
The director's mailbox丨Enthusiastic people "picked up" the lost cute baby on the street, and the Nancheng police relayed to help him find his parents

author:Ping An Dongguan

Recently, the Nancheng Public Security Bureau received a letter from the director's mailbox, what is the matter mentioned in the letter?

Urgent! Receive a report that the child is missing

Recently, the Shenghe Police Station of the Nancheng Public Security Bureau received a report from the masses that they saw a boy alone near a supper stall and was suspected of being lost, so they called the police for help.

After receiving the report, police officers quickly rushed to the scene.

The director's mailbox丨Enthusiastic people "picked up" the lost cute baby on the street, and the Nancheng police relayed to help him find his parents

Upon arrival, police officers spotted the boy wandering alone, unaccompanied by an adult.

Immediately, the police officer stepped forward and took him to a safe area on the road. In order to dispel the child's fear, the police officer patiently communicated with him. Despite repeated questioning, the boy appeared a little timid, and because of his young age, he was unable to provide the police with effective information about his parents. Considering the cold weather, the police took the little boy back to the police station first.

A family member called the police to report the child to the police

After taking the boy back to the police station, the police officers carefully cared for and calmed the boy's emotions, and reported to the command center to request assistance in keeping an eye on whether the child had gone missing, and at the same time notified the nearby patrol members to visit.

At this time, the Shenghe Police Station received a call from a woman, saying that her child was missing and asked for assistance in finding it.

Hey, the boy has found his family

In the evening of the same day, the police station received a police report from the command center of the substation. A woman reported to the police that her son had gone missing in a nightclub and hoped that the police could help them find his son.

The director's mailbox丨Enthusiastic people "picked up" the lost cute baby on the street, and the Nancheng police relayed to help him find his parents

After receiving the report, the police carefully read the police information and found that the characteristics of the lost child described in the case were basically the same as the characteristics of the lost child they brought back. As a result, the police immediately contacted the informant and asked him to rush to the police station for confirmation.

It was confirmed that the missing child was the son of the informant.

The director's mailbox丨Enthusiastic people "picked up" the lost cute baby on the street, and the Nancheng police relayed to help him find his parents

It turned out that the lady was busy with work and was negligent for a while, which caused the child to go missing.

The director's mailbox丨Enthusiastic people "picked up" the lost cute baby on the street, and the Nancheng police relayed to help him find his parents

After confirming the information, the officers handed the boy back into the hands of the woman. The lady kept expressing her gratitude. The police asked the informant to take the child home, and told "don't let the child go out alone in the future"!

The director's mailbox丨Enthusiastic people "picked up" the lost cute baby on the street, and the Nancheng police relayed to help him find his parents

In order to express her gratitude to the staff of the police station, when she was happy, she went home and turned on the computer and left a message in the director's mailbox.

The director's mailbox丨Enthusiastic people "picked up" the lost cute baby on the street, and the Nancheng police relayed to help him find his parents

Dongguan Public Security reminds you

Do not let young children out of their sight, teach them to recite information about family members, and for children with limited expression skills, place small cards with basic information in their pockets so that the police or well-wishers can help. If you find that your child is accidentally lost, you can call "110" to call the police as soon as possible.