
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang

author:Chinese perspective
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang


"Culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the nation, literature and art are the clarion call of the times", the rejuvenation of a nation needs a strong spiritual force, the text carries the Tao, the cultural people, and the excellent works condense the great power of national rejuvenation, and open up a new realm of Chinese literature and art. Looking back on the history of Chinese art, those immortal works are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and moving, in that they express the praise of life and the praise of a better life. In particular, since the founding of the People's Republic of China, calligraphers and painters have adhered to the people-centered creative orientation, gone deep into life, taken root in the people, and created many excellent works loved by the people with abundant passion and vivid brushstrokes. The "Artists Needed by the People" Digital Theme Cloud Exhibition will launch outstanding contemporary literary and artistic workers and advanced models in the literary and artistic circles, these artists loved by the people, with firm lofty ideals, the pursuit of excellence in artistic creation, rooted in the wonderful practice of life, always sing for the people, for the times, shape the beauty of literature and art in art, and show the noble quality of both virtue and art in life, so as to integrate personal aesthetic ideals and artistic pursuits into the great practice of building the Chinese dream, and sing for the times. Expressing nostalgia for the motherland, we strive to create a masterpiece that integrates the people's nature, the times, and innovation, so that the world can appreciate the beauty of Chinese calligraphy and painting.

【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang

Advocating virtue and art, keeping integrity and innovation, and inheriting the style and virtue. As a famous contemporary calligrapher and painter, Chen Huanqiang expounds the creative ideas and spiritual values of literature and art with profound artistic attainments and creative perceptions. His works are not only ancient, but also rich and vigorous, vigorous and beautiful, rooted in the profound traditional culture, inclusive, excavating and expressing the beauty of its rhythm and the beauty of the times, both internal and external, with excellent morality, open mind, showing its breadth and profundity, is a beloved artist.

Chinese painting has a national form of expression, contains philosophical thoughts, pays attention to the perceptual spirit of people, and gathers together the statement of Chinese culture and the manifestation of the national spirit. Chen Huanqiang has a unique view on the inheritance of calligraphy and painting, focusing on the transmission of connotation, character and spirit, and taking calligraphy and painting as the carrier of culture, presenting a rich and romantic poetic environment. His works are full of sincerity, containing the spiritual connotation of traditional Chinese aesthetics, creating a world of tranquility, purity, harmony and inner beauty. Its unique shape, color, and line intertwined visual beauty, overflowing with a kind of yearning and love for life, greatly strengthens the essential characteristics of painting, and this quaint visual impact becomes more colorful. Through his works, it is not difficult for us to understand his value pursuit and philosophical thoughts, focusing on the spiritual realm of freedom, the unity of things and self and the natural blend of brush and ink. In the creation of calligraphy, the lines are simple and smooth, the brushwork is smart and powerful, the charm is rich, the handsomeness is seen in the plain and simple, the ancient method is melted, and the present is the meaning of the present, which gives people a more real feeling, which is a natural expression of true temperament and a manifestation of feelings. Chen Huanqiang adheres to the "people-centered" creative orientation to create, focuses on the sense of the times in artistic language, grasps the theme and value of the times, and uses art to eulogize the great motherland and show the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture. The people need such artists, who hold high the torch of the national spirit, carry forward the national values, use exquisite artistic language, and strive to create around the needs of the times and the people, creating classic works, which have won wide acclaim and made positive contributions to the literary and artistic cause of New China.

【Artist Introduction】

【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang

Chen Huanqiang ~ senior painter, calligrapher, educator and collector. The registered trademark "Painting Chicken Qiang" was born in Shantou in 1951 in a scholarly family. Young joy reads poetry books. He has been committed to the creation and collection of calligraphy and painting for many years, and has been good at innovation.

Main works: especially highlight the "painted chicken" and the zodiac, flowers and birds, calligraphy. Each work is accompanied by an original verse. Highlight the poetic feeling. Achieve: Promote family harmony, husband and wife love, enhance team cohesion, motivate progress, and promote social harmony. The works are deeply rooted in thousands of households. It is used as a motto, a corporate motto, and an inspirational motto that is hung everywhere and given to each other.

It has been exhibited at home and abroad for many years, and has been collected by dignitaries, foundations, national museums, art galleries, Milan Expo, collectors at home and abroad, and presented as national gifts to leaders of various countries.

Selected CCTV middle school student channel and Canadian Chinese channel and other media as educational themes.

Multiple awards:

CCTV Top 10 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Person of the Year.

Gold Award for China's Top Ten Ingenuity Artists.

The 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, outstanding figures and other awards.

It is now:

National first-class artist

Adjunct professor at the Institute of Educational Standardization

Vice President of the Confucius Institute of Painting and Calligraphy in China

Vice President of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association in Guangdong

Vice President of Shantou Collectors Association

【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang

Professor Chen Huanqiang talks about Chinese painting:

1. The so-called first choice of Chinese painting art is beauty, the picture is neat and generous, the composition is beautiful, the lines are smooth, and the ink rhyme is rich, so that people can't help but enjoy it repeatedly.

Second, art must have a soul "theme", preferably with a reasonable poetic feeling, so that all people can understand its meaning at a glance, there are only two things in the world that are worth having forever: 1. A strong body. Second, the knowledge in the head.

Others: Billions of wealth, regardless of the high position, including everything you currently have. It doesn't have to be one's own forever! Look up and move forward! Keep walking on the road of life! Chen Huanqiang's famous words spread a kind of thought.

Third, it is calligraphy and sealing, to have a neat and strong calligraphy in the right position, the seal is clear and upright in the right place, and the finishing touch is the effect. Chen Huanqiang

【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang
【Literature and Art China】The artist that the people need - remember the famous calligrapher and painter Chen Huanqiang

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