
Zhang Xinyu took a photo with Sa Beining! The two cooked hot dishes together, and the woman's waist was only half as thick as the teacher

author:Breeze Entertainment
Zhang Xinyu took a photo with Sa Beining! The two cooked hot dishes together, and the woman's waist was only half as thick as the teacher

On June 30, Zhang Xinyu posted a group photo with Sa Beining on social platforms, which instantly detonated the Internet. In the photo, Zhang Xinyu's slender waist became the focus of heated discussions among netizens, and directly topped the hot search list.

Zhang Xinyu and Sa Beining recorded a food program in the same frame, and as soon as the news was exposed, it immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet. In the photo, Sa Beining is smiling, holding a spoon, looking very happy, as if the whole kitchen is infected by his good mood. In stark contrast to him is Zhang Xinyu, who stands attentively on the sidelines, as if helping with the ingredients, showing a goddess-like confidence and atmosphere.

Netizens have expressed their curiosity and expectation for this cooperation. Someone joked: "Teacher Sa is in the kitchen, can he be as chic as he is on the stage?" Looking at the spoon in his hand, it looks like it's about to stir up a dance! This humorous comment immediately sparked a burst of laughter, and many fans agreed with the post: "Mr. Sa's smile is really healing, and I feel better at first glance!" Zhang Xinyu's fans also left messages expressing their expectations: "The goddess's performance in the show will definitely be amazing!" Looking forward to seeing more tidbits and interesting interactions. ”

Some netizens paid attention to the contrast between the two with similar heights but very different auras. "Although Mr. Sa doesn't have an advantage in height, his calm and unhurried temperament is really charming!" A netizen commented. In this regard, another fan also added: "Zhang Xinyu stood aside, but she was not suppressed by Teacher Sa's aura at all, and the demeanor of the goddess is still the same!" These real fan discussions not only add to the fun, but also show the special status of Zhang Xinyu and Sa Beining in the hearts of fans.

Zhang Xinyu took a photo with Sa Beining! The two cooked hot dishes together, and the woman's waist was only half as thick as the teacher

This cooperation not only shows the tacit understanding between Zhang Xinyu and Sa Beining in cooking, but also perfectly combines the charm of the two stars. Their interaction and smiles not only make the audience feel the warmth of life, but also bring a pleasant audio-visual enjoyment. Zhang Xinyu's fans expect her to show more charm in "Three Meals and Four Seasons", while Sa Beining's fans are full of expectations and curiosity about his performance in the kitchen.

Overall, the cooperation between Zhang Xinyu and Sa Beining is not only a wonderful appearance of the food program, but also a vivid demonstration of the charm of the two stars. Their confidence, humor and interaction made the audience feel not only the charm of the show, but also the unique personality charm of the two stars. This relaxed and cheerful atmosphere will undoubtedly become a long-term topic of conversation among fans.

Zhang Xinyu's dress that day was eye-catching. She chose a white shirt with light blue jeans for a simple and smart look without losing her sense of style. Her makeup is delicate and decent, and there is a sense of confidence and elegance between her eyebrows and eyes. The most eye-catching thing is her slender waistline. Against the backdrop of the belt, Zhang Xinyu's waist is particularly slender, almost half as thick as Sa Beining, this contrast makes people have to sigh at her good figure.

Zhang Xinyu took a photo with Sa Beining! The two cooked hot dishes together, and the woman's waist was only half as thick as the teacher

Netizens were full of praise for her dress. A netizen commented: "Zhang Xinyu's dress is really amazing, concise and exquisite, especially the small waist, I am envious." Another netizen chimed in: "Her waist is too thin, it's like a character in a comic, I really want to know how she keeps it." Everyone speculated about the secret of her staying in shape, and some people ridiculed: "Sa Beining has become a green leaf standing next to her, which really makes Zhang Xinyu more beautiful." ”

Some fans even discussed her fashion taste: "She really knows how to dress, a white shirt and jeans look simple, but they are very temperamental when paired together. Regarding Zhang Xinyu's appearance, the discussion among netizens has not diminished.

Zhang Xinyu's body proportions are perfect, not only with bright facial features, but also with a side face that is quite outstanding, a proper beauty. Moreover, she is not only outstanding in appearance, but also has a very positive personality and is sunny and optimistic. This positive image makes her more attractive in the hearts of fans.

In the photos released, Zhang Xinyu's interaction with Sa Beining is very natural, showing a side of life, making netizens feel full of fireworks. Everyone expressed their expectation that the two would perform more wonderful performances in the show "Three Meals and Four Seasons".

Zhang Xinyu took a photo with Sa Beining! The two cooked hot dishes together, and the woman's waist was only half as thick as the teacher

Netizens expressed envy for Zhang Xinyu's beauty and figure. Her fair skin and slender legs make it impossible to take your eyes off it. Many people left messages praising Zhang Xinyu's perfect figure and expressed their expectation that she would bring more wonderful works in the future.

Zhang Xinyu has not only attracted wide attention because of her high popularity, but also her accurate grasp of character creation and increasingly mature outstanding performance, making her an indispensable heroine in costume fantasy dramas. She can not only perfectly interpret the beauty and dignity in ancient costumes, but also show fashion vitality in modern costumes, and easily control the transformation of roles between ancient and modern.

Zhang Xinyu's costume style is always amazing. Li Mu, who she played in "Swagger", traveled through time and space, showing the softness and perseverance of women in a dignified and gorgeous ancient style. This change in temperament is not only impressive, but also won the love and praise of many audiences. "Zhang Xinyu's temperament is really suitable for costume dramas, she is not only beautiful, but also can interpret the character's inner drama to the fullest." A fan commented on social platforms.

Zhang Xinyu took a photo with Sa Beining! The two cooked hot dishes together, and the woman's waist was only half as thick as the teacher

In modern dramas, Zhang Xinyu can also show a vibrant sense of fashion. Her performance in "The Legend of Ruyi" is not only impressive, but also successfully integrates modern elements into the role, becoming a beautiful scenery in the play. "Seeing Zhang Xinyu's appearance in modern dress, it is really amazing! She not only has the dignity of costume dramas, but also the fashion atmosphere of modern women. A netizen left a message in the comment area.

Zhang Xinyu's fans are full of praise for her professionalism in character building. "Zhang Xinyu's every role is convincing, her grasp of the role is very accurate, and every performance is amazing." This point of view reflects her dedication and hard work in her acting career, and it also makes people look forward to her performance in the future.

Overall, Zhang Xinyu not only attracted attention because of her appearance and popularity, but also won respect because of her persistence and hard work on the road of acting. Her outstanding performance in ancient costumes and modern dramas has made her the best choice for many crews, and has also made the audience full of expectations and trust for her performance.

In general, this photo of Zhang Xinyu and Sa Beining not only shows her beauty and good figure, but also makes people see her positive attitude towards life. With such Zhang Xinyu, it is no wonder that she will become the goddess in everyone's hearts.

Zhang Xinyu took a photo with Sa Beining! The two cooked hot dishes together, and the woman's waist was only half as thick as the teacher

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