
Who did the professional anti-counterfeiter fall in love with this time, bought expired eggs 46 times, waited for a blow, and falsely accused the boss once, demanding compensation of 40,000 yuan! (Source: 2024-03-

author:Ancient History Qingyun

Who did the professional anti-counterfeiter fall in love with this time, bought expired eggs 46 times, waited for a blow, and falsely accused the boss once, demanding compensation of 40,000 yuan!

(Information source: 2024-03-08 11:55 Yanliang District People's Procuratorate Compensation of 46,000 yuan for buying 46 expired salted duck eggs, the work report of the Supreme People's Court is concerned about the salted duck egg case Buying 46 expired salted duck eggs for a claim of 46,000 yuan, the work report of the Supreme Court is concerned about the salted duck egg case)

Lao Li runs a medium-sized supermarket, every day from morning to night, no matter how big or small, he does it himself, for him, customer first, Tong Su is not bullied, is the way he has always adhered to the way of doing business.

Every night before closing the store, Lao Li will routinely check the shelves, clean up the goods that are close to the expiration date, especially the fresh area, is the top priority, Lao Li patrols the shelves as usual, his eyes fall on a basket of salted duck eggs, the eye-catching production date on the packaging reminds him that this batch of salted duck eggs will reach the expiration date tomorrow.

Looking at a basket full of salted duck eggs, Lao Li made a difficulty, it was a pity to throw it away, and the price would be reduced tomorrow, and it was estimated that it would not sell much, he thought, let's talk about it tomorrow, maybe it will be sold out tomorrow, Lao Li left this basket of salted duck eggs on the shelf with a fluke mentality.

The next day, Lao Li got up early in the morning and was busy with the things in the store, forgetting all about this basket of "time bombs".

Sun Qiming is a professional anti-counterfeiter, and his daily work is to look for "business opportunities" in major supermarkets and shopping malls, in his words, this is to "eliminate harm for the people".

Sun Qiming was "patrolling" in major supermarkets, and when he walked into Lao Li's supermarket, he was keenly aware that the atmosphere was somewhat unusual. The shelves are neatly arranged, the price tags are clear and eye-catching, and the staff are in good spirits and warmly entertaining every customer.

Just when he was about to "return home", a basket of salted duck eggs in the corner caught his attention, Sun Qiming's eyes lit up, and he walked over quickly, he squatted down, pretending to pick up a salted duck egg inadvertently, but his eyes quickly scanned the production date on the package.

After confirming the expiration date, the corners of Sun Qiming's mouth rose slightly, revealing a subtle smile.

He picked up the salted duck eggs, carefully checked them, and after confirming that there was no problem, he put them back in their original places, he carefully selected 40 expired salted duck eggs from the basket, plus the 4 that he took before, a total of 46, he pushed the shopping cart to the cashier, deliberately took out the 46 salted duck eggs one by one, and asked the cashier to scan the code one by one to check out.

In this way, Sun Qiming settled the accounts a total of 46 times and got 46 receipts, he took these "trophies" and walked straight into the store manager's office.

Lao Li suddenly panicked, he never thought that he would be caught by someone if he was negligent for a while, and he "couldn't wash it by jumping into the Yellow River" this time.

Sun Qiming opened his mouth and quoted an astonishing figure of 46,000 yuan.

Lao Li was startled by Sun Qiming's lion opening, he realized that the other party was a professional counterfeiter, and angrily rejected Sun Qiming's request, and the two sides argued, and Sun Qiming called the city supervision bureau to complain.

The staff of the Municipal Supervision Bureau quickly arrived at the scene, and after understanding the situation, the amount of compensation was mediated, Sun Qiming insisted on claiming 46,000 yuan, and Lao Li believed that Sun Qiming was a malicious claim, and was only willing to compensate 1,012 yuan according to a transaction, and the mediation failed, and Sun Qiming sued Lao Li's supermarket in court with a complaint.

In court, the two sides were at loggerheads, and Sun Qiming presented 46 shopping receipts and the provisions of the Food Safety Law on compensation for expired food, believing that his claim was reasonable and legitimate.

Lao Li's lawyer pointed out that Sun Qiming was a professional anti-counterfeiter, and his behavior was a malicious claim, which did not conform to the principle of good faith, and the supermarket's sale of expired goods was not intentional, but only caused by management negligence, not subjective malice.

After the trial, the court held that the supermarket violated the Food Safety Law by selling expired food, and should bear punitive damages.

However, Sun Qi clearly knew that the salted duck eggs were expired, but also purchased them in installments and settled the bill separately, which did not conform to the reasonable habits of daily consumption and was a pursuit of improper benefits.

The court ordered the supermarket to compensate Sun Qiming 1,012 yuan according to a one-time transaction.

Who did the professional anti-counterfeiter fall in love with this time, bought expired eggs 46 times, waited for a blow, and falsely accused the boss once, demanding compensation of 40,000 yuan! (Source: 2024-03-
Who did the professional anti-counterfeiter fall in love with this time, bought expired eggs 46 times, waited for a blow, and falsely accused the boss once, demanding compensation of 40,000 yuan! (Source: 2024-03-
Who did the professional anti-counterfeiter fall in love with this time, bought expired eggs 46 times, waited for a blow, and falsely accused the boss once, demanding compensation of 40,000 yuan! (Source: 2024-03-

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