
In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

author:Asako Pig


In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

[Editor's note: This article is the original and exclusive first release of Toutiao, please do not plagiarize and reprint]

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

The Lishan Mausoleum, an underground palace with a mysterious atmosphere, has long attracted the attention of the world. In 1996, a Chinese and German research team conducted an MRI of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, and the results of this detection shocked experts from both countries.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

What is the mystery of this imperial tomb that has attracted the attention of these top scientists?

«——【An Emperor through the Ages, destined to be extraordinary·】——»

Some netizens jokingly responded that the reason was that Qin Shi Huang failed to master the world map. Although this is just a joke, it confirms the achievements of Qin Shi Huang as the first emperor of the ages.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

Ying Zheng's extraordinary fate has been doomed since he was born. The road to the first emperor of the ages was full of hardships, and Yingzheng was abandoned by his father Yingyiren before he came into the world. After Win Yiren returned to Qin, Zhao Ji's mother and son were trapped in Handan and fell into a long wait.

During this period, Zhao Ji's mother and son were in deep trouble, unpredictable about their future fate, and faced the threat of assassination by Qin or other countries. As night fell, the wind was cold, and they relied on each other to get through it. In the context of the internal political turmoil in Zhao and the struggle for power from all sides, Zhao Ji's mother and son knew that they were in danger.

The Qin state grew in power and wanted to unify the six kingdoms, and the Zhao state was an obstacle to it. Zhao Ji's mother and son realized that they would meet misfortune once they fell into the hands of the enemy.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

However, the gods of fate favor. The state of Qin secretly sent an envoy to the state of Zhao to convey the king's desire to welcome Zhao Ji's mother and son back to the country. In the face of this sudden turn of events, Zhao Ji's mother and son were grateful.

Zhao Ji's mother and son did not have smooth sailing in the Qin State, because Ying Yiren added a younger brother to Ying Zheng in the Zhao State, which made Ying Zheng's position unstable. Another reason for the instability is that it is rumored that Ying Zheng is not the son and son of Ying Yiren, but Lü Buwei's flesh and blood.

This rumor stems from timelines and observations within the court. Although King Xiang of Qin Zhuang favored Yingzheng, some ministers in the court had begun to question Yingzheng's succession.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

The young Ying Zheng suffered great damage, and these rumors not only had a negative impact on his psyche, but also damaged his relationship with his brother to a certain extent.

Ying Zheng was similar to many young emperors, and the Qin regime at this time was actually controlled by Lü Buwei, and Ying Zheng was only a puppet. Unfortunately, Yingzheng not only has an unreliable father, but also an even more outrageous mother. The mother searched for his so-called father and gave birth to two half-brothers for him. As the king of Qin, how could Ying Zheng tolerate such behavior? Obviously, he could not bear it.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

In 238 B.C., Ying Zheng inherited the unification, and the rebellion of Chang Yu was quelled. Since then, the Qin state has begun a glorious road to unification. Under his leadership, the Six Kingdoms gradually weakened and were eventually unified by the Qin State.

«——【Belief in Immortality·】——»

No matter who you are, you can make mistakes in this life, and so is Yingzheng. This great Qin Shi Huang believed in the art of immortality in his later years.

In his later years, Yingzheng tended to be violent and full of suspicions about the people around him. His deep fear of death has led him to become paranoid about his research on the art of immortality.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

The flattering courtiers, in order to cater to Yingzheng's preferences, devoted themselves to the study of the elixir of life, which in turn exacerbated social contradictions. Some scholars speculate that an overdose of "elixir" may have been one of the reasons for Qin Shi Huang's sudden death.

«——[NMR scanning, unveiling the veil of the millennium]——»

According to historical records, the construction of this magnificent imperial tomb used up to 700,000 laborers. This is a rare indication of the sheer scale of the project. Around the world, the Lishan Imperial Mausoleum is regarded as a royal mausoleum of world-class importance, and its historical and artistic value cannot be ignored.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

In 1996, Chinese and German archaeologists joined forces to form a joint team to carry out a historic exploration of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang. As a precious heritage of Chinese history, the funerary objects in this mausoleum contain rich cultural connotations. In the course of this expedition, the archaeologists felt a great responsibility.

They are well aware that any negligence can lead to irreparable damage, so they must act cautiously. During the excavation, a layer of rammed earth about six or seven centimeters thick gradually appeared in front of everyone.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

As the excavation work progressed, a peculiar phenomenon attracted everyone's attention: this rammed earth layer actually took on the shape of an inverted pyramid with a width at the top and a narrow bottom. The discovery surprised archaeologists and scholars who were present, and they speculated about what was going on.

To unravel the mystery, the archaeological team made detailed measurements of this rammed earth layer. The results show that the base of the building is a square structure with a side length of 500 meters.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

At first, there was speculation that it might have been an altar, but this claim was quickly disproved as the altar was usually built above ground for future generations to commemorate their ancestors, and the building was located beneath the terroir.

