
Dong Yuhui was flattered, closed during the Spring Festival holiday to let the staff have a good rest, but he didn't expect the customers to be breathless, everyone went to buy the items they needed, put the money on the counter, and followed

author:Liu Yuexi

Dong Yuhui was flattered, closed during the Spring Festival holiday to let the staff have a good rest, but I didn't expect the customers to be breathless, everyone went to buy the items they needed, put the money on the counter, and then reported it again in the comment area, which was so cute.

"I bought something, and the money was put on the table, 119 that, and I left."

"Happy New Year, the store is empty, things are bought, the money is on the cash register, and the store is closed."

I have to say that Dong Yuhui is so favored, he can give himself a vacation during this time when he goes home, and the fans also take care of their business, which is really harmonious, who can not love such a cheerful environment and atmosphere?#我来唠家常# #微头条首发挑战赛#

Dong Yuhui was flattered, closed during the Spring Festival holiday to let the staff have a good rest, but he didn't expect the customers to be breathless, everyone went to buy the items they needed, put the money on the counter, and followed
Dong Yuhui was flattered, closed during the Spring Festival holiday to let the staff have a good rest, but he didn't expect the customers to be breathless, everyone went to buy the items they needed, put the money on the counter, and followed
Dong Yuhui was flattered, closed during the Spring Festival holiday to let the staff have a good rest, but he didn't expect the customers to be breathless, everyone went to buy the items they needed, put the money on the counter, and followed
Dong Yuhui was flattered, closed during the Spring Festival holiday to let the staff have a good rest, but he didn't expect the customers to be breathless, everyone went to buy the items they needed, put the money on the counter, and followed
Dong Yuhui was flattered, closed during the Spring Festival holiday to let the staff have a good rest, but he didn't expect the customers to be breathless, everyone went to buy the items they needed, put the money on the counter, and followed
Dong Yuhui was flattered, closed during the Spring Festival holiday to let the staff have a good rest, but he didn't expect the customers to be breathless, everyone went to buy the items they needed, put the money on the counter, and followed

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