in literature and art again.

As soon as this news came out, many people who were still paying attention to her were immediately dumbfounded, and everyone couldn't figure out what Jin Ming wanted for a while.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

I don't know if it's because there are too many things arranged by adults since she was a child, Jin Ming has become less willing to listen to the advice of the outside world when she grows up, and many times the attention of others is not only a halo for her, but also a shackle.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

Many viewers describe her as "she has changed", not only her appearance and makeup have changed, but also the feeling she gives has changed, which makes the audience who know her through "Xiao Wanjun" feel very uncomfortable.

Attention has declined, and I am still single

Returning to the showbiz is not as simple as Jin Ming imagined, she has been out of the public eye for too long, during this period, countless excellent works have been released, countless dazzling actors have emerged, and many people have forgotten her.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

In the entertainment industry with beautiful women, although Jin Ming is still a little beauty when he grows up, he has long lost the irreplaceable agility of the past, and he is no longer the most outstanding one in the star pile.

In addition, Aunt Qiong Yao, who was very optimistic about her back then, gradually reduced the output of novels, film and television, and could not provide her with any new resources, her comeback road was not smooth, and there were not many scripts and crews that she could contact.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

This also led to her not producing too many new plays, or doing more hosting work, she has been "mushy" in recent years, and she has long lost the attention that she was a household name back then, I don't know if this result is what she wants.

Now Jin Ming only occasionally goes to filming, and at other times, she manages her life quite well, and she seems to be in good shape, and sometimes she will start a live broadcast to share some of the things she has been doing recently with the audience and friends who care about her.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

Today, Jin Ming is 43 years old, but she is not married, and she has no plans to start a family at present, maybe she thinks that a low-quality marriage is not as good as a high-quality living alone, or maybe she has not met the right person yet.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

No matter what, what outsiders see is nothing, only life is his own, as long as Jin Ming himself is satisfied with his current life, then he doesn't have to care about what others think.


I don't know if Jin Ming is satisfied with her current situation and whether she has realized her childhood dream, but according to the state she showed on social platforms, the quality of life she currently has is still very good.

Sa Beining's "Xiao Wanjun", who has been in love for 20 years, is still single, and now she proves that Andy Lau is not wrong

Just like Andy Lau's song "Stupid Child", "God loves stupid children", Jin Ming has become a child star from an ordinary family along the way, a student of a famous school, and has a worry-free life like now, which is a blessing for ordinary people.

It would be nice if I could be more cautious when I made my choice, maybe I would have achieved more in my career than I have now, maybe I would become a well-known actor, or an excellent diplomatic talent.

It's a pity that there is no turning back when the bow is opened, and there is no way to start over the past time, Jin Ming is like an ordinary ordinary person now, and it may also be the best arrangement of fate.


Sina Education: Xiao Wanjun Jin Ming: Why did I give up the art examination to study at Peking University?

Xiaoxiang Morning News: became the most popular child star with "Xiao Wanjun", and the recent photos of 42-year-old Jin Ming were exposed

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