
Which brand of domestic rice cooker is of good quality?

author:A home appliance evaluation madness
{"info":{"title":{"content":"国产电饭煲哪个品牌质量好?盘点5个爆款主流机型","en":"Which brand of domestic rice cooker is of good quality?"},"description":{"content":"电饭煲(又名电饭锅),在它不断智能优化升级,融入现代都市生活后,它不再是单纯的煮饭工具,演化为像是自带图文并茂的食谱,给...","en":"Rice cooker (also known as rice cooker), after it is constantly intelligently optimized and upgraded, and integrated into modern urban life, it is no longer a simple cooking tool, but has evolved into a recipe with pictures and texts, giving ..."}},"items":[]}