
Yang Zi's new drama was finalized, Xiao Yao's card was thrown into the trash can, and the sophistication of internal entertainment was exposed

author:Poetic sesame sauce XRN

Recently, the promotional activities of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" highlighted a vivid display of character cards and realistic emotions, which successfully attracted the attention of many fans. This event not only plays a role in the promotion of the series, but also becomes a test of the actors' emotional depth and adaptability. Zhou Yiran's absence, Bao Shangen's enthusiastic introduction, and Tan Jianci's subtle demeanor all make people feel the intricate interpersonal relationships and deep and introverted emotional world in the entertainment industry.

Zhou Yiran's absence and Bao Shangen's support

Zhou Yiran was unable to attend the scene for some reason, which added some regret to this event. Thankfully, Bao Shangen has made up for this void in a unique way. Holding Zhou Yiran's humanoid card, she smiled, and explained in detail the role she played and the background of her character. Her affectionate and dedicated actions demonstrate support and professionalism for her colleagues.

Yang Zi's new drama was finalized, Xiao Yao's card was thrown into the trash can, and the sophistication of internal entertainment was exposed

Bao Shangen's move undoubtedly enhanced the audience's favorability towards him. His smile and the fullness of his apple muscles show the sincerity and professional enthusiasm of his heart. In the highly competitive entertainment industry, it is invaluable to be able to provide substantial assistance to colleagues at all times.

Tan Jianci's subtle actions and real character

Tan Jianci's performance in this event attracted much attention. His prompt response to questions about the Figure-Shaped Signage and his willingness to take him off the stage fully demonstrate his sense of responsibility and respect for his colleagues. Although he had no time to continue this action due to the promotion of other works, his heart-warming move has been warmly praised and praised by the audience.

Yang Zi's new drama was finalized, Xiao Yao's card was thrown into the trash can, and the sophistication of internal entertainment was exposed

Tan Jianci's performance demonstrated his excellent acting skills and excellent morality. It's in the ever-changing entertainment industry that it's especially rare to adhere to these guidelines all the time.

Wang Hongyi and Zhang Wanyi's embarrassing reactions
Yang Zi's new drama was finalized, Xiao Yao's card was thrown into the trash can, and the sophistication of internal entertainment was exposed

Tan Jianci's positive response contrasts sharply with the silence of Wang Hongyi and Zhang Wanyi, which surprises the viewer and makes them feel slightly lost. This avoidance not only spoiled the stage atmosphere, but also affected the public image of the two actors.

This difference clearly accelerated the audience's love for Tan Jianci and questioned the other two. As entertainers, any small move may trigger public comments, so Wang Hongyi and Zhang Wanyi's responses will undoubtedly have a negative effect on their public personalities.

Yang Zi's absence is emotionally connected to the "Sauvignon Blanc" series
Yang Zi's new drama was finalized, Xiao Yao's card was thrown into the trash can, and the sophistication of internal entertainment was exposed

As the soul of the "Sauvignon Blanc" series, Yang Zi's absence has significantly weakened the emotional bond of the event. Looking back on the grand occasion of "Sauvignon Blanc 1", Yang Zi once led the team to "lift" Deng Wei's human-shaped card, showing the deep friendship and mutual support between the teams. However, in the event of "Sauvignon Blanc 2", Yang Zi's absence made the lack of this emotional bond more and more obvious.

Yang Zi's absence has caused everyone to regret and ponder, and her absence has triggered a re-examination of emotional communication and support in family-like groups in the entertainment industry, making everyone more aware of the importance of unity and mutual help between each team member.

Yang Zi's new drama was finalized, Xiao Yao's card was thrown into the trash can, and the sophistication of internal entertainment was exposed
Summarize and think

The promotional activities of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" are only for the promotion of the series, which deeply reveals the sincere emotions and personality charm of the artists. Zhou Yiran's absence, Bao Shangen's firm support, Tan Jianci's conscientious attitude, and the subtle embarrassment of Wang Hongyi and Zhang Wanyi all show the intricate interpersonal relationships and deep emotional entanglements in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, we should pay more attention to the intrinsic quality and professionalism of actors. Tan Jianci's superb acting skills not only stem from his in-depth understanding of his own role, but also inseparable from his respect and love for his colleagues. In the huge entertainment industry, the behavior of each member is related to the overall team image.

Finally, I would like to ask you to think about this question: under the superficial glory of the entertainment industry, what attitude should we take to examine and interpret the inner feelings of actors and their actions? Welcome to leave your opinions in the comment area, like and share this article, and lead more people to participate in the discussion of this topic.

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