This rare sign makes everyone wonder: why did Qin Shi Huang build a dough-shaped mound on top of the mausoleum? Such an architectural design does not seem to make sense. In order to find out the truth, the archaeological team continued to dig deeper, trying to find clues from more evidence.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

As the excavation progressed, the archaeological team discovered a more complex underground palace structure beneath the rammed earth layer. This underground palace is not only large-scale, but also has a rigorous layout, which obviously takes a lot of effort.

However, this underground palace is not a common form of mausoleum in the Qin Dynasty, but more like a giant structure buried underground.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

In order to solve the mystery, experts began to consult various historical documents. After research, they completed a sketch of the restoration of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang. Judging from the drawings, the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang is not what the existing survey shows, but a pyramid building. However, this building was destroyed by Xiang Yu during the Chu and Han Dynasty hegemony, and now only the ruins remain.

«——【Amazing Mercury Skills·】——»

According to the survey footage, in-depth exploration of this mysterious underground palace reveals a magnificent model of the empire, in which the rivers, lakes and seas are presented by the delicate mercury technique. The mountains and lands are made of bronze and gold, as if the entire empire is a microcosm of it.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

Looking up, the sky is full of stars as if they are twinkling, and the everlasting lamp hanging in the center illuminates the entire underground palace. The palace made of golden silk nanmu is magnificent, showing the style of luxury. There are a large number of terracotta warriors and horses in the underground palace of the Qin Emperor's mausoleum.

All kinds of terracotta figurines are brightly colored and the images are lifelike. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor symbolize his elite troops in the other world, demonstrating his ruling power and eternal protection.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

Qin Shi Huang's coffin was placed in the core area of the palace, and the guards guarded their posts and guarded them loyally. The layout of this mausoleum shows both the ambition of Qin Shi Huang during his lifetime and the majesty of his desire to control everything after his death.

This imperial mausoleum of world significance has aroused great curiosity among experts at home and abroad about the internal structure. Through archaeological excavations, historical research, science and technology and other means, they tried to reveal the mystery of the Lishan Imperial Mausoleum.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

A large amount of mercury was found in the underground palace of the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum, which coincides with the historical records. According to the "Historical Book", the underground palace of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang uses mercury as the carrier to create a scene of rivers, lakes and seas, and at the same time is dotted with the brilliance of the real starry sky. Qin Shi Huang's coffin was placed in it, and it was in such an environment that he examined the underground empire he ruled.

Regarding the reason for the large amount of mercury in the underground palace of the Qin Emperor's mausoleum, archaeologists deduce that mercury has a low boiling point and is volatile, forming a protective film inside the mausoleum, which helps to prevent the erosion of cultural relics by the external environment.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

This discovery has given archaeologists a deeper understanding of the role of mercury in the underground palace of the Qin Emperor's mausoleum. They believe that the presence of large amounts of mercury is intended to ensure the long-term preservation of the artifacts inside the mausoleum from the erosion of time.

However, the properties of mercury are not entirely beneficial. Mercury is known to be extremely destructive. If the dungeon is opened without proper treatment, the mercury that was supposed to be protective may change due to external interference.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

Once the direction of mercury flow changes, it may directly erode precious cultural relics and cause irreparable damage to the cultural heritage of the mainland. This is a worrying issue, because the cultural relics in the underground palace of the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum are one of the most important cultural heritage sites on the mainland, and even in the world.

In addition, archaeologists may be at risk of mercury poisoning during excavations. The volatile and destructive nature of mercury makes it possible to have a serious impact on the health of archaeologists when it comes into contact with humans.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

Therefore, in the absence of effective measures to ensure the safety of archaeologists, the large-scale excavation of the underground palace was temporarily suspended for objective reasons.

Nevertheless, we should not abandon the excavation and study of the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum because of the potential danger of mercury. Instead, we should actively look for solutions to ensure that the excavation process protects both the artifacts and the safety of archaeologists.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

This includes professional training of archaeological teams in mercury protection, as well as the use of advanced technology during the excavation process, such as real-time monitoring of mercury concentrations, to ensure the safety and health of archaeologists.


The existence of a large amount of mercury in the underground palace of the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum not only reflects the outstanding achievements of the ancient civilization of the mainland, but also brings us serious challenges. Through scientific research and technological advancement, we are confident that we will overcome these challenges and protect these precious cultural heritages for future generations to share.

In 1996, China and Germany conducted an MRI scan of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and discovered a secret that had never been disclosed

At the same time, we should also realize that the protection of cultural heritage is not only a respect for ancient civilizations, but also a responsibility for human civilization. In the process of excavation and conservation, we must fully consider various factors to ensure that each cultural heritage can be properly protected and passed on.

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