
The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

author:17173 Game Network

Hello everyone, this is Warcraft Weekly.

[Warcraft Weekly] is mainly composed of three parts: "Warcraft Events", "Warcraft Competitive Product Dynamics" and "Warcraft Game Update".

Let's take a look at the recent Warcraft news that is not unhappy!

【Warcraft Event】

There is no doubt that NetEase's New Year event will give a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

In order to celebrate the arrival of the Spring Festival, NetEase God has also started activities, allowing players to stick to Warcraft in the New Year, and they will give you 10 years of Warcraft game duration and any server of your choice, which is also very good.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

As for this gift, it is also worth saying,Players can choose their own server for exchange,If it is a national server,It depends on the actual situation,You can also choose to discount,The discount price is 75 yuan for a monthly card、360 yuan for a half-year card,7200 yuan for 10 years of game time,You can receive it within 30-50 working days after the end of the event。

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

This proves 2 points,The first is that the national server monthly card will most likely not increase in price,It still maintains 75 yuan;The second is that according to this award date,The time for the opening of the Warcraft national server will theoretically be between the Spring Festival and mid-May,You can look forward to it more。

Warcraft players played for 59 hours in a row, setting a world record

Recently, Warcraft player Barnabás Vujity-Zsolnay from Hungary broke the marathon world record for playing MMORPG games with a total of 59 hours and 20 minutes of continuous playing World of Warcraft. Previously, the time recorded was 23 hours and 31 minutes, more than double that of Barnabás Vujity-Zsolnay.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

According to the rules, after each hour of playtime, Barnabás Vujity-Zsolnay can take a 5-minute break to eat, go to the toilet or take a nap, but not beyond this point, otherwise the challenge will be considered a failure. So, instead of sleeping with his eyes closed, Barnabás Vujity-Zsolnay drank about 15 litres of water to keep him sane.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

According to Barnabás Vujity-Zsolnay, after 30 hours of play, he said that he began to get bored because he had nothing left to do, and after about 45 hours, he began to hallucinate, and that 59 hours and 20 minutes may be the limit of human beings.

can only say that if you don't die, you won't die, and it is recommended that you don't make similar attempts, after all, the national service will be opened again after it is closed, and if your life is gone, it will really be gone.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

Strange Warcraft players ruined their accounts again, and the 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers

On February 4th, the "World of Warcraft" hardcore server made another shocking case, when a 40-member guild group in the Asian server Terems was opening the nest of Black Wings, the Demon Sect Master deliberately stuck a bug to trigger the dragon egg destruction mechanism of the No. 1 BOSS, resulting in the deletion of all 39 full-level accounts in the group.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

According to the video recorded by the Demon Sect Sect Master himself, he and his accomplices lurked in this guild for a long time and jointly planned this shocking case. He took advantage of the time when the whole group brushed the buff and commanded the personnel to be in charge of the mechanism, and quickly cut out the trumpet hunter to eat the invisibility potion to attack the wild Lazogar of the first boss.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

Afterwards, at the moment when the boss hatred was pulled, the Demon Sect Master used the hunter's fake death to get rid of the hatred, causing a bug in the boss's hatred mechanism, and directly detonating the dragon egg to release the full-screen AOE seckill dungeon to all players.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

Judging from the "crime video" uploaded by the Demon Sect Master, at least 2 people in this guild group are his accomplices, covering him to successfully blend into the 40-person group book, and diverting the topic when directing and assigning tasks, creating enough space for the Demon Sect Sect Master to operate. And the sect master of the Demon Sect also reciprocated the favor, and sent two private messages in a row before fighting the boss, asking others to drink the fossil mixture in advance.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

It's a pity that one of the accomplices didn't react, and the account was also blown up by full-screen AOE, plus the Demon Sect Sect Sect itself used a self-exposed trumpet, so this time a total of 39 accounts were deleted, basically breaking up the main members of this guild group.

