
The 5-year-old son forgot to pay for the snack in his pocket, and the supermarket fined 10 times, and his mother's words were praised

It is said that parents are the child's protective umbrella, the child's big tree, able to shield the child from the wind and rain, and do their best to protect the child.

When a child encounters some unfair treatment, the parent's approach is crucial to the child and may even directly affect the child's life.

The 5-year-old son forgot to pay for the snack in his pocket, and the supermarket fined 10 times, and his mother's words were praised

Every weekend, Xiao Deng will take his son to the supermarket, and this day is no exception.

When my 5-year-old son arrives at the supermarket, he is like a happy bird, especially likes to run around in front of the snack shelf, shouting from time to time to buy this and buy that.

The son took some snacks such as jelly and candy, and Xiao Deng naturally would not agree.

The son also seemed to be very well-behaved, and the mother did not agree, so he put the things in place, not noisy or noisy.

But when the mother turned to look at other items, the son quickly took two lollipops and hid them in his pocket.

Then Xiao Deng took his son to the fruit area to buy some fruits, and also bought a few buckets of milk powder for his son, and walked around for more than half an hour before coming to the cash register.

The 5-year-old son forgot to pay for the snack in his pocket, and the supermarket fined 10 times, and his mother's words were praised

Because there were too many people at the cash register, the mother and son lined up for a long time, and finally returned with large and small shopping bags fully loaded.

However, when they went out, the alarm suddenly sounded, and the staff of the supermarket rushed to their side, saying that the child must have stolen something and did not pay for it, and according to the rules of the supermarket, he had to fine the original price of the goods at 10 times the original price.

Of course, Xiao Deng did not believe that her son would steal, but she did not argue with the staff, but told them with certainty that she believed in her son.

At The suggestion of Xiao Deng, the staff took them to the monitoring room and re-watched the monitoring.

The 5-year-old son forgot to pay for the snack in his pocket, and the supermarket fined 10 times, and his mother's words were praised

In this process, Xiao Deng gently asked his son, did he take something and forget to tell his mother?

The son nodded and took two lollipops out of his pocket.

At this time, the monitoring of the staff was also optimistic, and it was determined that the four-year-old boy was not a theft, but just inadvertently.

And Xiao Deng also took the initiative to take the two lollipops to the cashier, explained the origin of the matter to the staff, and got the understanding of the other party.

Xiao Deng left the supermarket with his son, and there was no shouting during the process, not only for the staff, but also for the children.

The 5-year-old son forgot to pay for the snack in his pocket, and the supermarket fined 10 times, and his mother's words were praised

What should parents do in the face of others' questioning of their children?

1. Protect your child's self-esteem

The child's self-esteem is very important, and parents cannot trample on the child's self-esteem at any time.

No matter what happens, parents should not yell at their children in public or even beat them.

This not only does not solve any problem, but also makes the child feel ashamed and triggers a sense of rebellion.

The 5-year-old son forgot to pay for the snack in his pocket, and the supermarket fined 10 times, and his mother's words were praised

2. Patiently understand the situation

Parents can privately learn from their children about the situation and determine whether the child is at fault in this matter.

It is of course better if the child is not at fault, but even if the child is at fault, parents should understand why the child is doing the wrong thing through communication with the child, rather than indiscriminately accusing the child.

The 5-year-old son forgot to pay for the snack in his pocket, and the supermarket fined 10 times, and his mother's words were praised

How should parents usually educate their children?

1, let the child understand the rules

There is a saying in our country that there is no rule and no square circle, no matter what people do, they must abide by the corresponding rules and regulations, and no one can challenge the bottom line of the rules at will.

Parents must let their children know the importance of following the rules, so as to effectively regulate their children's behavior and avoid their children from doing wrong things.

The 5-year-old son forgot to pay for the snack in his pocket, and the supermarket fined 10 times, and his mother's words were praised

2. Learn to be friends with your children

Parents are always on top of their children, but this is not the right way to get along with their children.

Learn to be your child's friend, so that your child is really willing to be close to yourself, and it is possible to really enter the child's heart.

When parents know their children well enough, they can naturally guide their children correctly and make them better.

The growth of children is inseparable from the teachings of parents, and scolding children is the simplest and most brutal way, but it is also the most hurt method for children.

Choosing to treat children in the right way can make children grow better, otherwise it will be counterproductive and detrimental to children's growth.

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