So the question is, for the bad behavior of deliberately destroying people's accounts, what does Blizzard care about?

【Warcraft Competitive Product News】

Steam New Product Festival ranked first on the double list, and "Warcraft Eats Chicken" exploded overseas

Dungeonborne, a Dungeonborne-themed "Warcraft Chicken" game with the theme of dungeon exploration, suddenly exploded when the Steam Next Product Festival opened its free trial, topping the Steam Next Product Festival Hot List and the Daily Active Player List of Next Product Festival.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

In terms of gameplay, "Dungeonborne" is similar to the hardcore mode of World of Warcraft, integrating RPG cultivation with the mechanism of escaping from Tarkov, players need to find a way to escape in the dangerous dungeon, and they can also challenge the boss and open treasure chests to obtain more advanced equipment to deal with the next crisis, but every time you die, all the equipment and props on your body will be cleared.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

Among them, the skills of classes such as lichs, warriors, and death knights also have a strong sense of borrowing from "World of Warcraft", so the pressure has come to Blizzard's side, since others can use some Warcraft elements to create a new game with great potential, so what have Blizzard's designers been doing all these years?

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

"Taris" brings the former godfather of Blizzard music to give players a New Year's greeting

On February 8, QQ Warcraft "Taris World" invited Russell Bloomer, the former global music director of Blizzard Entertainment and the creator of many Warcraft classic BGM soundtracks, to greet players in Chinese, which attracted the attention of a large number of players.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

At this node where the Warcraft national server has not yet returned, many players are not quite looking forward to QQ Warcraft being launched as soon as possible to engage in a big wave:

- Compared to Leo Yo Si, this one is too kind to us.

—This is the real original version of the centaur created.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

Light up the world's largest red lantern!

On February 5th, the "Ark of Destiny" national costume made a wave of big news, lighting up the Sphere venue in Las Vegas into the world's largest "red lantern", and the four Chinese characters "Happy Spring Festival" on the lantern also became a stunning scene that day.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

Many well-known bloggers such as Zhou Baobao, a Chinese food and life blogger, and a bubble, were also invited to participate in the event, wearing traditional costumes with foreign friends, and experiencing traditional Chinese folk activities such as dragon dances, bringing "100 million" Hanfu cultural shocks to overseas friends.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

One thing to say, this wave of work in the national server of "Ark of Destiny" is really good, but it would be better if the official could give more players more game benefits.

【Warcraft Game Update】

The account of the organizer of the G group of the Warcraft Exploration Season has been blocked

Before the start of the Exploration Season, Blizzard had left a message saying that it would increase the control of Group G, and violators would be punished with temporary or permanent bans. At first, many people didn't take this seriously, but after the official posted a list of more than a dozen banned accounts in the community, all of which were permanently banned, everyone panicked after all.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

According to some players who received ban warnings, Blizzard hit it particularly hard this time. Even if you are only a thug temporarily recruited by Group G, you will be severely warned, and if you have another account, you may be banned forever.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

In addition, in the latest developer interview with The Comeback Kids, the designer also released cruel words, asking players to try how to bypass this ban detection mechanism, even if you are good if you are not banned by them.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

Therefore, let's not mix with the G group during this time, just open up the wasteland normally.

The Lunar New Year mount returns for a limited time! Priced at a whopping $49.99

On February 7, Blizzard launched another Spring Festival Mount Pack, which contains the Spring Festival Zodiac Mounts launched in the last 6 years, starting with the Year of the Dog. The price is $49.99, or about 360 yuan, and the mount pack is available until February 19, 2024.

The 39 full-level gods of the hardcore server were forced to delete their numbers, and NetEase sent a ten-year Warcraft monthly card

To be reasonable, these mounts were all given away by purchasing half-year cards before, and normal old players should have them. Blizzard is now taking it out and selling it seriously, it's really a bit of a national server player leek that is cut to play on the foreign server, so let's shop rationally.

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